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Example sentences for "averages"

Lexicographically close words:
avenue; avenues; aver; average; averaged; averaging; avere; averment; averments; averred
  1. It averages ten miles in width, and is about one hundred in length, having very regular shores, straight and uniform; but for its dimensions, it might be taken indeed for an artificially made canal.

  2. Supposing, therefore, that each butt averages in value only 25l.

  3. We strongly recommend Juan Valiente, who recently was the alcalde of the town, to the lover of delicious hams; each jamon averages about 12 lb.

  4. It averages 5 to 6 feet in total length with a tail so short as to be inconsequential.

  5. The number of young averages from four to six.

  6. Averages of masses have been studied more than averages of maxima and minima.

  7. Then the impulse of extermination,--a divine instinct, intended to keep down vermin of all classes to their working averages in the economy of Nature.

  8. I say, averages of masses we have, but our tables of maxima we owe to the sporting men more than to the philosophers.

  9. As for the genial and sagacious author of their happiness, the latest report to hand informs the present editor that the name of James Heriot Walkingshaw stands first in the batting averages of a select preparatory school.

  10. Immediately after the general averages shall have been ascertained each competitor shall be notified that he has passed or has failed to pass.

  11. Immediately after the general averages in an examination shall have been ascertained each competitor shall be notified that he has passed or has failed to pass.

  12. In city lines, that is, in lines in city exchanges, the conversation is usually short and averages perhaps two minutes in duration.

  13. Its effective voltage during its useful life averages about one volt, and if during this life it gives a total discharge of thirty ampere hours, the fair energy rating of the cell will be thirty watt-hours.

  14. Throughout the West, though the best trains are very luxurious, the runs are all short, averaging about 30 miles between stations and the speed nowhere averages 40 miles an hour.

  15. Hale averages larger--all things considered a trifle too large when the trees are at their best.

  16. Fruit averages larger than Hale Early which it closely follows in ripening.

  17. The fruit ripens later than Early Crawford, averages larger, is borne more abundantly and holds its size better to the end of the season.

  18. The monthly recurrence of the menstrual periods averages thirty years; in temperate climates it may overreach this figure a little, while in hot climates it comes much below this average.

  19. In length it averages about four inches in its anterior wall, while its posterior wall describes a segment of a larger circle, that makes it between one and two inches longer.

  20. The averages only are given in the following records: Vertical fall Duration of contact in inches.

  21. In the inter-andine region the variations in temperature are frequent and the averages comparatively low.

  22. The number of students averages nearly three thousand a year.

  23. If the averages differed noticeably the significance of the difference was tested statistically.

  24. Averages referred to in the text as significantly different differ by as much as, or more than, the sum of two times the standard error of each of the two averages.

  25. Their speed averages 12 knots on the surface and 8 knots when submerged.

  26. The speed averages 12 knots on the surface and 8 knots when submerged.

  27. The pond level varies with the rainfall of the years, but it averages a certain depth, from which something is each year subtracted by the accumulations of rotting vegetable matter in the bottom.

  28. The underground chambers found there are in the limestone rock which varies from ten to four hundred feet in thickness, and averages a little less than two hundred feet.

  29. The cost of keeping a sheep averages only $1.

  30. There are over a hundred men on its pay-roll, which averages $4,000 a month.

  31. Barley is always a staple, and averages twenty bushels to the acre.

  32. Where the normal variation from place to place and from season to season is as great as it is in agriculture, the material from which averages are constructed must be unusually extensive.

  33. The averages given in his tables are based upon records of actual sales.

  34. Averages are very misleading when snowfall is being considered, some winters producing very scanty amounts and others heaping it on to the depth of 185 inches once at North Volney, New York.

  35. It has been decided by long search through creditable records, painstaking comparisons of averages coupled with the most accurate investigations for half a century, that, on the basis of ten years, our seasons do not change.

  36. Casein is combined with, and kept in solution by, lime, soda, and calcium phosphate, and its amount averages a little over 3 per cent.

  37. The half, or more than half, of such events, must however necessarily happen by the averages of chances; and this unascertained and unsuspected coincidence has from age to age countenanced and confirmed the delusion.

  38. Perhaps I can yet show you a gleam of hope beyond this mathematical law of averages that rattles the dice of death.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "averages" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.