Though the Serum of Blood be naturally in a fluid form, yet it hath also a great tendency to coagulate, and a certain degree of heat applied to it, either by water, or by a naked fire, will curdle it.
The residue, or sort of extract, which remains in the cucurbit after Wine hath been deprived of its Ardent Spirit by distillation, hath also a great conformity with Tartar.
There is also the Shen halfe a mile from Mula, whose bankes doo swarme with conies: it hath also a parish church, but most of the inhabitants doo liue and dwell in Mula.
It hath also a fresh well comming out of the rocks, which is worthie to be noted in so small a compasse of ground.
Scipio Mercurii hath also left an excellent tract in Italian, concerning popular Errors; but confining himself only unto those in Physick, he hath little conduced unto the generality of our doctrine.
But this office he hath alsonow in heaven, by virtue of the blood he shed for us upon earth.
He hath not only promised that He will not leave us, nor forsake us, but He hath also sworn to fulfill His promises.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hath also" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.