He setteth the high and principall felicitie of man in pleasure, and thiketh that lyfe most pure and godly, whiche may haue greate delectatiõ and pleasure, and lytle pensiuenes.
As you will see from the photograph kindly given to me by Mr. Lytle of Maghera, the entrance is on the side of a bank.
In ye same churche whiche I told you was nat all fynyshyd, ther is a lytle chapell seelyd ouer with wodde, on ether syde a lytle dore wher ye pylgrymes go thorow, ther is lytle light, but of ye taperes, with a fragrant smell.
There standythe forthe a certayne aultre whiche is dedycate to our lady, it is but a lytle one, and I suppose set there for no other purpose, but to be a olde monumêt or sygne, that in thos dayes there was no greate superfluyte.
Ye and peraduêture that thay may haue larger offerynges, as is sayd that, many lytle offerynges makythe a heuy boxe.
Than commythe thet lytle preaty Nunne and she castythe away her vayle redy to runne away, she leuythe with me the good name of her vyrgynytye, whiche shortly she entendythe to take monay for.
Thus Nicholas Olmstead, sentenced to the pillory in Hartford "next Lecture day," was "sett on a lytle before the beginning and to stay on a lytle after the end.
I despise Lytle Biggs, but I happen to know that his neighbors are just as bad.
Fortunately we found a number of his friends in town, among them Theodore Meek andLytle Biggs, and, summoning them to the jail, they first heard of the death there.
The brilliant Lytle was its commander, and his control over them, even in the beginning of their service and near the city of their home, showed that they had fallen into competent hands.
Near the mouth of Lytle Creek Canyon, in November, 1951, coyote feces contained mostly remains of grapes from nearby vineyards.
By one of these three the kynge havynge informacion that I was there in the strete, he marveled thereof, for so much as it had bene tolde hym a lytle afore that I was bothe dead and buried.
The sepulcre is lyke a lytle house, the which by masons was dydged out of a rocke of stone.
XLIV That lytle boye was the towne swyne-heard, And kept fayre Alyce’s swyne; Oft he had seene Wyllyam in the wodde, And geven hym there to dyne.
XV There lay an old wyfe in that place, A lytle besyde the fyre, Whych Wyllyam had found[665] of charytye More than seven yere.
XLIII A lytle boy among them asked, What meanèd that gallow-tre?
CI Cloudesley walked a lytle beside, Looked under the grene wood lynde, He was ware of his wife and chyldren three, Full wo in herte and mynde.
Quoth I to the Surgien, "knit two of his fyngers to gether, and thrust a stycke betwene them, and rubbe the same vp and downe a lytle whyle, and for my lyfe hee speaketh by and by.
Thus with picking and stealing, mingled with a lytle worke for a coulour, they passe their time.
This old angell was falen out of a lytle purse into the botome of a great purse.
At length, having scoured the neighborhood without success, Mr. Lytle remembered an old settler who lived alone, far up the valley.
Judging from their paint, and other marks by which the early settlers learned to distinguish the various tribes, Mrs. Lytle conjectured that those into whose hands she and her children had fallen were Senecas.
A treaty was immediately entered into for the ransom of the captives, which was easily accomplished in regard to Mrs. Lytle and the younger child.
He was to be "sett on a lytle before the beginning and to stay thereon a lytle after the end.
A lytle boy stood them among, And asked what meaned that gallow-tre?
That lytle boye was the towne swyne-heard, And kept fayre Alyce swyne; Full oft he had seene Cloudesle in the wodde, And geven hym there to dyne.
Cloudesle walked a lytle beside, And looked under the grene wood lynde, He was ware of his wife and chyldren three, Full wo in herte and mynde.
There lay an old wyfe in that place, A lytle besyde the fyre, Whych Wyllyam had found of cherytye More then seven yere.
Inutilis repeticio eiusdem, is a vayne repeting agayn of one word or moe in all one sentence, whyche faute by takyng lytle heede, Cicero also fell into, as in the oracion for Aulus Cluencius.
Here both Catiline is compared to Gracchus, and the estate of the common wealthe to the whole world, & a lytle shakyng to slaughter, fyer and wastyng, and a priuate person to the consuls.
Lytle differeth thys figure from the other before, only because the wordes be chaũged, the sentẽce remayning.
Diminutio, when greate matters are made lyghte of by wordes, as when he was wel beatẽ bi a knaue, that knaue wyll saye he dyd but a lytle stryke hym.
Who is acquanted with this man He is very homely and lytle good he can To come in here so boldly, then Dryue him away quickly, +Wy ll.
Nay by god not so hastie A lytle whyle we wyll larye Good euen syr to you mary Dwell ye in this place?
The rebels having taken all the water craft to their side of the Tennessee, General Lytle made a detail of men to dig out a canoe in which I could cross the river.
It was in the first part of this charge that General Lytle so gloriously fell--his body pierced with three bullets, and his sword dripping with the blood of the foe.
I reported to General Lytle the condition of things on his left, and as the enemy remained quiet for a little time, Van Cleve now closed up the gaps in the line.
And as the mydwife would have gone over the lytle brydge, she fel into the mudde with the chylde, for she had a lytel dronk to much wyne, for had not helpe come quickly, the had both be drowned in the mudde.
Skelton dyd reade, Dryncke, more dryncke, and a great deale of dryncke, and a lytle crome of breade, and a great deale of dryncke to it.
They teach them by lytleandlytle suche filthy wordes whych are scant to be suffered, as sayth Quintilian, of the delicious Alexandrians.
Finally thys tediousenes is sone ouercome, if things be taught them not to much at once, but bylytle and litle, and at sundrie times.
And what the discipline of the lorde is, he shal soone se that wyll consider, wyth what gentlenes, what meekenes, what charitie the Lord Iesus hath taught, suffered and noryshed and brought vp by litle and lytle his disciples.
Peraduenture of this inclinacion you may perceiue certen markes inlytle ons.
They chaw fyrst their milke soppes, and when they haue done, by lytle & litle put it in to the chyldes mouthe.
The fyrste care is to be beloued, by lytle and lytle foloweth after, not feare, but a certen liberall and gentle reuerence which is more of value then feare.
They brynge theyr lytle children to great and longe feastes, yea feastyng sometyme vntyl farre forth nyghtes, they fyl them wyth salt and hoat meates, somtyme euẽ tyl thei vomite.
It is also muche more foolyshe, that some men sende their lytle chyldren to a pyuyshe dronken woman to learne to reade and wryte.
He passed Hawkins' roadster as he turned the corner into Lytle Street and wondered if he were too late.
When he came to Lytle Street he turned off to the right.
And then, having the load of baskets and picnic utensils in the car, he returned to Lytle Street to see that they were properly handed over.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lytle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.