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Example sentences for "circularize"

Lexicographically close words:
circuitously; circuits; circuitu; circular; circularity; circularized; circularizing; circularly; circulars; circulate
  1. JONES: We would be glad to make up a mailing list and turn it over to the secretary if he should want to circularize in making this offer or any other offer for memberships.

  2. As soon as I get an itemized list, I'll circularize dealers and other possible buyers and ask for offers.

  3. It was decided to circularize the teachers of the State.

  4. Could there be any doubt in her mind that it had been resolved to circularize the provinces with Leaflet No.

  5. Which reminds me, Mr. Clacton, don't you think we should circularize the provinces with Partridge's last speech?

  6. She stated that the National Association would immediately ask Governors of all equal suffrage States to call sessions and would circularize all the Legislatures.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circularize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advertise; ballyhoo; bark; bill; boost; establish; placard; plug; post; promote; publicize; puff; sell; spiel