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Example sentences for "carbohydrates"

Lexicographically close words:
carbides; carbine; carbineers; carbines; carbohydrate; carbolate; carbolated; carbolic; carbolized; carbon
  1. Similarly, the average heat of combustion of carbohydrates of the diet would be about 4.

  2. As the chief function of both fats and carbohydrates is to furnish energy, their exact proportion in the diet is of small account.

  3. The gelatinoids, fats and carbohydrates in being utilized for energy protect the body proteids from consumption.

  4. It is commonly assumed that the resorbed fats and carbohydrates are completely oxidized in the body.

  5. The fats in the food in excess of the body requirements may be stored as body fat, and the surplus carbohydrates may also be converted into fat and stored.

  6. We ought to be wisely interested in choosing the proper foods for our daily needs and in having them properly prepared; we ought to know how much carbohydrates we need, how much proteids, and regulate our diet accordingly.

  7. The diet consisted either exclusively of meat or largely of carbohydrates with a minimum amount of meat to give flavor to the food.

  8. He found that mice fed on carbohydrates chiefly, or on foods containing only a small amount of protein, were more resistant to acetonitril.

  9. We know now that a man can get along nicely if he eats 50 grams of protein per day and makes up the rest of his calories in carbohydrates and fats, provided that to this is added certain requirements in salts and water.

  10. Vitamine requirements of rats on diets rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat respectively.

  11. In other words, the human body is an engine; protein keeps it in repair; fats and carbohydrates are the fuel to run it.

  12. If the maximum figures of the company’s analysis are used, the carbohydrates would amount to 5 per cent.

  13. Only in certain cases does it appear to me that the special form of carbohydrates possesses any particular significance.

  14. The complete suppression of carbohydrates from the dietary” is the only means the physician has to determine the diabetic’s carbohydrate tolerance.

  15. After many years of experimentation, we have succeeded in perfecting a process whereby the carbohydrates are excluded.

  16. It has been discovered that the complete suppression of carbohydrates from the dietary is not only unnecessary but is highly detrimental and even dangerous.

  17. As will be seen, the referee finds that the amounts of carbohydrates contained in Pure Gluten Flour, 40 per cent.

  18. My analysis also shows that the carbohydrates are not excluded from this food as claimed above.

  19. In light cases the form of carbohydrates makes little difference; in severe cases the advantage from using levulose, milk sugar, etc.

  20. Again the company confuses carbohydrates and starch, and the food instead of containing from 0 to 5 per cent.

  21. The proposition of how much carbohydrates the hen eats is chiefly determined by the quantity of grain she consumes.

  22. Carbohydrates constitute two-thirds to three-fourths of all common rations and nine-tenths of that amount is starch.

  23. It has always been found that an overdose of proteids results in inability to absorb the excess, and it has been assumed that a ratio of proteids to carbohydrates of one to four is approximately the proper proportion.

  24. Chemically, the difference consists in the fact that proteids contain nitrogen whereas carbohydrates do not.

  25. Examples of almost pure proteids have already been given, and it may here be added that carbohydrates are typically shown by the starchy particles found in potatoes or wheat.

  26. If, then, the carbohydrates were to be made up entirely from potatoes, 18 per cent of which is starch and he should need 17.

  27. They may be considered like all carbohydrates as compounds of carbon and water, 6C + 5H{2}O.

  28. The value of carbohydrates as a source of heat and energy may be accurately measured, and is technically expressed in terms of a unit, called the calorie.

  29. Thus, the carbohydrates and the fats may be placed together because they are the body fuel; their value consists in the heat and energy which they yield when acted upon in the tissues.

  30. One cannot remedy the defect by increasing the protein and carbohydrates to match the fat, for we should then have as much food at one meal as we should need for three.

  31. That the carbohydrates exceed the others in quantity is easily accounted for.

  32. We might make a diagram of it, like this: Cod fish Protein Egg Protein Fat Butter Fat Potato Carbohydrates As a dish to combine with two articles somewhat lacking in protein and fat, we may feel ourselves content with this.

  33. While awaiting oxidation at the cells, the carbohydrates and fats are stored up by the body, the carbohydrates as glycogen and the fats as some form of fat.

  34. Why are proteids called nitrogenous foods and fats and carbohydrates non-nitrogenous foods?

  35. Trace the passage of proteids, fats, and carbohydrates from the small intestine into the general circulation.

  36. The close chemical relation between the different carbohydrates makes such a conversion easily possible.

  37. Proteids also serve this purpose, but they are not so well adapted to supplying energy as are the carbohydrates and the fats.

  38. Carbohydrates are supplied in abundance by potatoes, rice, corn, sugar, and molasses.

  39. Since neither fats nor carbohydrates contain nitrogen, they are frequently classed together as non-nitrogenous foods.

