The clear, straw-colored fluid which is left after separation of the coagulum is called blood-serum.
The resulting coagulum is made up of a meshwork of fibrin fibrils with entangled corpuscles and plaques.
The sap again becomes milky and liquid, as in its primitive state; but this experiment succeeds only when the coagulum has been recently formed.
The formation of the coagulum of the hevea, or of real caoutchouc, is nevertheless much more rapid in contact with the air.
A white coagulum was formed in phials closely stopped, containing the milk of the hevea, and preserved among our collections, during our journey to the Orinoco.
The coagulum formed by the acid becomes viscous, and acquires that smell of wax which I have observed in treating muscular flesh and mushrooms (morels) with nitric acid.
The acid acts in this instance as the oxygen of the atmosphere at a temperature from 27 to 35 degrees; for the white coagulum grows yellow in two or three minutes, when exposed to the sun.
When the coagulumextends to the whole mass, the yellow spots again disappear.
I often observed in Peru, that on pouring slowly the milky juice of the hevea, or the sap of the carica, into a large quantity of water, the coagulum forms undulating outlines.
The people call the coagulum that separates by the contact of the air, cheese.
This coagulum grows sour in the space of five or six days, as I observed in the small portions which I carried to Nueva Valencia.
I made the coagulum formed by nitric acid, the juice of lemons, or hot water, likewise disappear by mixing it with carbonate of soda.
It may also be procured by washing the coagulum of blood, tied up in a cloth, in cold water, until all the soluble portions are removed.
The process is repeated a second time, and the coagulum digested with alcohol and ether, and dried.
When a vegetable or mineral acid is added to milk, and heat applied, a coagulum is formed, which, when separated from the liquid portion, constitutes cheese.
The cocoa must on no account be allowed to boil, for in that case a coagulum will be formed, which cannot be dissolved in water.
At the postmortem the cicatrix in the chest was plainly visible, and in the ascending aorta there was seen a wound, directly in the track of the knife, which was of irregular border and was occupied by a firm coagulum of blood.
The hemorrhage was profuse, but ceased spontaneously by the formation of coagulum over the mouth of the divided vessels.
Fatal hemorrhage had been avoided in this case by the formation of coagulum in the wound during the syncope immediately following the stab, possibly aided by extended exposure to cold.
When an artery has been divided close to the origin of a collateral branch, no bloody coagulum can form internally, for the blood in that situation is necessarily in a state of constant motion.
The blood coagulates above the deligated point,—the coagulum is of greater or less extent, in proportion to the vicinity of a collateral branch, and is of a conical form, the apex of the cone pointing to the free portion of vessel.
When the artery is permanently obstructed by the adhesion of its cut margins, the external coagulum can be dispensed with, and is gradually absorbed.
In these circumstances, however, the contracted or cupped appearance of the coagulum is hardly ever observed.
The coagulum between the ligature and extremity is of considerable extent, dense, and completely filling the canal of the vein, and consequently, of a cylindrical form.
Afterwards it generally disappears gradually by absorption; or the opening in the integuments may not close, and the coagulum be separated and discharged after some days.
Caseum, curd of milk, coagulable part of milk, coagulum of milk.
Pressure from a large clot of coagulum and extensive inflammatory action were the immediate causes of death; but a fissure, confined to the inner table, running in line with the course of the ball, was also discovered.
A moderately compact, jelly-like coagulum is thus formed, while keffir and koumiss possess a liquid consistency.
It differs also from the former by having only a very weak alcoholic fermentation, and by the coagulum being coarse and lumpy instead of being extremely fine.
The coagulum exists in an extremely fine state of division, and the liquid froths violently on the bottle being opened.
The coagulum which forms on the surface of milk when boiled is largely composed of albumen.
The coagulum becomes softened and finally changed into a liquid condition.
From these quotations it will be noted that Aristotle attributed the coagulum to the presence of fibres, and in this he anticipated Malpighi's discovery made in the seventeenth century.
A coagulum was immediately formed, and a magnesia precipitated from the mixture.
The coagulum thus formed in the mother of nitre may be owing to a quantity of quick-lime contained in it; for quick-lime is used in extracting the salt-petre from its matrix.
When the coagulum is firm enough for the curd to break clean over the finger, it is ready to cut.
The coagulum formed in the case of milk includes fat and calcium phosphate.
In the formation of thiscoagulum (curd), the fat is imprisoned and held.
When the coagulum has become firm so that it will split clean over the finger, the curd is ready to cut.
