The ruminants begin to shed in May (the American bison as early as March), and by July the new hair upon them is only about half an inch long, but very fine and sleek.
The illustrations of the tiger and bison manikins show the form of the external muscles of Felis tigris and Bison americanus, and what is possible in a manikin.
The collecting by the writer of a very large series of specimens of the American bison resulted in his receiving permission to prepare a large mounted group after his own design.
The smaller the species are, the quicker the young mature, and in collecting all such, the naturalist must be on the keen lookout to take them at the precise time they reach the most interesting size and age.
One thing is certain; when you come to write about your collection, you will wish you had taken more notes in the field.
With surprising skill these Paleolithic men sketched on bits of ivory the mammoth with his long hair and huge curved tusks, frescoed their cavern walls with pictures of the bison and other animals, and carved reindeer on their dagger heads.
Mountain sheep and goats, the bison and most of the deer, did not arrive until after the close of the Tertiary, and sheep and oxen were introduced by man.
Now a herd of wild bison was grazing in the jungle and they heard the crying and one of the cows went to see what was the matter and took pity on the children and suckled them.
This is the earliest notice of the northern race of the bison, the so-called Wood Bison, Bisonbison Athabasca Rhoads.
In the grotto of La Greze overhanging the Beune, a small tributary of the Vezere, was found an archaic Aurignacian outline of the bisondeeply incised on the limestone walls.
Again, the deeply engraved bison on the wall of the grotto of La Greze, Dordogne, is found beneath a talus of Solutrean flints associated with remains of the bison, reindeer, and rhinoceros.
One of the large bison drawings in the cavern of Niaux, on the Ariege, showing the supposed spear or arrow heads with shafts on its side.
Range of the forest and meadow fauna of Europe and Asia from early Pleistocene to prehistoric times; stag and bison fauna (horizontal lines).
Of these the red deer, or stag, was most characteristic of the forests and the bison and wild cattle[M] of the meadows.
On a long horizontal panel are seen many bison in red, and one observes here a finely drawn pair of bison feet in the best Magdalenian style.
In the great series of bison at Font-de-Gaume the entire animal is sketched in with these finely engraved lines, as brought out through the wonderfully close observation and studies of Breuil.
In the open forests and meadows the wild cattle (Bos primigenius) began to be more numerous and the bison (Bison priscus) also occurred.
Remains of bison and of reindeer, but those of horses especially numerous.
The American bison has always avoided the woods and roamed the prairies in countless herds.
In early glacial times the bison and wild cattle mingled freely with the hippopotami and rhinoceroses, but in late glacial and Postglacial times they occurred as companions of the mammoth and the woolly rhinoceros.
A record of the giant bison (Bison latifrons) from Cooke County, Texas.
I picked up my gun and started; I didn't go over a quarter of a mile till I saw four Bison cows, and they all had calves with them.
There was the Bison which is a species of Buffalo, Elk, Deer, Black Bear, and Antelope.
Such a proposition as The bison exists may, no doubt, be used in Logic (subject to interpretation) for the sake of custom or for the sake of brevity; but it means that some specimens are still to be found in N.
It is analogous to the hump upon the shoulders of the American bison and the Indian zebra, and in the best-bred Camels it is the smallest though the finest and most elastic.
Its name of Bison is a modification of the word Bisam, or musk, which was given to it on account of the strong musky odour of its flesh, which is especially powerful about the head and neck.
The fatty hump is universally considered as the best part of the animal, and is always offered to the chief among the guests, just as the North American Indian offers the hump of the bison to the most important man in the assembly.
Unlike the buffalo, which loves the low-lying and marshy lands, the Bison prefers the high wooded localities, where it lives in small troops.
The Bison certainly inhabited Palestine, as its bones have been found in that country.
The body is covered with marks which are evidently intended to represent hair, though it does not follow that the hair need be thick and shaggy like that of the bison tribe.
Folsom man was a bison hunter; and the abundant grasses of the Plains probably account for the rather definite limits of his range.
As regards measurements of heads, the same disappointing practice prevails withbison as with buffalo, viz.
Its habits appear much to resemble those of the wood bison of America now almost extinct; for example it makes itself mud baths like the well-known buffalo wallows in the plains of North America.
Measured between uprights [23] There are no true bison in India, both gaur and buffalo having thirteen pairs of ribs, while the true bison has fourteen pairs.
The cream of bison shooting is naturally stalking them on foot.
Only in one instance that I know of has a wounded bison turned and gored his victim.
The height of the bull at the shoulder was about six feet, but he gave me the idea of being a leggier beast than the bison of America.
He was much larger than any American bison I have shot or seen; his hair was finer, longer, and not so curly; his colour was a shade lighter, and his horns do not curve at the same angle as those of B.
During the latter part of the rainy season, when the grass has grown high and coarse and flies are most numerous, Sanderson remarks that bison move into the thinner jungle at the foot of the hills.
