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Example sentences for "coagulating"

Lexicographically close words:
coagulable; coagulant; coagulate; coagulated; coagulates; coagulation; coagulum; coaita; coal; coale
  1. It differs from albumen by possessing the property of coagulating at all temperatures.

  2. The gastric juice has the property of coagulating liquid albuminous matter when mixed with it.

  3. It possesses the property of coagulating albumen, and separating the whey of milk from its curd, and afterwards completely dissolving the curd.

  4. Indeed all suppuration in general is owing to a coagulating acid in the lymph.

  5. Urinary calculi are the consequences of a coagulating acid existing in the lymph and the pancreatic juice.

  6. The coagulating enzymes, such as thrombin or thrombase (the fibrin ferment) and rennin, which causes the clotting of milk.

  7. Mix egg and water and add brandy slowly to prevent coagulating egg white.

  8. Many of these act by coagulating the albumen of organised bodies: Antiseptics, Alcohol, Solutions of corrosive sublimate, Solutions of common salt, Solutions of saltpetre.

  9. I am informed by Dr Calvert that cresylic acid has much less coagulating power on albumen than carbolic acid, and my own experiments entirely confirm this statement.

  10. Its inventor claims for it that it possesses great power of coagulating albumen and high value both as an antiseptic and deodorant.

  11. The interval between the divided extremities of the tendon is filled up with coagulating lymph, which is often poured out in considerable quantities.

  12. This peculiar volatile oil has so decided a power of coagulating albumen, that even the minute portion of it present in pyrolignous vinegar is sufficient to preserve animal parts from putrefaction, when they are simply soaked in it.

  13. A thunderstorm sometimes destroys the coagulating power in the whole laminae at once; or causes the glue to turn on the nets, in the language of the manufacturer.

  14. The proximity of the coagulating latex to some source of heat, or exposure to sunlight.

  15. For the reception and subsequent handling of the latex various schemes have been devised, and they are usually planned in connection with coagulating tanks used in the preparation chiefly of sheet rubber.

  16. The undissolved particles sink to the bottom of the coagulating jar or tank, and there slowly dissolve, forming local strong solutions.

  17. Glazed-tile tanks are employed, the capacity of each being approximately equivalent to that of each unit coagulating tank.

  18. Uniform coagulating tanks are installed, and the methods and quantities of chemicals employed are carefully standardised.

  19. Although work on an experimental scale has been done, as far as we know no practical application has been made of the employment of sugars as coagulating agents.

  20. During the gravitation of the latex from the reception vessels (in which the standardising of the latex is effected) to the coagulating tanks, much surface froth is usually caused.

  21. The combination of this practice with the employment of shallow coagulating tanks has simplified working and reduced the cost of labour.

  22. Unfortunately with this arrangement the flow could not be regulated, and owing to the "head" of the latex it dashed violently down the gutter, struck the bottom of the coagulating tank, and thence was scattered over the factory.

  23. The latex flows by means of a chute into the coagulating tanks, passing through a large "60 mesh" sieve.

  24. As an example of a modern installation of coagulating tanks, we can do no better than offer reproductions of the system now in use on Pataling Estate.

  25. Apart from this, it is advisable to have the coagulating tanks raised to a height of between 2 and 3 feet, to secure the advantage of ease of working in the processes of coagulation and the handling of coagulum--a not inconsiderable factor.

  26. Each dilution tank is of equal capacity to the corresponding coagulating tank.

  27. A tenacious plastic liquid, forming the coagulating portion of the blood, and that in which the corpuscles float.

  28. This acid precipitates the salts of silver white, and is distinguished from the other modifications of phosphoric acid by the property which its solution possesses of coagulating albumen.

  29. It resembles peptone, and is variously regarded as a coagulating or emulsifying agent.

  30. Coagulating the milk from any cause, will equally prevent the separation of the cream.

  31. No doubt the acid of the vinegar and of the wine aid the coagulating power derived from the membrane.

  32. The acidity of the lemon will, no doubt, increase also the coagulating power of any rennet to which it may be added.

  33. This resemblance was made all the more striking by the fact that they were capable of coagulating milk at a temperature of 99 deg.

  34. Every inflammation yields an exudation which may coagulate when the coagulating ferment is added.

  35. Rindfleisch defines diphtheritic inflammation as that form of inflammation which produces a coagulating necrosis in the tissues by the immigration of schizomycetæ.

  36. The coagulating necrosis differs from the usual form of necrosis in this, that the change from life to death is accompanied with the coagulation of fluid albuminoids.

  37. It would appear that coagulating works might advantageously have been installed at the entrance to the Dalecarlia Reservoir.

  38. Hering, Fuller, and Hazen, recommended the occasional use of a coagulating chemical, but this recommendation was not carried out.

  39. The coagulating plant has since been built, and the writer is informed that coagulation was tried on a working scale a short time ago during a period of high turbidity.

  40. Dutch cheese derives its peculiar pungent taste from the practice adopted in Holland of coagulating the milk with muriatic acid instead of rennet.

  41. Their chief value is to prevent the curd from coagulating in the stomach in hard masses, thus rendering it more digestible.

  42. In solution it condenses tissue by coagulating their albumin and acts as an astringent.

  43. In cleaning dairy utensils they should first be rinsed in lukewarm instead of hot water, so as to remove organic matter without coagulating the milk.

  44. It develops lactic acid rapidly, coagulating the milk and producing an intensely bitter taste in the course of one to three days.

  45. We may therefore say, that the coagulating lymph is the most important part of the blood, inasmuch as it is subservient to the formation of various organs in the body.

  46. When, for example, the coagulating lymph is thrown out upon inflamed internal parts of the body which lie in contact, as the intestines or lungs, it becomes solid, and connects them loosely together.

  47. The next part of the blood, or coagulating lymph, is of the greatest importance.

  48. This possesses a very strong power of coagulating and dissolving various animal and vegetable substances.

  49. Even where too prolonged steeping has greatly increased the usual proportion of tannin in tea infusion, milk, when added, neutralizes the coagulating power of the tannin entirely or to such degree as to render it harmless.

  50. Secondly, if a strong solution of tannin is taken into the stomach and there comes in contact with albuminous or gelatinous foods, it will expend its coagulating power upon such substances.

  51. When heated, it coagulates into a white elastic mass, and the coagulating substance is called albumen.

  52. The discoverer of the method of coagulating rubber with alum was Henry S.

  53. It is essentially a blood poison, coagulating the blood.

  54. Ozone is undoubtedly generated by the flashes, and may have a beneficial effect, but the dust-coagulating and dust-expelling power of the electricity has a much more rapid effect, though it may not act till the cloud is discharged.

  55. A feeble charge is often sufficient to start this coagulating action.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coagulating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.