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Example sentences for "colleges"

Lexicographically close words:
collects; colleen; colleens; college; collegers; collegia; collegial; collegian; collegians; collegiate
  1. While still beardless, I have ruled bearded soldiers by a discipline whose sanctions were the death-shot and the bastinado; and when I left the camp and court, it was for colleges where a beardless face is never seen.

  2. On this account numbers of young men just emancipated from the colleges come here to complete their education; and above each of the auditory chambers is another divided into six small rooms, wherein these visitors are accommodated.

  3. If it be thought desirable to invoke a legal settlement of the issue, a council of all the overseers of our scientific colleges is called, and its decision is by law irrevocable and infallible, especially if ratified by the popular voice.

  4. An unforgettable instance of this lies in the attitude of the medical colleges toward women students.

  5. In coeducational colleges the "male mind," seeing in the violent games of young men a profound educational influence (and large profits!

  6. At Valladolid are two theological colleges for English, Scotch, and Irish students, established, one at the close of the sixteenth, the other by the Jesuits at the close of the eighteenth century.

  7. Schools or colleges of veterinary science are to be found in Madrid, Saragossa, Cordova, and Leon.

  8. There are here two colleges for Scotch and Irish students for the Roman Catholic priesthood.

  9. The thing could not have gone better for the spectators at large, but it made the students representing the two leading colleges excited and nervous.

  10. In wrestling it was necessary to draw lots to decide which colleges should compete first.

  11. Four colleges were to be represented in the meet, namely: Yale, Harvard, Cornell and Princeton.

  12. Speaking of this it may be well to explain that in all colleges the juniors take this attitude toward the freshmen.

  13. They believed that they would be able to get away with Princeton, and it did not seem to strike them at all that the other colleges were in it.

  14. For two or three years Princeton had been very successful in the tug of war, whether pulling against other colleges of against outside athletic organizations.

  15. In New York it was not quite so easy, for the members of the committee were a good deal occupied in discussing arrangements with the committees from other colleges who were quartered at different hotels.

  16. Nearly everybody present was a friend of one or another of the colleges represented in the contests, and excitement ran high.

  17. This was understood not only at Yale, but at Harvard and Cornell, and at each of these three colleges there was a determination to "down" Princeton if possible.

  18. The point we want to get at is, what these Princeton men said, for I'm inclined to think that there's something of a conspiracy on foot to down Yale and the other colleges by unfair means.

  19. It seemed to him better that the contests against the other colleges should be made by those who were specialists in one line or another.

  20. If there was anybody among the wrestlers representing the other colleges that they feared, it was this same Grant.

  21. He helped colleges in various parts of the world, established a college in the East, and sent out many missionaries at his own expense.

  22. Now that our soil is becoming exhausted by unscientific and wasteful farming, the foundation of agricultural colleges leads the men who have studied the subject to appreciate what the monks really accomplished.

  23. He had been trained to be a professor of experimental physics for his Order, and at this time every one of the teaching orders with colleges at Rome had distinguished men among their faculties.

  24. There are here twenty-two colleges intended to promote science in all its branches; I have brought here samples of a work acknowledged to be at least good, and not one of the colleges has subscribed.

  25. It is not our wish to deal harshly with any man; but we would fain purge our godly colleges from the taint of deadly sin.

  26. The position of students living in colleges and living in halls, as they were called, was, as Garret had said, altogether different.

  27. The cardinal's warning and rebuke to the heads of colleges has wrought great consternation and anger.

  28. Graduates and undergraduates of the colleges which had sprung up were fenced about with rules and restrictions which have been modified rather than changed with the flight of time.

  29. The Arabians, from their first cultivation of philosophy, had been infected by them; they were current in all the colleges of the three khalifates.

  30. As to original works, it was the custom of the authorities of colleges to require their professors to prepare treatises on prescribed topics.

  31. After the example of the medical college of Cairo, other medical colleges required their students to pass a rigid examination.

  32. Promising young men in schools and colleges and in the employ, perhaps, of other organizations are kept under careful observation.

  33. The whole question in every high school and every preparatory school is whether the training will accredit one to certain colleges and universities.

  34. A young man once sought us for counsel who had spent many years in colleges and universities acquiring one of the finest legal educations possible in this country.

  35. They have good intellects, or they would be unable to win high honors in colleges and universities.

  36. The two colleges were not only intense rivals but neither had been defeated throughout the present season.

  37. Besides, Bartlett had gained a wide reputation and much respect from the larger universities and colleges because of her ability to turn out winning athletic teams.

  38. On paper the Pennington team seemed much the stronger eleven but despite this fact everyone at Bartlett was looking eagerly forward to the day when the unbeaten colleges would clash.

  39. Let us come to the question of Training Colleges for your teachers.

  40. To be sure, for practical politics our talk can be whittled down to your accepting the secular solution for Primary Schools, if you're given these colleges under such statutes as you and I shall agree upon.

  41. I must ask the Treasury for a further lump sum and with that there may be sufficient for secular colleges .

  42. In all the Spanish colleges, including that of Bologna founded by Cardinal Albornoz, none but Old Christians were received and from these colleges were drawn the members of councils and chancelleries and other judicial officials.

  43. As Fray Salucio says, no one, entering into wedlock, could make the investigations required by the colleges and the Military Orders.

  44. In 1537 he issued a decree reciting that as, in some colleges of the universities, admittance was refused to New Christians he ordered that the constitutions of the founders be observed.

  45. One of the missouriums and mastodons of literature, he is not to be measured by whole colleges of ordinary scholars.

  46. Apartments in the tomb were usually set aside for the purpose, and these tombs did ten times more for education in Hindustan than all the colleges formed especially for the purpose.

  47. It has been proposed by some to establish colleges for them in the palace to fit them by education for high offices under our Government.

  48. We should like to have this book read by our students and literary men generally, and even by our professors of metaphysics in the colleges of the United States.

  49. It will take its place, of course, in all our colleges and literary societies, and become as familiar to our American as it is already to all French students; but we wish for it also a wide distribution in the family circle.

  50. It will also be valuable to students of philosophy in our own colleges as a companion to their text-books, as well as to English readers generally who have taste and capacity for relishing on philosophical subjects.

  51. We commend it to the notice of all professors of French in our colleges and schools, by whom, if we do not mistake, its merits will be duly appreciated.

  52. There are (among the Maronites of Lebanon) four principal colleges for the education of the clergy.

  53. When the rainy season set in they had to find shelter for the four months in such colleges of Brahmans or houses of families as they found well inclined towards them.

  54. Even the colleges and the University of Manila are not free from their narrow supervision; while they have ever maintained a rigid censorship over the press.

  55. Many of the native graduates of the various colleges go into the professions; many of the poorer kind into teaching.

  56. The presence of female students in medical colleges has had a markedly reformative influence on the manners and moral tone of medical student life, not long ago the opprobrium of civilisation.

  57. Of course a number of colleges have offered me baubles of that cheap sort—asking to make me ‘LL.

  58. With two or three hundred colleges in this country, each scattering honorary degrees around and multiplying them every year, all degrees have lost something of their value and significance.

  59. I know not whether in the schools and colleges of old Spain this method of prefixing the letter e is adopted in teaching Latin; but the practice is universal among the students of all the colleges in Lima.

  60. San Carlos was founded in the year 1770 by the Viceroy Amat, who incorporated with it the previously existing Colleges of San Martin and San Felipe.

  61. At least, so they say, and he's so clever that two other colleges are after him.

  62. Freshmen at boys' colleges are often like that.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colleges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.