Then, with massive logs, full six feet long, he feeds the hungry fire until it leaps and roars in might, and glows full red and hot and huge enough to roast him a bison bull for supper, an he should feel so disposed.
They were prepared for anything now--from a mad bison to a red warrior's ghost, and would have been rather disappointed had anything feebler appeared.
When, the Wind Cave National Bison Herd is fully established, in South Dakota, as it practically is already, the chief credit for that coup will be due to the unflagging energy and persistence of Professor Hooper.
In times past, certain taxidermists of Montana promoted the slaughter of wild bisonin the Yellowstone Park, and it was a pair of rascally taxidermists who killed, or caused to be killed in Lost Park, in 1897, the very last bison of Colorado.
The efforts of man to atone for the great bison slaughter by preserving the species from extinction have been crowned with success.
The first stain is the massacre of the 270 wild bison for their heads and robes, already noted.
Mr. Frank Rush was appointed Warden of the new National Bison Range, and his management has been so successful that only two of the bison died of the fever, the disease has been stamped out, and the herd now contains thirty-nine head.
Congress acts of, for wild life creates National Bison Range creates National monuments saves the starving elk.
On this preserve is a fenced bison range and a herd of thirty-nine American bison which owe their existence to the initiative of the New York Zoological Society.
In the Wynaad Forest, my old hunting-grounds at Mudumallay have been closed to bison shooting, because of the alarming decrease of bison (gaur) through shooting and disease.
In October, 1908, the Zoological Society took from its herd in the Zoological Park nine female and six male bison, and delivered them at the bison range.
To-day the bison could not survive in Iowa, eastern Nebraska or eastern Kansas, any longer than a Shawnee Indian would last on the Bowery.
The last bison of Colorado were exterminated in Lost Park by scoundrels calling themselves "taxidermists," in 1897.
Every one knows how Indians hunt the Bison with arrows, and his pursuit is very risky to the hunter, for he must not be discovered by the game, as he would then be trodden underfoot or disembowelled.
They also at this season dress the bison skins, which have been procured during the winter hunt, for the traders, who generally appear for the purpose of obtaining them.
Cut Nose now presented to the agent his crow and bison robe ornamented with hieroglyphicks.
They were adorned with paint after the Indian manner, clothed with bison robes, and had bells attached to different parts of their dress.
At the lodge of the principal chief they were regaled with jerked bison meat and boiled corn, and were afterwards invited to six feasts in immediate succession.
Some individual will usually offer his bison to the medicine, either voluntarily, or at the request of a chief, and on the succeeding day it is cooked, and all the distinguished men are invited to partake of the feast.
Thus, at the bison hunts, they knock down or flog those whose manoeuvres tend to frighten the game, before all are ready, or previously to their having arrived at the proper point, from which to sally forth upon them.
The Little Black Bear presented his robe of white wolf and bison skin, and a pair of handsome leggings.
This seam is almost always present in the bison robe; but one of the largest that we have seen, is used as a covering for one of our humble beds at this cantonment, and has been dressed entire, being entirely destitute of a seam.
Dolly turned her eyes to Bison Billiam in doubt, in appeal.
When he rose again though, Dolly had ceased laughing, and Bison Billiam's face had a gravity which somehow vaguely impressed Charles-Norton as without solidity, like fresh varnish.
Bison Billiam could not restrain his enthusiasm now.
At the end of the third flight, Bison Billiam remained silent a long time, evidently the prey of a heavy discouragement.
You're Bison Billiam, aren't you; Bison Billiam, the great scout.
We'll have to take off another foot," said Bison Billiam.
Humph," said Bison Billiam, seemingly not altogether delighted with this representation.
Fifteen minutes later, she stood again at the outer door, Bison Billiam, knob in hand, arching above her in deferential leave-taking.
Bison Billiam was made the permanent arbitrator of the wing question.
Well, I should say so," murmured Bison Billiam, a bit amazed at all this ceremony.
It's in the contract, young man," said Bison Billiam.
Dolly interceded with a glance of her soft eyes, but Bison Billiam was aglow with his idea.
The American bison is similar to the European, but his tail and limbs are shorter; the horns are shorter and more blunt; the tail has fewer vertebrae; and the mane is fuller and shaggier.
The long hair or fleece, of which a male bison yields six to eight pounds, is spun and woven into cloth.
The Bison is wholly confined to the great prairies of this continent, which he traverses from north to south, and reciprocally, in his periodical migrations.
It is remarkable, he continues, that the Buffalo, or Bison of the North, has exercised an influence upon geographical discovery in the mountainous regions where no road is laid down.
It is in commemoration of this event that Moldavia bears the head of a wild bison on her banner.
Footnote 1: The legend as to the foundation of Moldavia tells us that Dragosh, when hunting one day in the mountains, was pursuing a bison through the dense forest.
It was thus that he heard about Thunderfoot the Bison and where he got that great hump of his.
It is not only under the stress of circumstances that the bison climbs.