This might haue beene preuented, and made whole With very easie arguments of loue, Which now the mannage of two kingdomes must With fearefull bloudy issue arbitrate K.
And bloudy England into England gone, Ore-bearing interruption spight of France?
The proud controle of fierce and bloudy warre, To inforce these rights, so forcibly with-held, K.
Now whilest our Armies wearied with the heat That the bright sunne casts from his midday throne, Abstayne from bloudy intercourse of war, He lead thee, Philip, unto Burbons Tent.
Zounds, never runne for the matter; a scratcht face can not serve your turne, we must have bloudy noses.
No bloudy Scythian or inhumane Turke But would ha trembled to ha toucht his skin Or spilt one drop of his Heroick bloud.
And afterwards, the same Belliser, more unnatural than a viper, sought divers ways to have murthered me, taking part against me with my mortal enemies, accompanied with bloudy ruffins for that bloudy purpose.
Captain William Minor being an eye-witnesse of this bloudy Massacre.
Your wives offence serves not (were it the worst 10 You can imagine) without greater proofes To sever your eternall bonds and hearts; Much lesse to touch her with a bloudy hand.
Orlando doth commend him to you both, And to that youth hee calls his Rosalind, He sends this bloudy napkin; are you he?
God, and your Armes Be prais'd Victorious Friends; The day is ours, thebloudy Dogge is dead Der.
Bloudy Plot and wicked Conspiracy of one Abraham Vandenhemde, Thomas Crompton, Thomas Collet, and others, London, 1652.
When thine ownbloudy sword, cryed out against thee, Hatcht in the life of him?
She lift up his bloudy hed, And kist his wounds that were so red.
Then he tooke up the bloudy hand, That was so large of bone, And on it he founde five ringes of gold, Of knightes that had be slone.
Throne of God is dressed with white) and hee that was mounted on the red horse, had a great bloudy sword in his hand, that one might massacre another.
When as I sawe she could not write nor speake, With grief mine aged heart began to breake; 70 We spred an heape of sand upon the ground, Whereby those bloudy tyrants out we found.
Then he tooke up the bloudy hand, That was so large of bone, And on it he founde five ringes of gold Of knightes that had be slone.
For when Romes foes their warlike forces bent, Against them stille my sonnes and I were sent; 10 Against the Goths full ten yeeres weary warre We spent, receiving many a bloudy scarre.
Though reason says, thou shouldst forbeare, And stay thy hand from bloudy stroke; Yet fancy bids thee not to fear, Which fetter'd thee in Cupids yoke.
Ah Fayre amonges the Fayrest, truely the fearefull Beast which with the bloudy Hare Houndes was torne in pieces, is not more Martired, than my heart deuided in Opinions vppon thyne Affection.
By diuers toyles they lap our crosses in With cares and griefes, whereon our mischiefes groe: The bloudy hands and Sword of mortall foe, Doe search mine euill, and would destroy me quite, Through heynous hate and hatefull heaped spite.
My Lyfe will depart like a Puffe, and Soule shall vanish like a sweete Sommer's blast: whereby you shall be euer deemed for a cruell Woman and bloudy Murderer of your deuout and faythfull Seruaunt.
One consisting in your constancy and loyalty wherby you may vaunt yourself aboue hym that sacrificed his Lyfe vpon the bloudy body of his Ladye who for dying so, finished his Trauailes.
But we haue discoursed inough hereof, sith diuersity of other hystories do call vs to bring the same in place, which were not mutch more happy than the bloudy end of those, whose Hystory ye haue already heard.
A plaguing mischeefe light on Charles, and thee, And may ye both be sodainly surpriz'd By bloudy hands, in sleeping on your beds Yorke.
The Indians who were cruell and bloudy butchers, vsing sacrifice, would in this sort open the dead bodye, and take out the grease.
Yea and when any such goeth in, they are bounde to offer some man to be sacrificed, that those bloudy hangmen and ministers of the Diuell may washe their handes in bloud of those so sacrificed, and to sprinkle their house therewith.
They haue other fiue odde dayes, whiche goeth by themselues, in the which they vsed to celebrate greate feastes of cruell and bloudy sacrifice, with much deuotion.
Assuredly they were cruell butchers, and slewe yearely for thatbloudy sacrifice many menne, and some children, but not so many as was reported.
Frequent laws were made about selling liquor to the "devilish bloudy salvages," and many were the arrests and fines and punishments therefor.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloudy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.