Forgery is a serious matter, regardless of the circumstances.
It's a serious matter, in view of the physician's report.
I do not see that we could undertake anything alone, and in any case, you see, it would be a serious matter to lay an accusation against a prominent citizen who is actually a captain of one of the bands.
This is a serious matter, you know; it is a grave thing to bring an accusation against anyone in matters touching the state.
Civil war is a serious matter, Strides, And no man should rush blindly into its dangers and difficulties.
This is a serious matter, indeed, if it be really so.
That is indeed a serious matter, and may lead to most serious consequences!
To the orthodox Hindu, killing a cow, even accidentally, is a serious matter, and involves the feeding of Brahmans and the performance of pilgrimages.
The cutting of the hair is always a serious matter.
The testimony of every fair-minded man is that we have accomplished an incalculable amount of excellent work there.
Perhaps they won't give him his choice, for threatening to shoot a lord is a serious matter.
It would be a serious matterif she were to run on shore during the night, or be retaken by a French cruiser.
To strike an officer, even though he strikes you first, is a serious matter, and I was wrong in advising it.
Is it not a serious matter that so many fell in the course of two and a half years?
This is a serious matter, and I hope that I shall never be guilty of trampling on such costly blood.
That Saturday morning, however, Mr. Thrush was not only up before the paper came, but for once he took its opinion seriously on a serious matter.
I come on a serious matter, Mr. Thrush—a very serious matter to me!
At an earlier stage the ironmaster would have raised his voice and repeated that this was a serious matter; even now he looked rather reproachfully at Eugene Thrush, who came back to business on the spot.
Do not be alarmed, Miss Kingston; a broken shoulder is not a serious matter, only I would rather it had not happened just at the present moment; there are more important affairs in hand.
You know how hot the feeling is at present, and it is a serious matter at any time to interfere between a master and his slaves in the Southern States.
They could ill spare the soldiers required to guard so large a number of prisoners, and a supply of food was in itself a serious matter.
This was a serious matter, and certainly an unworthy position for Germany.
I have no space here, however, to write about the treatment of the women; it is such a serious matter that it would require whole chapters to deal with it adequately.
I had but just returned from my meeting with General Botha when a serious matter arose at Petrusburg, demanding my immediate presence there.
Is not a loss such as this, in so short a time as two and a half years, a serious matter?
It is a serious matter to send boys and girls in their middle teens away to college.
It is a serious matter, however, to observe how many grown men there are who look upon their work with the dread and disfavor natural to little boys.
Hence it is a serious matterto attempt to describe the climate of any part of the Palæozoic era.
If, as most geologists believe, the climate of the Mesozoic was distinctly warm, this habit of the parent of forsaking the egg was not a serious matter.
It is a serious matterlightly to disturb the balance of nature by the introduction of a new species.
She smiled more faintly at my jests, a serious matter, for I have at home, like other men, some reputation for a pretty wit upon occasion.
Do you think three millions are not a serious matter?
But really, Duke, you should not make fun of it; it is a serious matter," said the Condesa de Cebal.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "serious matter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.