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Example sentences for "castels"

Lexicographically close words:
castellans; castellated; castelle; castellis; castellum; castemen; casten; caster; casters; castes
  1. Yes, I have lands and woods, father, Castels and touirs three; But what if she like my lands and rents Far more than she loves me?

  2. Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke recouereth his castels taken by the prince of Wales.

  3. The Welshmen with their prince Leolin made wars against the men and tenants of Roger de Mortimer; and tooke two of his castels (the one called Kenet) and raced them both to the ground.

  4. Sidenote: How Simon of Athens wan a towne; A policie to get a towne; How Scipio gotte certaine castels in Afrike.

  5. Alexander Magnus mindyng to winne Leucadia overcame all the Castels aboute it, and by that means drivyng into the same citie a great multitude of their owne countrie men, famished them.

  6. It hath also a noble poole of fresh water; fiue castels and sundrie townes; as Aie, S.

  7. In forme, it representeth almost an eg, and so well is it inhabited with meere English at this present, that there are thirtie six townes, villages and castels to be found therein, beside 27.

  8. Herevpon therefore he caused more than eleuen hundred of their said castels to be raced and ouerthrowne, whereby the power of his nobilitie was not a little restreined.

  9. It hath beene of long time a question in controuersie, and not yet determined, whether holds and castels neere cities or anie where in the hart of common-wealths, are more profitable or hurtfull for the benefit of the countrie?

  10. About Maie in this 1428, the towne of Naunts and territories there with a fearefull earthquake were shaken, houses castels and strong buildings in such terrour, as it was thought the end of the world had beene come.

  11. This doone, putting a mistrust in the Parisiens, he caused the castels and fortresses neere and adioining to the citie, to be furnished with Englishmen.

  12. And besides this, aboue fortie castels and piles were ouerthrowne and destroied.

  13. So the king of Spaine there remained till the countrie was reduced into a good conformitie and order, and diuerse fortresses and castels were made for the safegard and tuition of the realme.

  14. Then he, perceiuing that he must lose his castels by force, and that the Flemings could not aid him, yeelded the castels to sir Edward Poinings, and the towne to the duke of Saxonie, vpon certeine conditions.

  15. Sir Edward Poinings kept the castels a while, of whom the Almains demanded their wages, bicause the duke had nothing to paie.

  16. Sidenote: The earle of Surreie entreth Scotland defacing castels and towers.

  17. They tooke also the castels of Mole, Chirke, and Olono, the keepers whereof comming vnto the king to Shrewsburie submitted themselues to him, who shortlie after sent them to the tower of London.

  18. Fourthlie, the said Spensers counselled the king to foreiudge sir Hugh Audlie, sonne to the lord Hugh Audlie, and to take into his hands his castels and possessions.

  19. The Welshmen with their capteine Griffin Loitis tooke the castels in Wales, which were kept by the people of the lord Mortimer the elder.

  20. The king getting into his hands all the castels of his aduersaries in those parts, went to Hereford, where he was honorablie receiued of the cleargie and citizens.

  21. Wherevpon, the foresaid Hugh shortlie after was at peace with the king, and surrendred to him the two castels of Wigmore and Bridgenorth, which hitherto he had holden.

  22. About this time William Taiuan earle of Sagium (by the consent of his sons and nephues) deliuered into the hands of king Henrie the castels of Alerium, and Roch Laberie, with all the appurtenances to the castels belonging.

  23. Likewise Petroke earle of Perch surrendred two castels vnto king Henrie, which he had vsurped of the demeanes of Normandie in the daies of king Stephan: one of which castels the king gaue him againe, receiuing homage of him for the same.

  24. Moreouer, to William earle of Albemarle the king deliuered the custodie of the castels of Rockingham, Sawey and Biham.

  25. The king of Scots in like sort subdued vnto the said Lewes all the countrie of Northumberland, except the castels which Hugh de Balioll, and Philip de Hulcotes valiantlie defended against all the force of the enimie.

  26. In like manner, all the fortresses, townes, and castels in the south parts of the realme were subdued vnto the obeisance of Lewes (the castels of Douer and Windsore onelie excepted.

  27. From thence he went to Winchester, where the citie was yeelded vnto him, with all the castels and holds thereabout, as Woluesey, Odiham, and Beaumere.

