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Example sentences for "castes"

Lexicographically close words:
castels; castemen; casten; caster; casters; castest; casteth; castigate; castigated; castigation
  1. The generation of bumble-bees is more curious, the differentiation of castes more complicated.

  2. If any man of one of these castes wished to consult the oracle he selected the emblem of his class and in this way communicated to the god his status in the community.

  3. Thus one nation cannot disarm while the others are strongly armed, and among them are those whose autocratic rulers and imperialistic castes are watching for signs of weakness in order to perpetrate international claim-jumping.

  4. The terrible waste of the War must of itself produce a reaction of the people on kings and castes in all lands.

  5. Away with castes and ruling classes, we will have no more of them!

  6. The first three upper classes or castes are also called "twice-born" men, because they are supposed to be regenerated or "born in the Veda.

  7. The three higher castes are permitted to intermarry with the caste next below their own, the issue taking the lower caste or sometimes forming a new caste.

  8. There are four principal castes to-day among the Hindus, namely: 1.

  9. There are some low castes in the Bombay Presidency, in Assam and elsewhere, among whom the practice of irregular divorce and remarriage of the parties prevails.

  10. The castes of the community are filled with jealousy and are mutually antagonistic; each division having rules and ceremonies which make it impossible for communion of interests with others.

  11. A large number, in our Christian community, has been gathered through mass movements, where certain castes and classes have, in large bodies, sought the blessings of our faith.

  12. They should teach frequently and emphatically that membership in different castes does not constitute a prohibited marriage relationship; but rather does it furnish the best ground for marriage.

  13. It maintains that men have been created into a great number of castes or classes from none of which can they, by any possibility, pass into another.

  14. Footnote 213: See Thurston, Castes and Tribes of Southern India, vol.

  15. Other castes can offer sacrifices only by the mediation of Brahmans, and it does not appear that kings disputed this, though they claimed the right to think for themselves and may have denied the utility of sacrifice[208].

  16. The lowest castes can by this process acquire a position which makes them equal to the highest[164].

  17. Also there are signs that priests and nobles, however much they quarrelled, combined to keep the lower castes in subjection[236].

  18. Hence in this sphere the supremacy of the Brahman could be challenged by other castes and an instructive legend relates how Râma slew a Śûdra whom he surprised in the act of performing austerities.

  19. Compared with Islam or Christianity its doctrines are extraordinarily fluid, multiform and even inconsistent: its practice, though rarely lax, is also very various in different castes and districts.

  20. All these views are tenable because though Hindu life may be cut up into castes and sects, Hindu creeds are not mutually exclusive and repellent.

  21. Obviously knowledge in the sense of philosophical speculation commended itself to religiously disposed persons in the non-sacerdotal castes for the same reason as asceticism.

  22. The two castes are compared to the deities Mitra and Varuṅa, typifying intelligence and will.

  23. It was his Majesty's right to have his kava, and indeed all his food and drink, proffered in this especial attitude; but half-castes and whites were sometimes careless enough to forget the honour.

  24. Furthermore, Vaiti, neglecting the half-castes and the whites, began with considerable art to make herself popular among the natives.

  25. The "sweeper" belongs to the bottom caste; he is the lowest of the low--all other castes despise him and scorn his office.

  26. For the benefit of the inferior castes the old Pantheon of gods and demons had been retained, and the priesthood allotted to each his share of the worshipper's offerings and oblations.

  27. Seeing two small ones on the opposite shore, near a few recently erected huts of two half-castes from Tette, we halted for the ferry-men to come over.

  28. Unlike the real Portuguese, many of the half-castes are merciless slave-holders; their brutal treatment of the wretched slaves is notorious.

  29. The Tribes and Castes of the North-west Provinces and Oudh.

  30. Thus the noble-hearted Humboldt speaks in strong terms of the bad and savage disposition of Zambos, or half-castes between Indians and Negroes; and this conclusion has been arrived at by various observers.

  31. From these facts we may perhaps infer that the degraded state of so many half-castes is in part due to reversion to a primitive and savage condition, as well as to the unfavorable moral conditions under which they generally exist.

