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Example sentences for "ware"

Lexicographically close words:
wardrobes; wardroom; wards; wardship; wardships; wared; warehouse; warehoused; warehouseman; warehousemen
  1. Now he runs To fetch my Uncle to this musty bargain, But I have better ware always at hand.

  2. And at the last he was ware of an hermitage and a chapel that stood between two cliffs, and then he heard a little bell ring to mass; and thither he rode, and alighted, and tied his horse to the gate and heard mass.

  3. Judith ware a smoche of heare, but our recluses are both softly and finely apparalled.

  4. And again: "They rode through the forest, and at the last they were ware of two pavilions by a priory with two shields, and the one shield was renewed with white and the other shield was red.

  5. Then was Sir Tor ware where two pavilions were, and great spears stood out, and two shields hung on two trees by the pavilions.

  6. For in England knyghtes and squiers were quyckened to the mater, and ware in gret imagynacions to know what they might best do.

  7. These chicks, and also spring chickens, are used for casserole dishes and for cocottes (covered earthen ware containers, in which the fowls are roasted in the oven).

  8. Wagner Ware combines durability and superior cooking quality with the most beautiful designs and finish.

  9. I shall not detain you five minutes; and you should know him, for he has some capital pictures, and a collection of Limoges ware that is the despair of the dilettanti.

  10. Charbonnier, who also observed that "The ware generally was very badly fired.

  11. Heavy and coarse, the sgraffito ware essentially was a variant of English folk pottery, reflecting the less sophisticated tastes of rural West of England.

  12. Bailey's attribution of the sgraffito ware to Devonshire was confirmed in 1950 when J.

  13. In the parish of Fremington are great quantities of reddish potters' clay, which are brought and manufactured at Biddeford, whence the ware is sent to different places by sea.

  14. One type was an elaborate and striking yellow sgraffito ware, the other a coarse utilitarian kitchen ware whose red paste was heavily tempered with a gross water-worn gravel or "grit.

  15. Henry Chandlee Forman, asserting that such ware was "undoubtedly made in England," felt that it "derives its inspiration from Majolica ware .

  16. However, certain kinds of sgraffito ware continued to be made without apparent interruption until early in the present century.

  17. In several of the areas excavated, occasional sherds of North Devon gravel-tempered ware were found.

  18. The 18th-century and 19th-century North Devon sgraffito ware surviving above ground differs considerably in style and form but in other respects it is the same as the ware found archeologically in Virginia and Maryland.

  19. Also significant is the fact that no sgraffito ware occurs here.

  20. And, Sir, be ware what ye talke to som men of the lordes your coexecutours, and what is spent for the man, and what he was worth.

  21. Item, at the reverence of God, be ware howe ye ryd or go, for nowgty and evyll desposyd felacheps.

  22. At the reverens of God, be ware hou ye goo and ryde, for that ys told me that ye thret of hem that be nowty felawys that hathe be inclynyng to them, that hathe be your hold adversarys.

  23. And y pray you be ware whom ye make of your counsaille and myne yn thys mater, and that it may be well bore owte er ye com thens, and yn a sure wey; and yff y had knowe rathyr [i.

  24. Ware how thou hurtest man with hurt of hearts, ii.

  25. And 'ware her scorpions when pressing them, viii.

  26. Ware that truth thou speak, albe sooth when said, x.

  27. The decorations upon china are sometimes painted upon the baked ware and then glazed over, and sometimes painted upon the glaze and burned in by a third firing.

  28. No very precise classification of such ware can be made, as the products vary greatly in properties, depending upon the materials used and the treatment during manufacture.

  29. Care must be taken to use such pigments as are not affected by a high heat and do not react chemically with the constituents of the baked ware or the glaze.

  30. Borax is extensively used as a constituent of enamels and glazes for both metal ware and pottery.

  31. In the form of vapor the salt attacks the surface of the baked ware and forms an easily fusible sodium silicate upon it, which constitutes a glaze.