  28. Sidenote: Castels deliuered to the keeping of Foukes de Brent.

  29. After this, king Philip tooke diuerse other townes and castels in that countrie, of the which some he raced, and some he fortified and stored with garisons of his souldiers.

  30. The other of the prisoners were also committed vnto safe keeping some into castels within Normandie, and some were sent into England.

  31. Also he shuld restore all the castels (his seruants being remooued which he had placed in the same) togither with the pledges incontinentlie, at the request of the same queenes, or of either of them.

  32. Sidenote: Castels woon by the bishop of Durham.

  33. But in diuerse castels he placed such capteines as he thought most meetest to keepe them to his vse, till he had ended the controuersie, & placed him in the kingdome, to whom of right it belonged.

  34. The castels belonging to the said Gaston he subdued, but his person he could not meet with.

  35. Also he placed English garrisons in the castels and holds by the sea sides, and made Englishmen lords of the grounds and possessions belonging to the same.

  36. In the same forme of words were writs awarded forth, to all and euerie other the keepers of castels and manors belonging to the crowne of Scotland, and being at that time in K.

  37. After that the Englishmen had raised the Frenchmen from the siege of Mortaigne, they returned to Burdeaux, and after recouered sundrie castels and fortresses in the marches of |717| Burdelois, and about Baionne.

  38. Diuerse other castels and fortresses were taken by the Scots in Fife, and in other parts, but the countrie of Galloway was by them speciallie sore afflicted, bicause the people there held with their lord Edward Balioll.

  39. By reason of this misfortune thus happened to the English fleet, the Frenchmen recouered manie townes and castels out of the Englishmens hands, in the countries of Poictou, Xaintonge, Limosin, and other the marches of Aquitaine.

  40. Northumberland and lord Bardolfe, in a dismall houre, with a great power of Scots returned into England, recouering diuerse of the earls castels and seigniories, for the people in great numbers resorted vnto them.

  41. After this, all the townes and castels within a great circuit offered to yeeld themselues vnto the English obeisance; the strong towne and castell of Gisours onelie excepted, which still held out, & would shew no token of will to yeeld.

  42. Certeine castels and holds in déed he caused to be built and fortified, further within the countrie than had béene afore attempted by anie of his predecessors, and so thereby were the confines of the Romans in this Ile somewhat inlarged.

  43. He therefore restored the cities & castels that were appointed to be kept with garrisons, and the borders he caused to be defended and garded with sufficient numbers to kéepe watch and ward in places necessarie.

  44. The king taking counsell in the matter, agreed that he should haue it for that monie, excepting the castels: but the king of Scots would haue castels and all, or else he would not bargaine.

  45. Erle John the kings brother aduertised hereof, raised such numbers of men as he might make of his freends, seruants and tenants, [Sidenote: Earle John winneth the castels of Notingham and Tickhill.

  46. Baffes and Buffeuent, Den, Amur, Candace, and afterwards all the other castels and cities, townes and places of strength within that Ile one after an other.

  47. Notwithstandinge his heade ceased not to builde Castels in the ayre, and made a promise to himselfe to enjoye her whom he worshipped in his hart.

  48. Sidenote: Castels built by the bishop of Salisburie.

  49. About the same time the castels of Reading and Béertwell were deliuered to duke Henrie, [Sidenote: Matth.

  50. There were diuerse castels thereabouts in the countrie furnished with garisons of the kings souldiers, but they kept themselues close, and durst not come abroad to stop his passage.

  51. But when those within made valiant resistance, he raised two castels against it, and leauing in the same certeine of his Nobles to continue the siege, he himselfe returned home.

  52. For in this meane time he had taken the castels of Hereford, Glocester, Webbeley, Bristowe, Dudley, and Shrewesburie.

  53. The duke also burned the castels of Bascheruille, Chitrey, Stripiney, and the castell of Fort, that belonged to Hugh de Gourney, with diuerse other.

  54. Thise thoners and levyn downe gar fall Full stout Both halles and bowers, Castels and towres.

  55. He therefore restored the cities & castels that were appointed to be kept with garrisons, and the borders he caused to be defended and garded with sufficient numbers to keépe watch and ward in places necessarie.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "castels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.