  32. They tell us at what time and with what rites the members of the different castes are to be initiated; how the Veda has to be studied; in what way the cessation of study has to take place; how marriage has to be performed, and so on.

  33. Others, again, think that the four castes together with the Nishâdas are meant.

  34. Hewitt, in reviewing Risley's Tribes and Castes of Bengal, JRAS.

  35. Footnote 55: The epic does not care much for castes in some passages.

  36. Men of low castes are reborn in higher castes in successive births, and men of high castes in low castes, if they respectively perform and neglect their duties.

  37. Footnote 2: Epic literature springs from lower castes than that of the priest, but it has been worked over by sacerdotal revisers till there is more theology than epic poetry in it.

  38. Footnote 14: For the relations of the different castes at this period, see Weber, in the tenth volume of the Indische Studien.

  39. To the other castes the active and most terrible deity is represented as being the priest himself.

  40. The three upper castes have each the right and duty of studying the sacred texts for a number of years.

  41. Of these, above five hundred are Mohammedans: the rest are from among the different castes of the Hindoos.

  42. As only a few of the Brahman and writer castes could read, and not one woman, "a general perusal of the Scriptures amongst natives will be impracticable till they are taught to read.

  43. To this intensely outward religion people of these castes are passionately attached from custom, from superstition, and still more, I think, from the consideration among themselves and others which caste purity secures.

  44. The "Imperial Gazetteer" of India gives no account in its last census of the castes of Benares, but we are sure that many thousands of the inhabitants are Brahmans.

  45. Instantly there came from the black men forward a shout to answer that of the half-castes on the dock.

  46. He knew well enough what these battles between Caribs and half-castes meant.

  47. I put no faith in the half-castes that swarm about this dock.

  48. When the North Star came within hailing distance of the dock, which was swarming with half-castes drawn up in battle array, a little group of some fifty black Caribs were gathered on the forward deck of the North Star.

  49. Domestic intercourse between persons of different castes is inadmissible, and to marry below one's caste is considered to be disgraceful.

  50. Certain low castes in Ceylon use them as articles of food.

  51. Women of the humbler castes are looked upon more as slaves than as filling any other relation to those whom they call their husbands.

  52. But it is not only the progress of ideas, and the conflict between two classes of different origin, which have induced the privileged castes to abandon their pretensions, or at least cautiously to conceal them.

  53. The whites, and the castes of mixed blood, favoured by the corregidors, establish themselves among the Indians.

  54. The privileged castes were those of the warriors and the priests, who, with the Pharaoh, held in fee all the land of Egypt.

  55. When election was necessary the two privileged castes chose from among their own numbers; the people enjoyed only the right of acclamation.

  56. Besides the Indian and creole children are the half-castes whose skins are darker than those of their white brothers and sisters, though many of them have rosy cheeks.

  57. The fathers of the little half-castes are generally farmers or mule drivers.

  58. This latter vanity is as precious as it is ugly; in some of the minor castes its absence is regarded as a badge of widowhood; and for no inducement would the pious ayah have removed it from its place, even for an instant.

  59. In some castes it is forbidden to eat from any plate twice, even in the strictest privacy of the family; and many natives, however wealthy, scrupulously insist upon leaves.

  60. Fryer was told about 1676 that the antagonism was planned by the Brahmans to keep the lower castes in subjection.

  61. The heads of castes seemed to be completely cowed.

  62. The heads of castes were told that the rents must be paid, and that those who refused to pay must be prepared to sell their houses and leave the British settlement.

  63. Next morning the heads of castes returned to the Fort and presented a petition, begging to be relieved from the payment of the ground-rent.

  64. All over Southern India, the lower castes of Hindus are divided into Right and Left Hands, and yet no one can account for the distinction, or satisfactorily define the respective rights of each Hand.

  65. The heads assented to the measure, but offered to carry out the work themselves, and to raise the necessary funds in the same way that they levied contributions from their respective castes for defraying the cost of public festivals.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "castes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.