Quicker than his fellows he grasped the casuistical hair-splittings in which the Rabbis too often indulged, but his contempt was as quick as his comprehension.
We have had occasion more than once in the course of this session to admire the casuistical skill of Her Majesty's Ministers.
Again he carries to the point of lunacy that casuistical rhetoric, introduced by Ariosto and refined upon by Tasso, with which luckless heroines or heroes announce their doubts and difficulties to the world in long soliloquies.
The subtlest elasticity had been gained for the machinery of the order by casuistical interpretation.
This contains a compendium of those passages in casuistical writings on which Pascal based his brilliant satires.
The other employed subtle means to fill the vacuum thus created with spurious erudition, sophistries, casuistical abominations and false doctrines profitable to the Papal absolutism.
Footnote 108: Aristophanes' Apology is connected with these poems by its character as a casuistical self-defence of the chief speaker.
No doubt the result is sufficiently repulsive to the abstract moralist, who is apt to find in Fifine nothing but a casuistical and shameless justification of evil, which is blasphemy against goodness itself.
But in the casuistical portion of this work, the most extraordinary indecencies occur, such as have consigned it to general censure.
Yet it is not till about the end of that period that we find casuistical literature burst out, so to speak, with a profusion of fruit.
The Protestant churches were not generally attentive to casuistical divinity, which smelt too much of the opposite system.
The casuistical writers of the Roman church, and especially of the Jesuit order, belong to earlier periods; for little room was left for anything but popular compilations from large works of vast labour and accredited authority.
This mention of Allan Cunningham recalls to my recollection an affair which retains one part of its interest to this day, arising out of the very important casuistical question which it involves.
But if any are found not so fit for deep studies, yet likely to be useful in the Lord’s vineyard, they merely go through two years of practical, that is, casuistical theology.
In his casuistical works he was a diligent compiler, whose avowed design was to take a middle course between the two current extremes of severity and laxity.
These tiring and perplexing thoughts begot in him an averseness to enter into the toil of considering and determining all casuistical points; because during that time, they neither gave rest to his body or mind.
Sir George Shuckburgh has since treated this casuistical problem more elaborately: but Bishop Gibson it was, who, in his Chronicon Preciosum, first broke the ice.
Now, having stated the case, let us review the casuistical apologies put forward.
But they are not aware that this whole inquiry is simply the machinery for determining a casuistical question.
Seriously, however, there is nothing more remarkable in the history of casuistical ethics, than the utter revolution in human estimates of usury.
But this is the true solution of that common casuistical question about duelling.
The article makes no attempt to give a detailed, casuisticalexamination of the matter of ethical theory.
The psychological analyses, casuistical questions, rhetorical digressions, and pathetic situations wherein the great poet of the Hippolytus delighted were exactly suited to the intellectual tastes and temper of incipient decadence.
His name became a sort of proverb in connection with their casuistical system, and “escobarder†came to signify “to palter in a double sense.
They were, no doubt, often furnished to him by Nicole or Arnauld, who hunted them through the immense volumes of casuistical divinity in which they were contained.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "casuistical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.