The principal features of this treaty were the collection of customs under American auspices, the appointment of an American financial adviser, and the establishment of a constabulary force officered by Americans.
But the constabulary have not found the rest of the booty, though they made great search for it and may have put the thieves to torture.
At the doors, he was confronted by four members of the city constabularyand a Nubian in a striped tunic.
He does not care about us not the least whether we are happy or miserable; but he cares very much about the family name.
You will be able to do just what you please when once the question of her money is settled.
They reached the constabulary office before finding a hardware store, however.
As the plane swept in for a landing across the unpaved runway Rick saw the white robes of a priest and knew that Major Lacson's message to the Cotabato constabulary detachment asking that the priest meet the plane had been received.
Next to the MTB was a gunboat of the Philippines Naval Patrol, and beyond that a destroyer-escort loaded to the gunwales withconstabulary troopers.
He got in touch with the constabulary and asked for a check on their whereabouts, thinking they might have been delayed.
The American ambassador had received assurances from the Philippines government that all possible aid would be given to the Spindrift search party, and that the constabulary would not give up the hunt.
A constabulary force from Capitan was sent November 28th, by the Governor of the Moro provinces, to the outskirts of the Barbon camp.
The Subanos, under the leadership of their Moro chiefs, attacked the constabulary with spears, and several of the men were killed.
He is still young, tall, broad-shouldered, and his constabulary uniform seems almost too tight for him.
The burning question of the royal Irish constabulary was dealt with provisionally.
Some suspicion may well have arisen in their minds when a strange suggestion came from Mr. Parnell that the liberal leaders should enter into a secret engagement about constabulary and the other points.
The nationalists accepted it in sober and rational language, subject to amendments on the head of finance and the constabulary clauses.
For two years from the passing of the Act, the legislative body was to fix the charge for the whole constabulary of Ireland.
Neither the Sussex Constabulary nor the Scarcliffs themselves entertained the slightest suspicion that the sudden departure of the Honourable Sybil from Ryhall had any connection with the mysterious affair in Charlton Wood.
There are too many of them, the constabulary being drowned in the flood.
The local officials everywhere call for aid, declare the constabulary incompetent, and demand regular troops.
Seven of them are arrested, but the people are on their side, and fall on the constabulary and free them.
The Constabulary blame the Statistos for the package-bomb: they're interested in that because of the discarnation of the three servants by an illegal weapon of indiscriminate effect.
A real civil war was developing even as Klarnood spoke; by mid-morning of the next day, the fighting that had been partially suppressed by the Constabulary had broken out anew.
The rule on Constabulary interference seemed to be that while individuals had an unquestionable right to shoot out their differences among themselves, any fighting likely to endanger nonparticipants was taboo.
Just how successful in enforcing this rule the Constabulary were was open to some doubt.
The ringing of the small and large bells of St. Thomas's Church will be the signal for the immediate assembling of the whole Constabulary force.
The British troops had been for the most part withdrawn before the commencement of the Hau-Hau troubles, and the war was carried on by bodies of constabulary raised by the colonists, and with the aid of tribes that remained friendly to us.
The force that had operated against Te Kooti had been disbanded, the Napier volunteers had returned, the constabulary withdrawn, and the party of settlers from the Mohaka river had returned home.
Captain Brown of the constabularywas killed, and Captain Cabel of the same corps severely wounded.
On the way down they met Colonel Whitmore, who with three hundred constabularyhad just arrived by ship from the scene of operations on the other side of the island.
By this time the whites and constabulary had left, as the work had now been done and the constabulary were urgently needed elsewhere.
Three days later a small steamer arrived from Napier, bringing a reply to the urgent request that had been sent for the despatch of a body of constabulary for the protection of the settlers.
A hundred constabulary under Colonel Fraser and a hundred Ngatiporou were sent round to cut off the enemy's retreat in rear.
Luke Pierpoint, by keeping an aery; Adam de Hemelesdale, by constabulary at Crosby.
