Edardus felle upon thebloudie grounde, His noble soule came roushyng from the wounde.
He said, and drove the Monke out of his syghte, And with his brothers rouz'd each manne to bloudie fyghte.
Then Doullie myghte his bowestrynge drewe, 115 Enthoughte to gyve brave Tosslyn bloudie wounde, But Harolde's asenglave stopp'd it as it slewe, And it fell bootless on the bloudie grounde.
So manie, with such force, and with such ease, Did Adhelm slaughtre on the bloudie playne; Before hym manie dyd theyr hearts bloude lease, Ofttymes he foughte on towres of smokynge slayne.
Which is not onely reduced to the mercy of a most dolorous prison, and resteth in the power of a bloudie and mercilesse tyrant: but (which is worse) in the continuall hazarde of a shamefull death.
Violenta all this time which fed her bloudie and cruell harte with none other repaste but with rage and disdaine, began to bee appeased, and founde the counsaile of Ianique so good, as she wholy purposed to follow the same.
I confesse the labour's fit for Alexander, and yet recreation necessarie among so many assaults, bloudie wounds, 40 intolerable troubles.
It was once spoiled by the Scots in the time of king Athelstane, cheeflie by Anlafus in his flight from the bloudie battell, wherein Constantine king of Scotland was ouercome: secondlie by the Scots 1388.
Canto ii Babes bloudie hands may not be clensd, the face of golden Meane.
Then soft himselfe inclyning on his knee 2 Downe to that well, did in the water weene (So loue does loath disdainfull nicitee) 4 His guiltie hands from bloudie gore to cleene.
CANTO II Babes bloudie hands may not be clensd, 2 the face of golden Meane.
If euer loue of Ladie did empierce 2 Your yron brestes, or pittie could find place, Withhold your bloudie hands from battell fierce, 4 And sith for me ye fight, to me this grace Both yeeld, to stay your deadly strife a space.
The authority for the story of Sir John Fitz’s death is The Bloudie Booke; or, the Tragical End of Sir John Fitz.
As you stand simply (your offences and bloudiepractises not considered) your fall would rather moue compassion, then exasperate any man.
G4b] And there they parted, with resolution to execute their deuillish and bloudie practises, for the deliuerance of their friends, vntill they came to meete here, where their power and strength was gone.
The news of this bloudie battell being reported to the French king as then soiourning at Rone, filled the court full of sorrow.
Some troopes pursue the bloudieminded Queene, That now towards Barwike doth poste amaine, But thinke you that Clifford is fled awaie with them?
The bloudie parlement shall this be calde, Vnlesse Plantagenet Duke of Yorke be king ·eaa035· And bashfull Henrie be deposde, whose cowardise Hath made vs by-words to our enemies.
I do remember well, a cunning Wyssard told me, That by Water I should die: Yet let not that make thee bloudie minded.
Come bloudie Clifford, rough Northumberland, I dare your quenchlesse furie to more bloud: This is the But, and this abides your shot.
Cla Marrie my Lord to London, and as I gesse, to [eau116] Make a bloudie supper in the Tower.
Sound trumpets, let our bloudie colours waue, And either victorie or else a graue.
The sea at a spring tide appeared of a bloudie colour, and when the tide was gone backe, there were séene on the [Sidenote: Dion Cassius.
Queene Voadicia marcheth against the Romans, to whom she giueth a shamefull and bloudie ouerthrow without anie motion of mercie, dredfull examples of the Britains crueltie indifferentlie executed without exception of age or sex.
He rehersed also speciallie by name those their elders, which had resisted Iulius Cesar, by whose high valiancie they liued free from the bloudie thraldome and tributes of the Romans, and enioied their wiues and children safe and vndefiled.
The rock that it stands on is steep, Bloudie Jacke!
So that the darkned night her starrie vaile Vpon the bloudie sea had ouer-spred, Whilst yet they held: and hardlie, hardlie then They fell to flieng on the wauie plaine.
Pore walles of Troie from aduersaries rage, Who died them in bloud, and cast to ground Heap’d them with bloudie burning carcases.
He semes affraid: and vnder his arme I (But much I erre) a bloudie sworde espie.
And that his temple dore, Which bloudie Mars before Held open, now at last Olde Ianus shall make fast: And rust the sword consume, And spoild of wauing plume, The vseles morion shall On crooke hang by the wall.
Shall neuer we this blade, Our bloud hathbloudie made, Lay downe?
Of speaking thus he scarce had made an ende, And taken vp the bloudie sword from ground, But he his bodie piers’d; and of redd bloud A gushing fountaine all the chamber fill’d.
The earles, hauing got the victorie in this bloudie battell, conueied the king to London, and lodged him in the bishops palace.
In a little towne in Bedfordshire there fell a bloudie raine, whereof the red drops appeered in sheets, the which a woman had hanged out for to drie.
A most harsh one, and not to bee vnderstoode without bloudie succeeding.
This I must do, or know not what to do: Yet this I will not do, do how I can, I rather will subiect me to the malice Of a diuerted blood, and bloudie brother Ad.
What sauadge monster, not of humane kinde, Hath heere beene glutted with thy harmeles blood, And left they bloudie corpes dishonoured heere, For me amidst these darke and dreadfull shades To drowne thee with an ocean of my teares?
Reads] "For want of incke receiue this bloudie writ.
Englishmen wanting both carriage* to make longer resistance, and perceiuing no hope to rest in fléeing, were beaten downe and slaine in heapes, so that few escaped from that dreadfull and bloudie battell.
The Frenchmen hauing got a bloudie victorie, saued onelie the capteins and gentlemen, and slue the other, aswell Englishmen as Gascoins.
After all these bloudie broiles and tempestuous tumults ended, Vortigerne was restored and set againe into the kingdome of Britaine, in the yeare of our Lord 471.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloudie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.