It was regrettable that the prisoner was not in chains, that he could sit there and yawn with every appearance of being at a matinee, a keeper for lackey behind him.
It was as if a man should yawn at his marriage or refuse to sleep at his funeral.
You seem to be in something of a hurry," said the Colonel, with a yawn stifled in a shiver.
They make Reports," said Abdul, beginning to yawn as if the continued brain exercise of conversation were fatiguing his intellect, "excellent reports.
Is not this better than to see a child yawn over a work, and count the number of tiresome pages, whilst he says, "I shall have got through this book by and by; and what must I read when I have done this?
Children, who have not the habit of listening to words without understanding them, yawn and writhe with manifest symptoms of disgust, whenever they are compelled to hear sounds which convey no ideas to their minds.
They look with dislike upon everything around them; yawn with ennui, or fidget with fretfulness, till on the first check which they meet with, their secret discontent bursts forth into a storm.
You can mend, to be sure, but for every darn yawn twenty holes.
With many a yawn and sigh subjective, I greatly fear me, many a malediction objective, you are "learning the language of another world.
When Thad saw him yawn again he concluded that Jasper must be doing more or less sleeping day and night, to make up for lost time; or else hardly knew what to do with himself while in hiding.
Bathsheba, a small yawn upon her mouth, took the pen, and with off-hand serenity directed the missive to Boldwood.
Yawn after yawn told me that the gas was already in his blood; and the loud snoring of the other man indicated plainly the state of the air in the lower part of the room.
The fact that convictions might await him and that the heavy doors at CaƱon City might yawn for him made little difference right now.
The miner finished his stretch and added a yawn to it.
It was more like hearing him yawn in his sleep than seeing him rise, and the glare only lasted for a few minutes, but it marked the turn of the year.
No; she would not yawn in their faces," said Dick.
They wearied her, but she was too polite to yawn in their faces.
No sound is in the air save the echo of a footfall in some one of the dark streets behind or the yawn of a weary fruit-seller.
When a man so far forgets himself as to yawn in the presence of a woman, she never fails to respond with one of more ample circumference.
When a woman so far remembers herself as to yawn in the presence of a man, he tries to say something witty.
In the silence, men heard the dry yawnof water crawling over thirsty sand.
Flinging back the tiger-skin, he rose with a long, unguarded yawn that showed his well-kept teeth.
If at any time we do revalue the values, let us write it down that the person who makes us yawn is a criminal knave, and then we will abolish matrimony and read Plato again.
Lacking the serpent we are no longer in Paradise, we are at home, and our sole entertainment is to yawn when we wish to.
Sometimes, looking at her, he would rub his eyes and yawn with fatigue and wonder--there she was!
Dismal indeed, and not infrequent, is that time, and the vista therefrom is a long, dull yawn stretching to the horizon and the grave.