It is not often that a man gets such a chance of clearing the encumbrances off a property.
Against Medley the last named (Kolisch) took two hours for three moves and this had much to do with the initiation of the time limit with the encumbrances of sand glasses and clocks which the majority of players still approve of.
Chess with clocks and the tedious slow time limit of fifteen moves an hour (say a working day for a single game) must not be confounded with genuine, useful and enjoyable chess without distracting time encumbrances as formerly played.
There are those who would gladly overwhelm the country in debt; that corporations might be maintained which thrive by debt, and make their profits out of the misery and encumbrances of the people.
Take it with all its encumbrances and weight of cares.
He had rid himself of all the encumbrances Theodora had left behind her.
But work was to do, and Robert knew that he would be restless until he had finished his preparations for his new life, and got rid of all encumbrances of the past.
A courtship in those days must have resembled a siege, where the principal defence lay in the outworks, and the difficulty of approach was not a little enhanced by the encumbrances of the advancing party.
An ardent soul dwelt within her, but had not yet cast off all the encumbrances of childhood.
The third covenant is that there are no encumbrances on the land, that is, no mortgages, no rights of others to pass over it, or to take earth, water or other things from the land.
If she was, the purchaser takes her subject to all encumbrances on her, and to all lawful contracts made by the master before learning of the purchase.
Why not leave us to deal with our encumbrances in our own way?
There eight distinct encumbrances narrow the sward without in the least adding to the garden's abounding charm.
The bona fide encumbrances on their estates, that is, those which represent advances in cash, are now at an interest of from 4 to 5 per cent.
As for encumbrances that were not perfectly secure, the State should only pay off what was well charged; but it should do this on the same conditions; and it should declare hopeless encumbrances extinct.
They had realised on it well--uncommonly well--declared those who knew; and at once Lamont had set to work to clear off the encumbrances on his ancestral home.
He's not only made a big name for himself as a fighter, but he appears to have struck a gold mine into the bargain, and now he's cleared off all the encumbrances and is having the place put into tip-top order.
There remained unpaid at his death about fifty-five thousand pounds of the Ballantyne debts, besides private encumbrances on Abbotsford, etc.
In stubborn chronic diseases, when the cells are too weak to throw off the latent encumbrances of their own accord, a well-chosen homeopathic remedy is often of great service in arousing them to acute reaction.
If the encumbrances consist merely of superfluous flesh and fat or of accumulated waste materials, fasting may be sufficient to break up the accumulations and to eliminate the impurities that are clogging blood and tissues.
He was afraid that the shutting the port was ominous of the disposition of Spain to cede the province to France, independently of any encumbrances she may have imposed upon herself.
If Spain has ceded those countries to France, the cession has been made with all the encumbrances and obligations to which it is subject by previous compact with us.
The selection of these counties seems capricious: its probable explanation is that in them trade was flourishing, and the fortunes made were frequently invested in land, and a protection against secret encumbrances was most in demand.
During the four years which elapsed between that event and his marriage, he had devoted all he could spare to the clearance of encumbrances and therefore, as I said, the present he made me was a most generous one.
The mortgages, of which no doubt you have heard, as paid off by your father, were encumbrances of long standing.
In a letter, which Violet was permitted to read, he gradually and by degrees approached the subject of the mortgages and other encumbrances upon the Lechester estates.
It was notorious that although Lady Lechester had a sufficient income for all her purposes, and even a superfluity, that the revenue from her large estates was greatly reduced by encumbrances upon it.
The rationalist mind has cleared away all the sentimental and most of the superstitious encumbrances and hindrances of strong narrative.
This gift of shaping a plot and letting it explain itself without encumbrances is not to be mistaken for the whole secret of the highest kind of poetry.
Still, though this story of Gawain is weighed down by the commonplaces of the Romantic School, it shows through all its encumbrances what sort of story it was that impressed the French imagination at the beginning of the School.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encumbrances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.