Shall we call that evil which was the necessary condition of our intellectual elevation?
Consciousness is the foundation of the other criteria, not as a proposition which serves as their basis, but as a fact which is a necessary condition of them all.
Extension, considered in us or in its intuition, may be regarded as a necessary condition of our sensitive faculties.
Hence, extension is a necessary conditionof our sensations, but is not itself perceived by the senses.
If the production of any, even the smallest, portion of the supply requires as a necessary condition a certain price, that price will be obtained for all the rest.
It was a necessary condition of the blessed influence of the impending calamity that such a testimony should exist; without it, the calamity would not have led to repentance, but to despair and defiance.
But so much is certain that here, in the prediction, as well as in history, the rejection of Christ, on the part of the Jews, appears to have been a necessary condition of His entering upon His vocation as the Saviour of the Gentiles.
It is beyond doubt that Darwin's emphasis on the struggle for life as a necessary conditionof evolution has been a very important factor in carrying philosophy back to reality from the heaven of pure ideas.
The agreeable is therefore not a property of the object; it springs entirely from the relations of such an object with our senses, for the constitution of our senses is a necessary condition thereof.
The purely accidental agreement of duty with inclination ends by being considered a necessary condition, and thus the principle of all morality is quenched in its source.
The present age, far from offering us this form of humanity, which we have acknowledged as a necessary condition of an improvement of the state, shows us rather the diametrically opposite form.
It must therefore be sought for by a process of abstraction, and it ought to be deduced from the simple possibility of a nature both sensuous and rational; in short, beauty ought to present itself as a necessary condition of humanity.
Here the suiting of the action to the word is a necessary condition to semiotic utterance; the more primitive forms of sign-making are the needful supplements to these commencements of higher forms.
Now, in so far as Kant's initial datum is consciousness of time,[488] he is entirely justified in assuming that everything which can be shown to be a necessary condition of such consciousness must be uniform for all human minds.
Succession is at least a necessary condition of the representations of finite spirits.
Therefore extraordinary strength of imagination accompanies, and is indeed a necessary condition of genius.
For such an eye is a necessary condition of the possibility of knowledge, and the whole world exists only in and for knowledge, and without it is not even thinkable.
How then is it possible to look upon the individuals of one sex as directly responsible for the strife amongst those of the other, or how can the female supply the necessary condition?
There is much evidence to show that mutual protection is a necessary condition of the Rook's existence; many cases are on record of rookeries being destroyed by Carrion-Crows, Hooded Crows, and Ravens.
Hence, if cross-infertility has thus usually been a necessary condition to a varietal divergence becoming specific, it can make no material difference when the incipient infertility arose.
Thus the association between the physiological peculiarity and the morphological divergence is explained by the simple hypothesis, that the former has acted as a necessary condition to the occurrence of the latter.
And this exactly agrees with the Christian doctrine, which is that sinners cannot expect to avail themselves of Christ's Atonement if they wilfully continue in sin; so that repentance is a necessary condition of forgiveness.
That religious conformity was a necessary condition of national unity, aye, even of national existence, was, however, still accepted as an axiomatic truth by those whose mental visions were limited by inherited conceptions.
At the very time this book was being written, some of the new settlements in America were making Church Fellowship a necessary condition of civil rights.
Modern researches have shown, as we have already said in a previous chapter, that, in the conversion of organic nitrogen into nitrates, the presence of carbonate of lime is a necessary condition.
With regard to the former, it is well known that a plentiful supply of oxygen in the pores of the soil is a necessary condition of fertility.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "necessary condition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.