  32. The Etruscan ware was infinitely superior, and just think!

  33. He followed it with his own impressive self to show them the difference between the high-grade Etruscan ware and the inferior ware he had previously exhibited.

  34. She ware no gloves; for neither sun nor wind Would burn or parch her hands, but, to her mind.

  35. Mugs in this ware were banded with an iron-oxide slip, presumably to cover up defects around the rims.

  36. This ware is characterized by a smooth, lustrous, metallic-brown glaze.

  37. The large quantity of white salt-glazed ware suggests that, although it was a cheap commercial product, it was regarded as handsome and congenial to the environment of a plantation house that was maintained in formal style.

  38. This molded salt-glazed ware occurs in quantity in the Marlborough finds, suggesting that there were large sets of it.

  39. Other small sherds of a similar ware are redder in color and without slip.

  40. She had a bucket full of crockery-ware in one hand, and was holding on to the table with the other.

  41. We miss you all in manny ways, But troth will ware out; The gratest things we miss you for Joy going withe out.

  42. The knives and forks were made in Germany, the plates were manufactured in England, the glass ware and table cloth, in the United States.

  43. The table ware and the food on the table came from the ends of the earth.

  44. Mr. Moray then fled to Virginia and became rector of Ware Parish in Gloucester County.

  45. Henry Ware and Paul Cotter always lived near each other," resumed Harry, "and in two cases their grandchildren intermarried.

  46. A very large number of pieces of Robbia ware which are attributed to Andrea, and even to the elder Luca, were really by the hand of Giovanni.

  47. And then he heard a clock smite; and then he was ware of an house closed well with walls and deep ditches, and there he knocked at the gate and was let in, and he alit and was led unto a chamber, and soon he was unarmed.

  48. Then was Sir Percivale ware in the sea, and saw a ship come sailing toward him; and Sir Percivale went unto the ship and found it covered within and without with white samite.

  49. And then they led him unto the Abbess's chamber and unarmed him; and right so he was ware upon a bed lying two of his cousins, Sir Bors and Sir Lionel, and then he waked them; and when they saw him they made great joy.

  50. And as they chased, they came on the prince's battle or they were ware thereof themselves; the prince tarried there to have word again from them that he sent forth.

  51. And at length he was ware of a great knight that drove a horse before him, and across the horse there lay an armed knight bounden.

  52. And as soon as Sir Bedivere had lost sight of the barge, he wept and wailed; then he took the forest, and went all that night, and in the morning he was ware of a chapel and a hermitage.

  53. And at last Sir Launcelot was ware of a hermitage and a chapel, and then he heard a little bell ring to mass; and thither he rode and alighted, and tied his horse to the gate, and heard mass.

  54. Then pine bark is burned beneath and around the pile for about an hour, when the ware is sufficiently fired.

  55. The women of Samoki are known as excellent potters, and their ware is used over a wide area.

  56. Had it not been for this sensible advice, Polly would never have seen or secured the fine old set of Staffordshire toilet-ware that was knocked down to her for four dollars.

  57. Abner pushed his way through the crowd to open the drawer in the table and enumerate the small ware mentioned as "contents," when he saw, to his surprise, that there was a heap of covers on the table.

  58. Pottery fragments were quite abundant about this ruin, most of the ware represented being of exceptional quality and belonging to the older types; red ware with black lines and black and white ware were especially abundant.

  59. A small amount of ancient pottery also occurs here, some of the fragments of black and white ware displaying intricate fret patterns.

  60. These bear a close resemblance to the fine class of ware characteristic of “Talla Hogan” or “Awatubi,” and would suggest that this pueblo was contemporaneous with the latter.

  61. Palmer; a small set of handsome vases of the ancient white ware of New Mexico was acquired by purchase from Mr. C.

  62. Captain Cawson; "he'd better 'ware of running across my course.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ware" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    apprehensive; article; aware; drug; feature; item; leader; product; seconds; special; staple; ware