Address (city or country) follows the name if the claimant is also a foreign producing company.
The name of the producing company is given if it differs from that of the claimant (see 8 below).
There was yet anotherclaimant to deal with, the Cherokees of the South.
Every inch of soil had been fairly obtained from each and every claimant who had made it a "dark and bloody ground" through their battles for it, since the earliest period of recorded history.
The Emperor's wide do-minions were disturbed by a local outbreak in Germany, a revolt in Spain, and an attempt on the part of the claimant to the throne of Navarre to recover that territory.
Darnley was the only remaining claimant of Tudor stock; [Footnote: Except the Clifford or Stanley branch, junior to the Greys.
In fact, ultimately, Mary's grandchild Lady Jane Grey was actually put up as a claimant to the throne.
Elizabeth of York: while political expediency excluded the sole claimant with a prior hereditary right.
The accession of Philip would suit neither France, nor the Pope; the accession of James would be at best an uncertain gain to the Catholics; and so Mary's execution would leave no one claimant for the discontented to rally to.
No monarch having in his grip a claimant with an undeniably strong title to his throne would have allowed thatclaimant to escape from his clutches.
Philip of Spain therefore was now, through his mother, claimant to the position of heir apparent.
Lewis had made himself master of Milan in 1499; but the kingdom of Naples presented a more difficult problem; since, after disposing of the reigning family, the French King would still find a rivalclaimant in Ferdinand of Spain.
But one thing I should like, and that is, if there should turn up a claimant to the codicil in the last will of Baron Harald, who died in delirium tremens, and no doubt now sleeps in the bosom of Father Abraham.
It would indeed be a charming surprise for our amiable family here if such a claimant should present himself," said Oswald.
When the claim is provided for by existing laws, the opinion of the commissioners refers the claimant to the mode pointed out by such law.
First, it is made in the State where the fugitive is found; and, secondly, it restores to the claimant complete control over the person of the fugitive.
Not if he got through twelve jury trials, and forty habeas corpus acts, and constitutions built high as yonder monument, would he permit so much as the shadow of a little finger of the slave claimant to touch the slave!
The other claimant is of French descent and name; came over at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
He buys off the other claimant who is already ennobled with a larger sum than you will expend on your ancient coronet.
When first I let you in for the chance of a prize out of this business, neither you nor I had the slightest idea that circumstances would throw the rightful claimant to the Haygarth estate so completely into our way.
The fortune for which a claimant was lacking amounted to a hundred thousand pounds!
It pleased me to think of this; but I derived no pleasure from the idea that Charlotte might possibly be the claimant of a great fortune.
The test of his honesty will be the manner in which he is acted upon by Charlotte's position as claimant of a great fortune.
Surely not: and, on the other hand, can I continue to woo my sweet one, conscious that she is the rightfulclaimant to a great estate?
My mind would wander to the strange discovery that I had just made, and I could not refrain from asking myself whether by any extraordinary chance my own dear love should be the rightful claimant to John Haygarth's hoarded wealth.
Nearly every man of note on both sides fell, including, on the Danish side, both the English claimant and Eric, King of East Anglia.
Though the claimant himself had appeared among his followers, the army, demoralized by dissension and poor leading, was melting fast away, and James soon left for the Continent.
It was resolved to evacuate both Cabul and Candahar, resigning the country to the claimant Abdurrahman.
The advance, however, of a rival claimant from Herat, in the person of Ayub Khan, caused the Government of India to direct General Burrows to defend the passage of the River Helmund.
But it would then be stated that there was a claimant in Sicily,--or at least evidence in Italy, which if sifted might possibly bar the claim of the Countess.
Whether she were the undisturbed owner of hundreds of thousands, or a rejected claimant to her father's name, the demand should be made in the same tone and with the same assurance.
The Italian woman was conquered, and now the battle was open and free between the young Earl and the claimant Countess.
Hitherto you have appeared as contesting the right of the English widow to her rank, and not necessarily as a claimant of the estate.
When the purchaser under the second act appears to take possession, the possessor under the first act brings his action before the tribunals of the Union, and causes the title of the claimant to be pronounced null and void.
The appeal is given only when the decision is against the claimantunder the treaty or law.
A ludicrous episode was the arrival in London of Prince Albert Ghika, a Roumanian, who announced himself to the Press as a claimant to the Albanian throne, and was taken seriously even by some quite respectable journals.
The astute Prince Nikola, having married a daughter to the Karageorge claimant to the throne, now strove to make assurance doubly sure by marrying a son to a possible rival candidate.
And in the summer of that very year the Tsar received Petar Karageorgevitch, the exiled claimant to the Serbian throne, and started upon her Great Serbian intrigue.
With Great Serbia in view, and on bad terms with the Obrenovitches of Serbia, he married his daughter Zorka in 1883 to Petar Karageorgevitch, the exiled claimant to the Serbian throne.
She lost no time in offering herself to the English as a claimant to the crown.
The youthful claimant had entered Ireland with a following of two thousand German soldiers, provided by Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, sister of Edward IV.
One claimant to the throne, a scion of the White Rose kings, Edward, Earl of Warwick, was still locked up in the Tower, so closely kept from human sight and knowledge as to leave the field open to the claims of imposture.
Hardly had this ambitious boy been set to the humble work of turning a spit in the king's kitchen, when a new claimant of the crown appeared,--a far more dangerous one.
The proof was apparently conclusive: the identification of the claimant was dependent upon the testimony of two witnesses, who swore distinctly to the fact.
When I was at Mr. Baring's to-day he told me that a fresh claimant had appeared on the scene for the Avonsyde property.
We refuse to receive letters or to see any claimant personally, but request to have all communications made to us through our solicitors, Messrs.
In Denmark the younger claimant was acknowledged by the whole people, but in England the Mercian and Northumbrian earls chose Harold as king, and Wessex only fell to Harthacnut.
Robert Bruce, earl of Carrick, grandson of the claimant to the throne of 1292, had hitherto pursued a shifty policy, wavering between submission and opposition to the English invader.
This American claimant was a distant cousin, who had "somehow gotten hold of, or had fabricated a full set of documents.
For one thing, the book-trade was light, and then the Claimant was not up to his usual standard.
In due time Raymond reported favorably on the play, at least so far as the first act was concerned, but he objected to the materialization feature and to Sellers as claimant for the English earldom.
The Tichborne trial recalled to Mark Twain the claimant in the Lampton family, who from time to time wrote him long letters, urging him to join in the effort to establish his rights to the earldom of Durham.
Letters from every direction had urged him to undertake such a story, and these had suggested a more serious purpose for the Claimant book.
That every person that is an Actual claimant is entitled to hold 320 Acres of land until such time as it comes into market.
Com or claimant they shall be put off the Claim by this Club.
We have heard from a quarter on which we are disposed to place reliance, that the claimant is a gentleman of decided Whig principles, and who will prove a valuable accession to the Liberal cause.
Did you make any inquiries as to who the claimant was?
He gives a certificate to that effect and the bounty claimant presents the scalp and certificate to the County Clerk, who destroys the scalp and gives an order to the County Treasurer for one-half of the bounty.
The County Clerk also sends an affidavit to the State Treasurer, stating that you have presented the scalp and it has been destroyed and the claimant then receives the balance of the bounty money from the state.
Let the rightful claimant appear, and it will be time enough to consider what I will do.
He was still left in the same state of uncertainty as to who would be the claimant of her hand; for the mysterious personage in the mask had not appeared again, according to his promise, after the jousts.