Many of those who met in Dona Isabella's upper room were "chief men" and "devout and honourable women.
At earliest dawn next morning, Juan established himself in an upper room of one of the high houses which overlooked the gate of the Triana.
Next Sunday evening the brothers attended the quiet service in Dona Isabella's upper room.
I got an upper room in a house owned by an old lady.
Then it rose and went through the side of a brick house, and finally reposed on the floor of an upper room.
There were many men within easy reach, and I had anupper room in the Town Hall for use as a chapel.
Accordingly on September 6th we all made our way to Barlin, where I was given a billet in an upper room in an estaminet.
The villains, however, had missed the principal object of their attack, for a large sum of money had escaped their search, which was concealed in an upper room.
Schiller Next Sunday evening the brothers attended the quiet service in Dona Isabella's upper room.
The space between could be reached through the floor of an upper room.
I was engaged at the time, in an upper room, in preparing some oil-cloths for painting.
This was called the School of the Prophets; and was kept in an upper room of the house in which Joseph resided.
In the evening I preached in Welsh to about 70 people, in a small "upper room.
And about the sixth hour of the day, when we were seated together in an upper room praying to the Lord, there came in Peter and James and other of the disciples, but now returned from Jerusalem.
A stairway at the southeast corner of the corridor, over the entrance from Abbondanza Street, led to an upper room.
Bidding his brother stay where he was, he went in search of Adela and found her in an upper room.
Brother and sister went together into the parlour, where Mrs. Waltham immediately joined them, having descended from an upper room.
They climbed together to an upper room, where Kate flung her burden on to the floor and began at once to relate with vehemence all that Daniel had told her.
The result was according to my wishes: for I was taken to an upper room, which was used as an infirmary, and there permitted to remain.
Sitting in an upper room, gazing out of the window, over the fields, through which I had walked so happily but two days before to meet the lady whom I had begun to think of as my Marie, I felt the head of a dog laid gently in my lap.
I do them in hours when I am supposed to be painting flower pieces in an upper room.
Who can estimate the amount of good done in that "upper room" at the dawn of the nineteenth century?
And this thought struck my mind almost like an inspiration: Why not extend our plan up high enough for an 'upper room' for meetings?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "upper room" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.