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Example sentences for "treelike"

Lexicographically close words:
tred; tree; treed; treege; treeless; treenails; trees; treetop; treetops; trefoil
  1. Defn: A treelike perennial herb (Musa paradisiaca) of tropical regions, bearing immense leaves and large clusters of the fruits called plantains.

  2. Defn: A bright brown polished calfskin binding of books, stained with a conventional treelike design.

  3. The summary given above, namely, that the occurrence of lower and higher levels reveals an order of evolution, is amplified and not contradicted by the statement that the species of animals are group in a treelike arrangement.

  4. They cannot be classified in any mode on the basis of their primary and secondary resemblances without employing the treelike plan of arrangement, which to the man of science is a sure indication of their evolutionary relationships.

  5. The treelike disposition of the gray and white nerve tissues in the cerebellum, as seen in a vertical section.

  6. A dwarf tree, one in size between a shrub and a tree; a treelike shrub.

  7. This forest was made up of big treelike plants, and when we entered beneath their huge arches, my eyes were instantly struck by the unique arrangement of their branches--an arrangement that I had never before encountered.

  8. Some of these were giant, treelike club-mosses that have been so well preserved as fossils that even their internal structure and spore-bearing characters are well known.

  9. Related to the ancient treelike horsetails were queer vines with slender twining stems, which, judging from their fossil remains, must have been very common.

  10. Many other strange relatives of our modern club mosses flourished in those days, some of which have wholly disappeared, as have all the treelike forms.

  11. The church at Villar, which is of considerable size, was probably long of building, as the elliptical-headed west door with its naturalistic treelike posts has details which did not become common till at least the very end of the century.

  12. Between them is a niche surmounted by a large half-Gothic canopy and united to the side shafts by a broken and twisted treelike moulding.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "treelike" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.