God himselfe, whose commandement is and must be the rule of our life & direction hath forbidden it, Leuit.
And when Saul had neglected the commandement of God, an euill spirit from the Lord troubled him, 1.
Thus he dismaied the heart of Saul (when he had broken the Commandement of God) with dreadfull feare, and enraged his minde with bloudy fury, 1.
But they could not at the first execute the popes commandement herein, by reason that the archbishop of Canturburie, who fauoured the barons cause, would not permit them.
At the same time he gaue commandement vnto Hugh Neuill high iustice of his forrests, that he should award his precepts vnto all forresters within the realme, to giue warning to all the white moonks, that before the quindene of S.
And afterwarde by a Writte vnder the Kings priuie Seale there was a like commandement giuen vnto the Collectors of the custome aforesayde in the portes vnderwritten.
In the morning he received the notice "of un commandement tendant a saisie immobiliere," on the part of his creditor, M.
Well, then, on fait un commandement tendant de saisie immobiliere, viz: The mortgagee gives a notice that the property shall be put up for sale.
Commandement therefore was giuen to the same chapleine, that from thencefoorth he should not leauie anie such paiments; and for further remedie, messengers were made foorth vnto the pope, to declare vnto him the inconuenience thereof.
Benard de la Harpe, nommé aux commandement de la Baye St. Bernard, are to be found in some of our libraries.
For it could not be the commandement of God that could oblige them; because God spake not to them immediately, but by the mediation of Moses Himself; And our Saviour saith of himself, (John 5.
Place Of Adams Eternity If He Had Not Sinned, The Terrestrial Paradise And first we find, that Adam was created in such a condition of life, as had he not broken the commandement of God, he had enjoyed it in the Paradise of Eden Everlastingly.
For the Commandement is, "Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any graven image.
Which doctrine the third Commandement by resemblance pointeth to.
Here was their promise of obedience; and by this it was they obliged themselves to obey whatsoever he should deliver unto them for the Commandement of God.
At length, after they had laine thus to small purpose a long season, they were licenced to depart home, with commandement to be readie to returne againe vpon the first summons.
Moreouer, the king tooke into his hands the temporalties that belonged to the bishop of Norwich, bicause he obeied not the kings commandement when he was sent for at the time when he tooke the seas to passe into Flanders.
The king and the quéene came to Grobie, and thither came by his commandement the iustices of the realme.
The auncient Iewes had an expresse commandementof God, not to bee any thing moued with the miracles of false Prophets, and God in plaine words forbad them, not to séeke counsel of dead bodies.
And the Iewes sprinkled not bloud of their owne good deuotion, as they terme it, but by the commandement of God.
Howbeit that the Saintes after their departure from hence, should pray for vs, that we should in any wise desire their prayers, surely there is no commandement of God, or any example thereof in the holy scriptures.
The sons of the Tartarians do very much obserue and keepe the commandement in obeying their parents, for that they doo wholly accomplish the same without failing any iot of their will, vnder paine to be seuerly and publikelie punished.
But all that breede in them do appertaine vnto the gouernors or iudges of the cities, so that none without their expresse commandement dare fish for them.
And therefore they do build for them houses out of the cities and townes in the suburbes, giuing them straight commandementthere to remaine in the said houses, and not to straggle and go abroad at all.
The maner howe gentlemen are created Louteas, and doe come to that honour and title, is by the gyuynge of a broad gyrdle not like to the rest, and a cap, at the commandement of the kyng.
Then after that all thinges were in order, by the commandement of the Licenciado Gasca, hee deliuered vnto me the kinges letter, and all other thinges.
Then the captaine came vnto her, and told her with great humilitie, that he was going to warres by commandement of the king.
By whose commandement I depart from the court vnto Syuell, where as order was giuen that all such things should be prouided that I should carrie vnto the king.
All the goods of the Italians were by the kings commandement this yeare confiscate to his vse, and so likewise were the goods of the moonks of the Cluniake and Cisterceaux orders.
Then by the kings commandement there departed from the host fiue hundred speares, and two thousand archers, to trie if they might heare of anie Frenchmen gathered togither in anie place neere vnto them.
And bicause Adam Staple the maior was not diligent in furthering that lone, he was by the kings commandement discharged on the 22 daie of March, and Richard Whitington mercer chosen in his place.
But if they came to treat of anie matter, he would that they should send to the king his father: for my lord himselfe would not doo any thing therin, except by commandement from my lord his father.
The duke according to the kings commandement obeied, and so returned toward Calis.
THE Souldier that payed never a peny for me, by the commandementof his Captaine was sent unto Rome, to cary Letters to the great Prince, and Generall of the Campe.
Being in this calamity, yet fortune worked me other torments, for on a day I was let loose into the fields to pasture, by the commandement of my master.
But Psyches went not about to dissever the graine, (as being a thing impossible to be brought to passe by reason it lay so confusedly scattered) but being astonyed at the cruell commandement of Venus, sate still and said nothing.
I shall neuer hereafter take vpon me to gather anie rout, nor to make anie assemblie of your people, without your commandement or licence, or in my lawfull defense.
The commandement by the capteine of Kent, sent vnto Thomas Cocke aboue said.
The 10 day of December I was sent for to the Emperors Castle by the sayd Emperour, and deliuered my letters vnto the Secretary, who talked with me of diuers matters, by the commandement of the Emperour.
He gaue commandement also, that it should be lawful to the forresters to take and put vnder arrest, as well préests and those of the cleargie, as temporall men, being found offendors in forrest grounds and chases.
Moreouer, he caused the hauens to be watched, with commandement giuen to the townes on the sea coast, that they should not suffer the archbishop Geffrey to take land.
Therefore all men had commandementto come to this new seale, that they might haue their charters and writings confirmed.
We command you that if the elect of Yorke shall arriue at any port or hauen within your bailiwicke, or any messenger of his, that you cause them to be arested and kept, till you haue commandement from vs therein.
The kings commandement in restraint of the peoples resort vnto him, was well kept a while, but it was not long yer they began to follow him againe as they had doone before.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commandement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.