After the coagulum or curd is formed, the making process may be completed without the application of further heat, as in Neufchatel, Camembert and related forms (Fig.
When a coagulum is observed in the heart it may become a question whether it was formed during life or after death.
When a fibrinous coagulum is carried into the pulmonary artery from the right side of the heart, the indications are a swelling and infiltration of the lungs and pulmonary apoplexy.
The coagulum of human milk is soft and flocculent, and not so thoroughly separated from the other elements of the fluid, as the firm hard coagulum or curd of cow's milk becomes from the whey in which it floats.
The liquid is neutralised with acid, and heated to ebullition, when opalisation occurs, or a dirty red coagulum forms.
In three months decant the clear from both bottles, and mix them in equal quantities; the clear portion must then be separated from the coagulum by subsidence or filtration.
Pure oil of cloves forms a butyraceous coagulum when shaken with pure liquor of ammonia, which crystallises after fusion by a gentle heat.
The presence of potato starch may be determined by boiling some of the milk with a little vinegar, and after separating the coagulum by a strainer, and allowing the liquid to become cold, testing it with solution or tincture of iodine.
The coagulum was felt in the vessel during the operation, and was there found after death.
These changes may be expected in a more marked degree, when the obstruction depends upon coagulation of the blood, than when it arises from other causes, inasmuch as the coagulum usually extends to several veins at the same time.
By a coagulum adhering to the injured side only of the vessel.
By the outer layer of the coagulum forming a membrane, which contains the more fluid parts of the blood.
The remains of a firm coagulum obstructed its canal for some distance below the opening which had been made into it, and terminated, below, in an elongated conical portion, which adhered to one side only of the vessel.
The left common iliac vein was plugged up, by a continuation of thecoagulum from the cava.
As the coagulum contracts in a vein, if the intention is to obliterate the vessel, its sides are gradually approximated.
There are then three ways in which a coagulum may obstruct the circulation through a vein.
In the third plate at the end of Mr. Hunter's work, is represented a coagulum of blood adhering to the tunica vaginalis.
In these cases, if a coagulum is not firmly formed, or if it is displaced by violence, it may be broken up, and portions of it mixed with the fluid blood.
The coagulum was continued beyond the entrance of the internal iliac, which it completely closed, and terminated in a pointed extremity about the middle of the external iliac.
The union thus formed may be permanent, or the coagulum may be again broken up and carried with the blood in the course of the circulation, as shown in Experiment vi.
The cream is easier of digestion to adults, because it contains less of the coagulum or cheesy part, and is also more nutritive.
When the abortion is in the second or third month, the practitioner must bear in mind that it may have been retention of the menses, and, therefore, what he feels in the os uteri may either be an ovum or a coagulum of blood.
If, after the commencement of a flooding, we favour the formation of a coagulum by means of a plug, are we not aiding nature?
It is usual to hand-roll the coagulum before transport, but it is often found that by the time the rubber reaches the factory it has become too hard for subsequent good results.
The coagulum usually remained under treatment in the shed for three to four hours, and then was removed for ordinary air-drying.
It has been shown by the writers in previous publications that over-working of the coagulum has an effect on the vulcanisation of the rubber; and this has been confirmed by others.
When a sheet-coagulating tank is used all labour of cutting the coagulum is obviated.
Under the patent held the coagulum may be prepared either for crepe-making, or for sheets by a modification of the tank.
If these trays were properly made and carefully fitted there appeared to be no reason why they should not form sliding parts of a large box, in which squeezing and adhesion of the pieces of coagulum would be avoided.
It would always be well to be certain first that the trouble did not emanate from the fact that the coagulum had been previously rolled so thin and hard that the rubber could not be squeezed so as to fill the grooves.
If air is rigidly excluded, the coagulum obtained is quite satisfactory for all purposes.
In pan coagulation this "pitted" appearance is usually limited to the under-surface, while coagulum prepared in tanks may exhibit the defect on both faces.
When the lengths of coagulum leave the marking machine they are usually laid in piles containing two dozen or more strips.
Nor does it hold with regard to plantation rubber prepared in an exceptional manner, as, for instance, matured coagulum or "slab.
The original thickness of the coagulum would be normal, but owing to the abnormal rubber-content the effect of passing through the smooth rolls would be the production of a strip thicker and firmer than ordinary.
The coagulum is too porous, will not stand handling, and the resultant sheet is too thin unless an abnormal thickness of coagulum is prepared.
A coagulum is formed at this temperature which is fairly transparent; above 72° C.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coagulum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: clabber; clot; coagulate; curd