Perhaps, after a while, farmers will come to regard milking as part of the farm work instead of a chore, and will have it done during the regular working hours.
And at milking time she gave a brimming pail of milk, just as if nothing unusual had happened.
We passed farm yards where milking was in progress, and occasional bursts of fierce squealing announced the feeding of pigs.
Perhaps, if some one would invent a milking machine that would bunt the cow at regular intervals, it would be a complete success.
At milking time she was still perfectly normal though kind of lazy about standing over and "histing.
They do the same when feeding from the cow, and it is just possible that there is light and leading in this fact for our inventors of milking machines.
Although I was tired enough from sowing that grass seed and dragging my feet out of the mud I put off milking for half an hour to make a search through the long grass by the roadside.
At milking time the exasperating beast came up to the gate and hung her head across and whinnied for apples or anything else we might have to offer.
It seems impossible to make him understand what is wanted when the cows are to be brought home at milking time, and even when he does go after them he always goes at their heads and turns them back.
I feed them all and then, the milking done, Go in to breakfast with an appetite For eggs and bacon, that I feast upon With earthly, unpoetical delight.
That keeps the flies away, and the cows know just as well that it is done for their comfort, and stand quietly till the milking is over.
Father told the men atmilking time, and he said Jacobs looked as unconscious as possible.
He would hang his lantern on a hook, and get his milking stool, and if the cows did not step aside just to suit him, he would seize a broom or fork, and beat them cruelly.
While milking a cow one day, he heard a great deal of noise at the house, and inquiring what it all meant, was told by one of the girls who lived there that a bear had just gone by.
Upon a balmy day in May, when the women were milking their cows near the gate of Fort Logan, and a few men were standing by, in order to assist them, a small band of redskins appeared at the edge of a thicket.
In milking we all took a hand when we had reached the age of about ten years, Mother and my sisters usually doing their share.
At this season the cows were brought to the yard by or before five, breakfast was at six, lunch in the field at ten, dinner at twelve, and supper at five, with milking and hay drawing and heaping up till sundown.
At first we milked the cows in the road in front of the house, setting the pails of milk on the stone work; later we milked them in a yard in the orchard behind the house, and of late years the milking is done in the stable.
But all went on greased wheels; the udders were sprinkled with tepid water, the milking hands shone with cleanliness.
The midday and eveningmilking supplied the cheese-makers.
All the cows in the pasture came towards her, for it wasmilking time, and any one who came suggested to them the luxury of that process.
It was Eliza, and she was in too much haste to take heed of themilking gear.
Yet another held a milking pail, while his fellow was fixing the rich cheese, and another led in the bulls apart from the cows.
When the milking is over, the milk should be taken as directly to the place of manufacture as possible.
This gives more room, reduces the generation of heat in the stable or milking place, and lessens the amount of droppings and consequent bad odors rising from them.
As a rule, we do not consider the Shorthorns as really profitable dairy cows, though there are many exceptions where a milking strain is cultivated.
If the cows have been prepared for milking by giving them a lick of meal, or a little dry hay, when they come into the stable, it will be found to have a good effect.
It will also cultivate a willingness to come home at milking time and take their respective places in the stanchions.
But it is quite difficult to select and maintain a milking strain, so long have the Shorthorns been bred for "beef and beauty," and so effectually have the milking qualities been bred out of them.
Hence, milking should be done in a quiet and orderly manner.
The connexion between the milking of a cow in the field and the destruction of a Swallow's nest in the house is not very easy to see, but nevertheless such is the belief.
These are three milking cows my mother sent to me?
I'll be mistress of my dairy, and milking my cow, While my jolly brisk farmer is whistling at plough.
To make sure about the nest, I spoke to my neighbor ranchman, and he told me that when he had been milking during the spring he had often seen the birds come out of the blue gums, and had also seen them perching there on the trees.
As Mountain Billy turned from the sycamore marsh its leaning blades gleamed in the evening light, and the sun warmed the sides of the line of buff Guernseys wading in procession through the high swamp grass to their out-door milking stand.
The evening milking was going on; they could hear the rattle of the streams of milk into the pails, in the intervals of harsh voices.
Hours went by, during which they dared not move, for when the milking was done, and the cows turned out, people kept coming and going in the shed.
In summer they make two meals of milk in the course of the day, and when they have gone through their allotted task of milking their reindeer, or making cheese, they resign themselves to indolent tranquillity, not knowing what to do next.
The hour of milkingthe reindeer, which is about 8 or 9 o'clock, arrapeivi.
Some hair sticks also to the dugs of the animal, and it is found necessary to clean and soften them before the milking is begun.
From that period therefore, till the milking season, the Laplanders are obliged to live on this stock of preserved meat.
One who milks; also, a mechanical apparatus for milking cows.
As she began milking she looked over her shoulder at the man watching her and said, "Won't you build a fire?
She threw out the first pint or so of milk, then finished milking and strained the foaming contents of her pail into some crocks left sunning by the door, and went into the house.
Over the Lonely Haukeli Fjeld--Witches and Pixies, and Maidens Milking Goats.
Over the Lonely Haukeli Fjeld--Witches and Pixies, and Maidens Milking Goats 96 XIII.
No wise peasant would hum "The Pretty Girl milking the Cow" near a fairy rath, for they are jealous, and do not like to hear their songs on clumsy mortal lips.
Perhaps some old hag in the shape of a hare has been milking the cattle.
I wish I were at hame again, Milking my ain daddie's ewes.
With this as a guide, he went on, robbing hen-houses of eggs, andmilking cows, until he was close to Paris.
A girl coming from milking gave a jug of milk, which Francois, despite keen hunger, shared with his friend.
I stood sentry, and if the lady shook her head I shook my stick; and thus the milking operation proceeded with tolerable serenity and success.
And is it milking that baste you'd have me be after?
I cut a cudgel, and, putting on a bold face, marched towards her, while Biddy followed with her milking stool.
The men will be in no case for milking when they come.