To those who know the life of the mounted police in Burma, of the constabulary in the West Indies, and of the police in Canada, the duties of the corps that are raised for South Africa will be at once comprehended.
But life in the mounted constabulary has also possessed so great a fascination for the average Englishman that, should the Government decide to make eligible the men from home, any paucity among the colonial applicants can be at once remedied.
He exercised a wide control over public funds and had authority to organize and command militia and constabulary and to call for Federal troops.
Under the constitution of every reconstructed state, a Negro constabulary was possible, but only in South Carolina, North Carolina, Louisiana, and Mississippi were the authorities willing to risk the dangers of arming the blacks.
In several states the Negro militia was used as a constabulary and was sent to any part of the state to make arrests.
Fifth, That parole forbids the performance of field, garrison, police, or guard or constabulary duty.
The constabulary are of opinion--" "We know that, Lord Trowbridge.
Especially he condemned the constabulary of Warwickshire, feeling almost sure that the Grinder was in Birmingham.
If the constabulary in those counties would only do their duty as they in Wiltshire did theirs, the Grinder and his associates would soon be taken.
It was no use sending to Auckland, for there were very few of the armed constabulary there; and, had there been more, they could not have got up to the scene of action within a week's time.
Two or three of the armedconstabulary are visible, ostensibly to keep order, which it would take more than all the force to do.
There are roads and railways and steamers, sufficient to convey constabulary to any riotous neighbourhood pretty quickly.
Punch and lemonade were served during the evening and the music was furnished by the constabulary band.
Here in Bontok itself, a boy, employed as a servant in the Constabulary mess, dared not leave the mess quarters at night; in fact, was forbidden to.
Governor Evans offered an escort of Constabulary through the next village, Talubin, the temper of its inhabitants being uncertain, but Mr. Forbes declined it, and ordered the escort sent back.
The Constabulary appeared to me to be physically better than the tribe from which they were drawn.
This reception was due entirely to the refusal of the authorities to give up the Constabulary private that had but recently shot and killed the head man of the rancherĂa, as already explained.
Here live the Governor of the province and the inspector of Constabulary with a detachment; their houses, with the cuartel and public offices, are disposed around a sort of parade, divided into an upper and a lower terrace.
But at last we threaded our way down, and, turning sharp to the right, rode out on the small plateau that is Banawe, to be saluted and escorted by the Constabulary Guard and to be received by the shouts of thousands.
There are five companies of Constabulary in the Mountain Province, each serving in the part of the country from which recruited, and each retaining in its uniform the colors and such other native features as could be turned to account.
But on these occasions the native Constabulary proved its worth, by circulating in the crowd, separating parties, and so asserting the authority of the Government in favor of good order.
It's fortunate that the cards were in the case, for when the chatelaine was handed to the sergeant ofconstabulary at Welwyn, he at once recognised Lethmere as the name of the lady whose description had been circulated by us.
Therefore the constabulary sent it up here at once.
You've asked the county constabulary to make inquiries and to watch the railway stations round about, of course?
It was only a chance that a constabulary sergeant found it.
Your people have been on the 'phone to us, and so have the Hampshire Constabulary at Petersfield.
I got the county constabulary to put a cordon of patrols round about, and hoped to drive him into their hands.
At Christmas-time in 1886 I organized athletic sports at Fort Carnarvon, an isolated little quasi-military post garrisoned by fifty men of the Armed Native Constabulary in the heart of Vitilevu.
If the Irish Constabulary is reduced, then the Irish contribution towards Constabulary to be reduced accordingly.
For instance, should the vote for Irish Constabulary be regarded as a local or Imperial charge?
It might be argued, for instance, that it would be better for Great Britain to make herself responsible for the Royal Irish Constabularyas an Imperial charge, and therefore have a motive for reducing it.
For a period of six years the Royal Irish Constabulary will also be one of the Reserved Services.
After six years, the control of the Royal Irish Constabulary will pass to the Irish Executive.
The Royal Irish Constabulary shall, while that force subsists, continue and be subject as heretofore to the control of the Lord Lieutenant as representing Her Majesty.