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Example sentences for "great risk"

  • The men were very unwilling to withdraw, and they insisted, at great risk, on carrying with them their belongings.

  • The next day, at great risk, he examined the outer anchorage of Heligoland, and on 6th October sank a German destroyer off the mouth of the Ems.

  • No one else had been injured, though all had run a great risk of being drowned; but a whaler's crew know that such may be their fate at any moment.

  • The doctor warned her that she would go at great risk--indeed, that she was not fit to leave her bed.

  • In vain we again looked out for the light; none could be seen, and there was a great risk, should we continue to pull on, of the boat being swamped.

  • There was a great risk of our becoming what my father had so strongly objected to "long-shore loafers.

  • If they have not cut off Rogers's head, they will be taking him in with them, and he'll run a great risk of being killed when the Gnat opens fire on the fort.

  • Whenever they went out fishing they had to keep constantly baling, so that they ran a great risk of going down.

  • Tom urged all hands, each man in his turn, to keep a strict watch; for having no fire there would be a great risk of being attacked by wild beasts.

  • The descent was nearly as difficult as the climb up the hill, and they ran a great risk, when leaping from rock to rock, of slipping off and tumbling a dozen or more feet at a time down to the next level.

  • With admirable presence of mind, though at great risk, he suddenly wheeled round the carriage.

  • Don Luis; "I fear you run a great risk of dimming its lustre.

  • The whole of such a tumour cannot be taken away, and, in removing even the more prominent and accessible parts of it, there is great risk of wounding the axillary vein.

  • From my own experience I should say, that both eyes ought not to be operated on at one time: if they are, there is great risk of violent inflammation being established, and of the operation failing to restore vision.

  • I have removed several large ones by incision; but the whole cyst can seldom be taken away, and there is great risk of inflammation ensuing, followed by sloughing of the tendons, or by rigidity of the part.

  • There is no great risk of seizing and pinching the coats of the bladder with this instrument, whilst there is a tolerable certainty of doing so with most of the others.

  • Sickles, with his ten thousand men heaped up at Hazel Grove, was still cut off from the main body and could only communicate with Hooker's headquarters by means of bypaths and at great risk.

  • There was, therefore, great risk in attempting such a manoeuvre, for nothing short of utter blindness on the part of the Union commanders could make it successful.

  • If we are discovered, we can ride away from the Matabili; and thus, though at first it seems a great risk, yet it is not so bad after all.

  • In the far desert the loss of cattle and horses is a disaster beyond remedy, and often causes the ruin of the hunter, or, as in the present case, entails a great risk of life.

  • The crew of the disabled boat were struggling in the water as their comrades came near, and, as is too often the case, the sailors could not swim, and were therefore in great risk of being drowned.

  • Donna Lucrezia told me it would be a great risk to go down the steps without excessively warm clothing.

  • Thus it is no risk at all for you to let me put on your shirt, but it would be a great risk for me if I allowed you to do the same service for me.

  • Croce counted on my having been interested in your pretty face, and he was right; but you must see that he exposed you to a great risk.

  • At last Denis said, "We must leave him, I fear, though he runs a great risk of being destroyed by some wild beast.

  • It would be useless in the dark, and you would run a great risk of being caught by the lion," he observed.

  • On further consideration, Captain Broderick came to the conclusion that the longer route was not to be thought of, as there would be a great risk of missing Hendricks altogether.

  • For example, if you and I were to walk over that log which lies across the stream, we should run a great risk; but that would be, not a small chance of a great evil, but a great chance of a small evil.

  • Yes," replied Forester, "but we call it a great risk.

  • For instance, when you crept down upon the pole the other day, to get the reins, you took a great risk, but perhaps you saved the lives of the passengers by it.

  • There was no room to use their swords without running a great risk of wounding the ladies, so Jack knocked one fellow down with his fist, and another with the butt end of his pistol.

  • At this time the Sultan of Turkey was running a great risk of losing the greater part if not the whole of his dominions.

  • Jack ran a great risk of being shot in the melee, either by friends or foes.

  • They were taking a great risk, but there was much to be gained--guns, equipment and British prisoners who could be exchanged so as to release Americans from the prison-ship.

  • Several times the Indians set fire to the fort, but the brave white men put out the fire at great risk to their lives.

  • Of course, there was a great risk to run.

  • To get in a knock-out blow would entail a great risk on the part of the attackers, for the fellow evidently meant to make good use of his weapons.

  • But the Mexican was a man to run no great risk.

  • At a very high rate of speed you would be unable to keep your feet and run a great risk of having the air forced out of your lungs.

  • You are right," said another; "goods from Central Asia run a great risk in the market, and it will be the same with the tallow and shawls from the East.

  • The horse could scarcely keep his head above water, and ran a great risk of being suffocated.

  • The vehicle ran a great risk of being smashed.

  • Sometimes we could scarcely see a yard ahead, and we ran a great risk of being run down by a vessel, or of running into one.

  • I became very anxious about him; I felt almost sure that he must have been seized, and if so he ran a great risk of being considered a spy, in which case he would have been immediately shot.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great risk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great adventure; great affairs; great bend; great benefactor; great bird; great circle; great city; great convenience; great discovery; great excitement; great glory; great heat; great loss; great lover; great merchant; great nobleman; great profit; great resemblance; great trees; great wall; great way; great wisdom; greater part; greater speed; greatly fear; poor peasant