Grab and keep, in a period of rapid economic expansion, led each of the burgeoning European empires to the zealous defense of its frontiers as the first principle of imperial policy.
People in an expanding empire or burgeoning civilization are obviously better survivors than their less successful competitors.
A burgeoning population, aquifer depletion, and an economy largely dependent on petroleum output and prices are all major governmental concerns.
Burgeoning capital inflows have generated foreign payments surpluses, and the Lebanese pound has remained very stable for the past two years.
Thus the roots of young affection are not destroyed but rather cultivated, though the burgeoning vine and the outreaching tendrils are trained to a social structure shaped in ages gone and kept in the olden form by unbroken tradition.
Beardsley felt a burgeoning disgust, but there was something more, a throbbing, chest-filling sensation that he strove to hold rigidly in leash.
In 1942, as a brigadier general, he commanded the burgeoning Marine Base and Training Center at New River, North Carolina.
Marines on the Piva Trail later saw another determined bulldozer operator filling in holes in the tarmac of his burgeoning bomber strip as fast as Japanese artillery could tear it up.
All the may isburgeoning from East to golden West!
Burgeoning capital inflows have generated foreign payments surpluses, and the Lebanese pound has remained relatively stable.
Other factors served to enhance the burgeoningdairy industry.
When vocational training was finally adopted in 1919, the chances for farm children to keep up with the burgeoning technology and sharpen their acquired skills were immeasurably increased.
Just as the spring brought forth a burgeoning activity, so did things happen with a rush in the fall.
The county's farmers had spent much of the inter-war period adjusting to the new agricultural modes, but they could not adapt to the burgeoning metropolitan area's desire for expansion.
Observe his clothes, how they are burgeoning into unaccustomed gaiety, even levity.
But to-day, under the stimulus of the princess's sugar basin, I am inclined to dwell on the credit side of things and rejoice in the burgeoning of spring.
Above, here and there a froth of almond or cherry blossom overspread the dark twigs and branches, while a ruddiness of burgeoning buds flushed the great elms.
The song of birds came glad and multitudinous as in the burgeoning dawn of a glorious May.
VIII There is a charm in simplicity of soul, and in sympathies green in the first rich burgeoning of the mind, unshrivelled and untainted by the miserable misanthropies of the world.
There was another force, subtle and exacting: the girl's burgeoning womanhood.
He filled his lungs with the wind of the open country, drank in the enchantment of the morning and the dusk, his nostrils joyously alive to the smell of the furrowed ground and a hint of burgeoning wild flowers.
My allowance at Cambridge had, no doubt fortunately for my digestion, allowed of but few excursions to the capital; but my friend Wheeler lived within twenty miles of it, and I figured him alreadyburgeoning as a magnate of Moorgate Street.
From out the burgeoning bounds of space It seemed some morn unearthly drew To that grave glamourous place, Where, fearful of some far adieu, I talked with one who never knew The peril of her face.