It is employed to only a limited extent on account of the special effort and care required to obtain satisfactory results, also because the pelt acquires a pale blue-green color which is not desired on dressed skins.
Any soap, or traces of mordant are wiped off and so removed, and by using heated sawdust, or heating the drum while rotating, the fur acquires a fullness and play of the hair which are great desiderata in furs.
The high school pupil probably acquires a habit of remembering only significant facts.
When the child acquires the use of language, he has acquired the use of a tool, the importance of which to thinking is greater than that of any other tool.
One acquires schemes of associating and locating the boxes, schemes that will work in both cases.
Lancaster shell, which takes place in the increasing spiral of the oval gun at the very point where the projectile acquires a proportional increase of velocity.
Hubert's disciple, Jodocus of Ghent, hardly does honour to his master's teaching, and only acquires importance after he has thrown off some of the peculiarities of Flemish teaching.
Where the land is freehold the creditor acquires only a chattel interest in it; where the land is leasehold he acquires the whole of the debtor's interest (Johns v.
Thus the house is furnished with a check on all dishonest salesmen, and at the same time acquires accurate knowledge of their labors in their respective departments.
She learns to play a little on some musical instrument, to sing a little, to paint a little--in short she acquires but a smattering of everything she undertakes.
We thus easily understand how, in proportion as it acquiresnew ideas, the mind simultaneously acquires fresh instruments for pursuing its inquiries further.
If we recall that a light hoop making perhaps fifty or a hundred revolutions per minute acquires a considerable stability, we shall cease to wonder at the rigidity of the axles of the wheels revolving at such enormous speed.
In this same way the youth acquires from two other charcoal-burners successively a magic hat which shoots off artillery and destroys the owner's enemies, and a magic horn a blast from which throws down walls, fortifications, and houses.
He then acquires two magic canes (but not by trickery this time).
Lionbruno acquires a pair of transportation-boots, an inexhaustible purse, and a cloak of invisibility.
One, that is, acquires an excess of electricity, while the other becomes deficient to an exactly similar extent.
A piece of iron left in the same position for a length of time becomes polarised, which is to say that it acquires the properties of a magnet; and two magnets always exert an influence upon each other.
He acquires knowledge through the constant exercise of his mind with principles.
After learning how to judge the value of every form of investment, a man may still be unsuccessful in the investment of money unless he acquires also a firm grasp upon the general principles which control the price movements of securities.
Mitscherlich, the flame of hydrogen, burning in free air, acquires a temperature of 1,560° Centigrade.
But it does not; it gradually loses its tail and gills, and acquires legs and lungs, and breathes air only.
But some portion of this all-pervasive energy again individuates itself more and more, and therefore acquires more and more a kind of independent self-activity which reaches its completeness in man as self-consciousness and free-will.
The mortgagor himself or anyone to whom he transfers, or who acquires his interest, is entitled to the equity of redemption.
The person first adopting the name Ideal as a trade-mark in the sale of flour, acquires a property right in the name.
A person first using such an arbitrary mark in the manufacture or sale of a particular class of goods acquires a trade-mark.
If a mortgagor having possession of the property has it stored on his own behalf, and the warehouseman acquires a lien on the goods for his charges, his lien is inferior to the mortgage.
The party first adopting a trade name other than a descriptive geographical, individual, or proper name, acquires the right to use it as a trade name.
The same is true if a mechanic acquires a lien for repairs upon the property.
If A for an uninterrupted period of twenty years, under claim of right uses a path over B's premises, he acquires a way of convenience or easement which gives him the right to continue the use of the path.
But does that prove that whoever acquires fish is ipso facto a magician?
On those lines it might be urged that whoever acquires a sloop is a pirate, whoever acquires a crowbar a burglar, whoever acquires a sword an assassin.
Nay, as the sword acquires its sheen by usage, and rusts if it lie idle, so the voice is dulled by its long torpor if it be hidden in the sheath of silence.
Because the new State acquires Federal rights, it is not, therefore, in this Union.
But the evil that men do lives after them, and example acquires tenfold authority when it speaks from the grave.
He must, in the case of conscious reactions, see that the child not only acquires the new experience, but that he is also able to apply it effectively.
Through this means the child acquiresmany of his movements, his language power, and the simple games he plays.
In other words, the child soon acquires the habit of performing the act spontaneously, or without direction from the mind.
In other words, he must see that the child acquires not only knowledge, but also skill in the use of knowledge.
A sense may be considered trained, therefore, to the extent to which the mind acquires knowledge of, and interest in, the objective elements.
As noted above, the mind acquires an ability to concentrate itself upon a single problem in the midst of relatively violent stimulations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acquires" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.