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Example sentences for "carvings"

Lexicographically close words:
carven; carver; carvers; carves; carving; caryatid; caryatides; caryatids; carye; caryed
  1. And all the house was covered within with cedar, having the turnings, and the joints thereof artfully wrought, and carvings projecting out: all was covered with boards of cedar: and no stone could be seen in the wall at all.

  2. On both inside and outside of the structure are hundreds of images of Buddha and carvings of scenes connected with his life.

  3. Then, for many years afterward, the canyon claimed but little attention because it was so difficult of access, and so little was known of its colossal dimensions and the marvellous carvings within its walls.

  4. The Norman pillars in the south arcade are striking to the eye, and the humorous carvings on their capitals are objects of great interest.

  5. By "trinkrums" I suppose he meant the gargoyles, pinnacles and profusion of delicate carvings for which the gracious amber-coloured tower is justly famous.

  6. In carvings or turned work, after applying the ammonia, use a hard brush to remove the varnish.

  7. We return below the chantry arch and descend into the ambulatory, whence we have a good view of the carvings alluded to, besides many others.

  8. In it was a long table with eight legs that had carvings of roses rambling along its edges: the table and its legs were all of one piece with the floor.

  9. Then Don Alderon showed his guest to an upper room, a long room dim with red hangings, and carvings in walnut and oak, which the one candle he carried barely lit but only set queer shadows scampering.

  10. There are no modern sculptors in the list of Tournaisian artists, but the cathedral is a veritable museum of the stone carvings of the past.

  11. They are among the oldest stone carvings in Europe and show that the art of sculpture was practised at Tournai within a century or two after the retirement of the Norsemen.

  12. Smaller frescoes depict other notable scenes in the old town's history, while small carvings near the ceiling represent the chief virtues of an upright judge.

  13. The elaborate carvings with which this masterpiece is decorated comprise three tiers.

  14. Then there are wood carvings the like of which you will travel far to see, and old Flemish furniture everywhere.

  15. This little architectural gem with its delicate exterior carvings has been very carefully preserved.

  16. Masses of ivy covered the walls, and the interior was lined with gilded carvings which enclosed pictures said to be by Mignard representing scenes in the life of the Virgin.

  17. The iconoclasts of the Revolution wreaked their devastating zeal upon this Gloria, and upon any symbol or figure in the rich carvings of the choir that spoke of power or privilege.

  18. The cloisters should also be visited, for the sake of the carvings on the double rows of pillars that hold up the arcading, in which the sculptors have let themselves loose in all sorts of luxuriant fancies.

  19. A chapter might be written on its carvings alone, and its irregularities of date and of construction provide constant fresh interest.

  20. Finally, however, it was discovered by a party of explorers, who recognized the value of the carvings and took it aboard their ship en route for Spain, intending to sell it when they reached home.

  21. It was of marble and mosaic; a fountain plashed in the center, and the light poured through ruby-tinted glass and warmed with a rose blush the exquisite carvings and statuary.

  22. Wide yawns the stone doorway of the court; a grinning masque grotesquely looks down from its centre, and odd carvings from the sides.

  23. A colony of swallows have established their nests among the queer old carvings and gnome-like faces, and are twittering in and out, superintending their domestic arrangements.

  24. Monday we spent in a delightful visit to Fountains Abbey; less rich in carvings than Melrose, but wider in extent, and of a peculiar architectural beauty.

  25. The gargoyles, gables, cornices, and carvings one meets at every turn carry one quite back to the Middle Ages.

  26. Thus we are able to trace in geometrical ratio the progress from primitive silhouettes and rude carvings up to the present comparatively advanced condition of the arts in this country.

  27. The front is covered with elaborate carvings in low relief, executed with admirable exactness and delicacy, and owing their almost perfect preservation to the extreme hardness of the stone.

  28. But how can we account for the strange and profane caricatures which are so numerous in the stone and wood carvings of our cathedrals?

  29. The wood carvings and iron work are both interesting, as are also the old engravings which hang upon the walls, and the curious black Virgin and Child upon the Altar.

  30. Marbles of different kinds entered largely into its construction, and the gilding, decorations, and carvings were such as to become famous throughout even a country noted for great and beautiful palaces.

  31. It was in the Cathedral at Manchester, a particularly black and grim old structure, into which I had stepped to examine some ancient and curious wood-carvings within the choir.

  32. One can easily count, in the vicinity of San Diego, over fifty mounds, and there are also rock carvings and paintings in various places.

  33. At this time he probably executed the best carvings which he ever did.

  34. He made many exquisite little carvings in stone, ivory, and boxwood, and in these articles the result of his work as a goldsmith is best seen.

  35. Besides, the carvings of gods and goddesses cut out of the rock forbid one to think that the temple is the production of the Buddhists.

  36. The pillars stood very close to each other, but the carvings prevented them from forming an uninterrupted wall, so that the ventilation was a little too strong.

  37. So I shall only note that here all the statues, idols, and carvings are ascribed to Buddhist ascetics of the first centuries after the death of Buddha.

  38. On the sides of the altars are rough carvings of the axe and the knife, the jug and the dish, used in sacrificial ceremonies.

  39. You could order designs for wood carvings or silver ware; you could hire church banners, of which store was kept to be let out for processions at so much the hour.

  40. Their relations to each other are purely architectural: it is a matter of mere symmetry, even as it is with the mouldings or carvings of the frame which surrounds them.

  41. From its posts at the corners and sides were the usual totems and old rags flying, two of the carvings representing, I think, a duck and a bear respectively, while the others could not be made out.

  42. When civilization first came in contact with these people they were in the Paleolithic stone age of that material, and their carvings were marvels of design and execution, although subserving the simplest wants of a simple people.

  43. Of wood carvings their "totem" poles show the cleverest workmanship and variety of design.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carvings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.