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Example sentences for "bronchus"

Lexicographically close words:
bronchial; bronchitic; bronchitis; broncho; bronchos; bronco; broncos; bronk; bronks; bronze
  1. The body may act as a ball-valve, permitting the escape of air with expiration, but preventing its entrance on inspiration, with the result that the portion of lung supplied by the bronchus becomes collapsed.

  2. The irritation caused by the foreign body in the bronchus may set up bronchitis or pneumonia, and abscess of the lung may supervene.

  3. Preliminary tracheotomy (median or low) having been performed, a wide tube is introduced into the bronchus through the wound in the trachea.

  4. By the passage of bougies through a bronchoscope a stricture of the bronchus has been relieved in a similar manner.

  5. Injuries of the lung or bronchus are always serious, but contrary to the general idea, recovery after extensive wound of the lung is quite a common occurrence.

  6. Marcacci reported an observation of the removal of a bean from the bronchus of a child of three and a half years.

  7. Warren mentions spontaneous expulsion of a horse-shoe nail from the bronchus of a boy of two and one-half years.

  8. Liston removed a large piece of bone from the right bronchus of a woman, and Houston tells of a case in which a molar tooth was lodged in a bronchus causing death on the eleventh day.

  9. Below the left bronchus the esophagus turns forward, passing through the hiatus in the diaphragm anterior to and to the left of the aorta.

  10. The middle lobe bronchus is rarely invaded by foreign body, and, fortunately, in less than one per cent of the cases is the object in an upper lobe bronchus.

  11. The right bronchus is more frequently invaded than the left because of the following factors: I.

  12. Rupture or even over-distention of a bronchus or of the thoracic esophagus is almost invariably fatal.

  13. On passing down the right stem bronchus (patient recumbent) a horizontal partition or spur is found with the lumen of the middle-lobe bronchus extending toward the ventral surface of the body.

  14. Coming back to the carina and passing down the left bronchus, the relatively great distance from the carina to the upper-lobe bronchus is noted.

  15. If the right middle lobe bronchus is being searched, the head would require some left lateral deflection and a considerable degree of lowering, for this bronchus, as before mentioned, extends anteriorly.

  16. The right bronchus is shorter, wider, and more nearly vertical than its fellow of the opposite side, and is practically the continuation of the trachea, while the left bronchus might be considered as a branch.

  17. If pulled upon, the imminent perforation of the mediastinum, as shown at A will be completed, the bronchus will be torn and death will follow even if the tack be removed, which is of doubtful possibility.

  18. One patient was told by his physician that the presence of a staple in his bronchus was an impossibility, for he would not have lived five minutes after the accident.

  19. The firm and sometimes prominent ridge of the crossing of the left bronchus must not be mistaken for infiltration, and the esophagoscopist must be familiar with the normal rigidity of the cricopharyngeus.

  20. A boy with a tack in the bronchus was found to have pulmonary tuberculosis.

  21. The air-cells of this lung were entirely destroyed, or nearly so, and one of the divisions of the left bronchus opened abruptly into the cavity at the upper part.

  22. The mucous membrane of the left bronchus in particular was much swollen and partially ulcerated towards the root of the lung.

  23. The bronchus is one of two tubes which arise from the bifurcation of the trachea.

  24. The bronchial tubes are sub-divisions, or ramifications, of the bronchus and terminate in the air-cells.

  25. The root of each lung is formed by the bronchus and blood-vessels, which enter the lung a little above the middle of its inner surface, and connect it to the heart and trachea.

  26. The right bronchus is shorter, and wider than the left bronchus.

  27. The left bronchus is smaller and longer than the right.

  28. This tear extended up into the hilum of the lobe, but had not torn a major bronchus or a major blood vessel.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bronchus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.