  40. The only representative of the carbohydrates in the plasma is dextrose.

  41. Evidence that digestion serves such a purpose is found in the fact that both proteids and carbohydrates are reduced to a simpler form than is necessary for dissolving them.

  42. The carbohydrates are stored also by converting them into fat.

  43. The different cereals also contain a large percentage of carbohydrates in the form of starch.

  44. The simplest way of determining what elements make up the different nutrients is by heating them and studying the products of decomposition, as follows: To show that Carbohydrates contain Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.

  45. Inter-relation and convertibility of proteids, fats, and carbohydrates (after Hall).

  46. To keep warm and fat, the animal must, in the second place, have food containing carbohydrates and fats.

  47. The use of these carbohydrates is to furnish to animal bodies either heat or energy or to enable them to store fat.

  48. The carbohydrates are formed of three elements--carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

  49. It therefore presents a dangerous side wholly wanting in carbohydrates and fat.

  50. In these experiments the subjects were given, instead of their daily allotment of carbohydrates and fats, enough alcohol to supply the same amount of energy that these foods would have given.

  51. We may use carbohydrates for this purpose, as they are economical and digestible.

  52. Professor Chittenden of Yale University, another food expert, thinks we need proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in about the proportion of 1 to 3 to 6, thus differing from Atwater in giving less protein in proportion.

  53. Milk is a very beneficial article of diet in all acid diseases, because it contains comparatively low percentages of carbohydrates and proteins and large amounts of organic salts.

  54. The carbohydrates constitute the bulk of our ordinary food.

  55. Weight for weight they are more valuable than the carbohydrates as sources of energy, but the latter are more easily digested, and more easily oxidized in the body.

  56. The Carbohydrates are formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the last two in the proportion to form water.

  57. Vines suggests that the carbohydrates are secretion products of the chloroplasts, derived from decomposition of previously formed proteids.

  58. Defn: One of a class of carbohydrates having from three to nine atoms of carbon in the molecules and having the constitution either of an aldehyde alcohol or of a ketone alcohol.

  59. Note: Wood consists chiefly of the carbohydrates cellulose and lignin, which are isomeric with starch.

  60. These latter terms, however, are misleading, since proteid foods may also give rise to heat both directly and indirectly, and the fats and carbohydrates are useful in other ways than in producing heat.

  61. Defn: The process of constructive metabolism by which carbohydrates are formed from water vapor and the carbon dioxide of the air in the chlorophyll-containing tissues of plants exposed to the action of light.

  62. In carbohydrates it averages about seventy-two per cent.

  63. These substances fall into two classes, one the quaternary or albuminoid, the other the ternary, including the carbohydrates and the fats.

  64. The carbohydrates are distributed very unequally, and this inequality of distribution seems to us in the highest degree instructive.

  65. No matter how carefully the diet may be regulated as regards the quantity of protein and carbohydrates and fats and the ratio between them, healthy metabolism is impossible without a sufficiency of the essential minerals.

  66. Now the entire structure of the human connective tissue is nothing more or less than a combination of carbohydrates with a salt, that is, with sulphate of lime-ammonia.

  67. Hitherto our food experts and medical men have been satisfied with a ration properly balanced as regards protein, carbohydrates and fat, but the mineral salts in our food have been given little if any serious consideration.

  68. They were not only fed a ration properly balanced for protein, carbohydrates and fat, but I gave them a liberal supply of properly prepared mineral salts.

  69. Under these conditions, the diet should consist of highly nitrogenous and proteid compounds, leveled or balanced by the requisite amount of carbohydrates and fats.

  70. Carbon, which is found in all foodstuffs except water and some kinds of mineral matter, costs much less, especially when we take it in the form of carbohydrates such as starches and sugars.

  71. All carbohydrates to be used by the body must be reduced to simple sugars.

  72. The chief foodstuffs in fruits are carbohydrates and mineral matter.

  73. Some have carbohydrates in the form of starch, as the potato, and others in the form of sugar, as the beet; young corn is rich in sugar, old corn in starch.

  74. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates all contain large amounts of carbon, and on this account are called fuel foods.

  75. Vegetables are much like fruits in composition, being richest usually in carbohydrates and ash, but sometimes containing a large amount of protein.

  76. As early as 1906 he wrote "the animal body is adjusted to live either upon plant tissues or other animals, and these contain countless substances other than the proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

  77. Special attention should be paid to this factor in metabolic studies, in view of the widely-held opinion that the carbohydrates exert a potent influence in the development of beriberi.

  78. A test of this kind once more raises the question whether carbohydrates lead to the development of scurvy.

  79. Fats and carbohydrates are only for fuel and contain carbon as the essential element.

  80. With reference to carbohydrates (starch or sugar), we can say that the foods in the lower left compartment are very rich in carbohydrate.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carbohydrates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.