Believe me, if I encounter any young millionaire from Pennsylvania, whose hair is golden-red, I shall put detectives on his trail and let you know at once.
Every millionaire in Pennsylvania has something to do with steel.
Were I a millionaire I would choose them in preference to all others and desire no better.
The millionaire at once declared he was not interested.
You certainly can expect more wealth from "making yourself solid" with Opportunity than you ever are likely to be willed by a millionaire uncle.
You work hard at five dollars per day "to fatten in comfort the happy millionaire employer.
If fees continue to increase as they have done in the past ten years in the great cities, like New York, nobody not a millionaire can afford to be sick.
Of course she did not mean anything, but I would rather she had not said it, even though I know she refused a millionaire for me who can hardly be called rich as riches are rated these days.
According to the best information he could get, the millionaire learned that "Bully" had at once put to sea in pursuit of the Centurion.
The reason for the decision to remain there was arrived at after the millionaire had held a consultation with Captain Sparhawk.
Inside the cabin the millionaire spread on the table the yellowed, scribbled bit of paper that just then meant more to him than any document he had ever seen in his life.
The millionaire was assuredly a pitiable-looking object.
But before he had it leveled both he and Mr. Jukes were thrown from their feet by a combined attack and in a twinkling both the millionaire and the boy were helpless.
The boy fell into an abashed silence; in a second the millionaire had changed once more from a crushed, defeated human being into Jacob Jukes, millionaire and king of commerce.
Then every cabin was searched and in each the millionaire took a few papers, but the look of anxiety on his face did not change, and the boys judged he had not found what he was in search of.
Jack whispered something to the millionaire when Donald had concluded his narrative and Mr. Jukes put his hand in his pocket and drew out some coins.
The millionaire lost no time in producing 'Bully' Broom's map.
I would not have given your life for an ocean-full of pearls," declared the millionaire happily, "but I must introduce our friends who have shared with me the hardships of the trail.
That bronzed mariner handed the millionaire his glasses and Mr. Jukes' rather fat, pallid face took on an unwonted hue of excitement as he handed them back.
Soon both he and the millionaire had their hands tied behind their backs and gags of dirty grass were thrust, none too gently, into their mouths.
For a fraction of a second the millionaire seemed plunged in thought.
Whig and Tory, Catholic and Protestant, millionaire and bohemian, peer with a peerage old at Runnymede and the latest working-man M.
If you could transport it to New York some arms-and-ammunition millionaire would give half a million dollars for it.
Belgian women of every class joined in it: the competent wife of a workman, or the wife of a millionaire who had to walk like everybody else now that her motor- car was requisitioned by the army.
Millionaire tourists with retinues of servants following them in motor- cars may never know this effect; nor the Parisienne who paid a thousand francs to send her pet dog to Marseilles.
The manufacturing millionaire appears before us as the victim of the same harsh destiny as the penniless crossing-sweeper, and the banker of Lombard Street is overshadowed by the same blighting poverty as the lumper of Wapping.
Railway contracting will never produce again a millionaire like Mr. Brassey, but it will continue to furnish the means of many moderate fortunes and competencies.
The millionaire half-caste received him with the greatest courtesy.
He was talking in an intelligent and connected manner to Daego, the Spanish half-caste millionaire of British Honduras.
Two weeks later, with his treasure of red lure safely piled at the waterfront in Belize, Johnny met his millionaire friend, Roderick Grayson, at the dock as a United Fruit steamer's launch came in.
The petted and spoiledmillionaire flushed angrily a moment, and then said with a bow: "You are right, Miss Ludolph.
The laborer sat on the sand with his family, side by side with the millionaire and his household.
Neither they nor the philosophers nor Rousseau, the father of modern democracy, had any just conception of what political liberty means.
He was awful sore, and said he'd be a millionaire to-day if he had all the timber his grandfather owned and that it was his by rights, anyway.
Suppose a millionaire died, and desired to leave money to help such a man.
The particular millionaire who owned the freehold of Wickham Place, and desired to erect Babylonian flats upon it--what right had he to stir so large a portion of the quivering jelly?
The millionaire then read out her last will and testament, in which she left the whole of her fortune to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Jack's daring rescue of Millionaire Jukes' little girl resulted in the lad's obtaining the position of wireless man on board a fine ship, after he had looked for such a job for months in vain.
A millionaire named Judson, who owns an island near here, and his son, who is a fearful snob.
The millionaire and his son occupied an island not far from the Pine Island Hotel.
It's that millionaire Hiram Judson and his son Donald, the boy you had the run in with at the hotel the other day.
One enthusiastic millionaire offered a twenty-dollar gold piece to every fireman, and five dollars each to all the other members of the crew, if the Columbia beat her fleet rival by a five-hour margin.
But because Jack would not become the well-paid companion of Mr. Jukes' son Tom, a rather sickly youth, the millionaire became angry with the young wireless man.
Young Hammersley was a millionaire himself, and generous to a fault, as all knew.
The young millionaireapproached Mr. Sedgwick and confidentially remarked: "There goes your precious coin.
I don’t think so,” the millionaire aviator replied.
The millionaire was very much inclined to ask the Englishman just why he had left his camp, but finally decided not to do so.
The millionaire aviator, however, had halted at Denver for the purpose of receiving definite instructions from the secret service department at Washington, while the boys had proceeded on their way.
When at last the strain was over and the great flying machines lay on the rich grass below, the millionaire aviator fairly fell from his seat.
I presume some one is answering the signals,” the millionaire answered, “only we can’t see the answers given.
Ben and Jimmie lifted the millionaire aviator, now almost unconscious, and carried him into one of the shelter-tents.
The millionaire saw how set the boys were on taking the trip in the aeroplane.
I take them hungrily, but I hate her for it, and when I'm a millionaire I'll cut her dead.
An unknown millionaire has given the whole sum needed--a million dollars--and our Temple will rise in grandeur!
The morning papers are full of wild speculation as to the millionaire who gave that immense sum to build the Temple.
He knew nothing of the great general or millionaire or man of science, and he cared as little for them as for fishermen or 'bus-drivers.
The lord, the millionaire and the genius have all the same reason for standing up for each other, and this reason is usually effective.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "millionaire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.