The third requirement is provided for by installing a furnace so designed as to give a sufficient area of heated brickwork to radiate the heat required to maintain a proper furnace temperature.
An important feature to be considered in the installing of all recording apparatus is its location.
Attention is directed to the novel method of installing the carburetor which supplies the mixture to the engine base from which inlet pipes radiate to the various cylinders.
In installing the Master carburetor the float chamber may be turned either toward the radiator or driver's seat.
Tractor Biplane Fuselage, Showing Method of Installing Thomas Aeromotor and Method of Disposing of Exhaust Gases.
The following instructions for installing the Hall-Scott power plant are reproduced from the instruction book issued by the maker.
It is not used to any extent now but is presented merely to show one of the possible systems of installing an airplane engine.
Dalton and his companion stepped into the dining room, installing themselves at a table not far from the door.
But the other wasinstalling glass wardrobes, where the stock would be on view.
A pretty safe guide is to see what the biggest and best stores everywhere are installing today.
And then, O Bharata, the wise king, considering himself old in years took counsel with his virtuous ministers and spiritual adviser for installing Rama as regent of the kingdom.
For this purpose Yerkes, Widener, and Elkins organized the United States Construction Company and made contracts for installing the new electric systems on the lines which they controlled by lease or stock ownership.
Mr. Carty began installing the metallic circuit in his lines that is, he used wire, instead of the ground, to complete the circuit.
For some days, I may say, Kennedy had been at work in his laboratory in a little anteroom, where he was installing some new apparatus for which he had received an appropriation from the trustees of the University.
Back again in the bare room which he had acquired, Craig set to work immediately installing a peculiar instrument which he took from the package.
I had been quite mystified by the apparatus which Kennedy had set up, but had had no opportunity to discuss it with him and he had been so busy installing it that he had not taken time, often, for meals.
Such protection may best be secured by installing two or more plates of tin or sheet steel with a one-inch air space between or by alternate layers of sheet steel and asbestos with a similar air space.
Before installing any armored cable, be sure that it is of approved make and guaranteed to pass inspection.
Just as you save money by using a typewriter, addressograph, adding machine, cash register and other modern equipments, so you can save it by installing a Simplex.
Including the cost of laying the track and installing the plant, the cost of mixing and placing the 1,600 cu.
Riche, formerly associated with the researches in nutrition in the chemical laboratory of Wesleyan University, added his previous experience in constructing and installing the more delicate of the heating and cooling devices.
In installing a thermometer it is of the greatest importance that there be no pressure against the side of the tube through which the thermometer is inserted.
All precautions are taken, however, so far as securing tightness in coupling and installing them on the absorber system are concerned.
Since the experiments to be made with this chamber will rarely exceed 6 to 8 hours, there is no provision made for installing a cot bed or other conveniences which would be necessary for experiments of long duration.
He had gone to live in the Rue de la Verrière, "for political reasons;" and this district was one of those in which insurrectionists of the day were fond of installing themselves.
If there is any blame it attaches to me for not installing the gyroscope rudder.
Tom admitted to his father that a mistake had been made in not installing the gyroscope rudder.
The fact was that they had been told off to certain positions in the line of defence they had been ordered to take up, and had been slowly and carefully installing themselves therein.
Do you know---- What would be the cost of installing a wireless telephone plant with a hundred-mile radius?
He negotiated directly with the bey of Tunis with a view to installing as beys at Oran and Constantine Tunisian princes who recognized the authority of France.
This point of view suggested numerous projects, as chimerical as they were generous; two millions sterling (50 million francs) were expended with a view to installing Parisian unemployed workmen as colonists, but this attempt failed miserably.
If Dexter Sprague had not overestimated the amount of electric wire needed for the job of installing an alarm bell between Nita's bedroom and Lydia's.
In installing the alarm bell, Sprague copied the arrangement under the dining table, of course.
And after a considerable period of service the wear in the clutch may be taken up byinstalling another pair of clutch discs, rather than by turning the adjusting screws in too far.
When installingthe generator, the drive pinion must be properly meshed with the large time gear.
When do we start installing this set in the McNulty mansion, boys?
I should think," said Bob slowly, "that it might be dangerous, installing sets right there in the heavy timber.
They were installing new and larger sterilisers, she said.
They were the famous seventy-five-millimetre guns of France, transformed into aircraft guns by the simple expedient of installing them in a pit with sloping sides, so that their noses pointed up and out.
Installing the Mayor of Avenue A," the man returned.
David quickly gathered from the talk of the officers on the platform, all women, that this was a meeting of the Women's Club, held for the double purpose of installingnew officers and entertaining the members' husbands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "installing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.