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Example sentences for "banquette"

Lexicographically close words:
banquet; banqueted; banqueters; banqueting; banquets; banquettes; banquetting; bans; banshee; banshees
  1. Side by side Blake and O'Connell raced towards the Chief, whom they saw lurching uncertainly along the banquette ahead of them.

  2. The top of the banquette is 3 feet 4 inches above the floor.

  3. The former has a banquette like that of the Speaker-chief's House.

  4. Footnote 49: On this supposition the large banquette may have been the forerunner of the spectator's section in the modern rectangular Hopi kivas, of which it is a modification.

  5. The height of the banquette is 4 feet 6 inches.

  6. The deep banquette is situated above the flue back of the deflector.

  7. The banquette is 4 feet high, and the interior diameter of the kiva is 12 feet.

  8. Although the greater part of the walls of this kiva was destroyed, a deep banquette still remains above the air shaft.

  9. The height of the pilasters is 6 feet, and of the top of the banquette 3 feet 3 inches.

  10. Over me and about me was the wonderful French summer night; the darkness, blue and transparent, splashed with star-shells, hung around me and gathered itself into a dark streak on the floor of the trench beneath the banquette on which I stood.

  11. It seemed impossible to remain awake, often I jumped down to the floor of the trench, raced along for a few yards, then back to the banquette and up to the post beside my bayonet.

  12. I leant back from the banquette across the narrow trench and rested my head on the parados.

  13. My next sentry hour began at nine in the morning; I was standing on the banquette when I heard Bill speaking.

  14. The man on the banquette got to his feet, put out his cigarette and placed the fag-end in his cartridge pouch.

  15. The slightest tinge of dawn was in the sky when our party slipped back over the parapet and stood to arms on the banquette and yawned out the conventional hour when soldiers await the attacks which so often begin at dawn.

  16. Some are afraid of one thing, and some are afraid of another," said Stoner, perching himself on the banquette and looking through the periscope at the enemy's lines.

  17. The working party came to a halt; and one of them sat down on the banquette at my feet, asked for a match and lit a cigarette.

  18. The carriage I had followed was now standing in front of a house; and just as I rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of several figures crossing the banquette and entering the door.

  19. As he mounted the banquette a man sprang upon the crest, waving a great brilliant flag.

  20. They cast curious regards upon their captain, who had now mounted the banquette of the fortification and was looking across the parapet as if observing the effect of his fire.

  21. Once he was forced to seat himself on the banquette in order to alter Marius' position, and he thought that he should have to remain there.

  22. Jean Valjean, with the gentleness of movement which a brother would exercise towards his wounded brother, deposited Marius on the banquette of the sewer.

  23. Again in the banquette of the diligence, which, rolling on the great highway from Toulouse to Marseilles, has taken me up at Carcassone, and will deposit me for the present at Beziers.

  24. Once he was obliged to sit down on the banquette in order to alter Marius's position, and believed that he should remain there.

  25. Jean Valjean, with the gentle movements which a brother would bestow on a wounded brother, laid Marius on the banquette of the sewer, and his white face gleamed under the white light of the air-hole as from the bottom of a tomb.

  26. On the south side of the kiva the banquette is wider between two of the pilasters than anywhere else around the room.

  27. The banquette is missing as well as the pilasters or roof supports.

  28. This ledge is known as the banquette and its exact use is unknown.

  29. He noticed, however, that a banquette of earth, rammed hard, ran around the inside periphery of the walls, affording vantage for the defenders to discharge their arrows and other missiles over the parapet.

  30. Instead of being obliged to draw up their scaling-ladders, or risk the sixteen-foot drop to the hard surface of the enclosure, they had only to jump onto the banquette and from thence to the ground.

  31. When the time came to man the parapets in the morning he jumped up on the banquette and called to his comrades to come along and not be lazy.

  32. Sergeant Lewis and I jumped out and pulled him out on to the banquette of his trench and in a minute had the overcoat and jacket off him.

  33. Thury's references, with respect to various ice-caves, and trying to discover something more than he had found in the books there, I started for Annecy at seven in the morning in the banquette of the diligence.

  34. Still, the door and windows were all on one side, and the banquette or "brix" only on the side opposite the entrance.

  35. One end was left open, but covered by a canvas curtain, and a banquette of snow ran along each side.

  36. In sleeping they usually lie across the banquette with their feet to the wall, but sometimes, when there are few people in the house, lie lengthwise, and occasionally sleep on the floor under the banquette.

  37. You can engage the two seats in the coupé, and one more, either on the banquette or in the interior, and then when the time comes to set out we will get the gentleman to let us have his seat.

  38. Ribbons stretched across the banquette were of no avail to repress it, and important ushers with cardinal colours could do little more.

  39. In the balmy afternoons, as I have said, they gathered about their mother's knee, that is to say, upon the banquette outside the door.

  40. In the next ten days' time the ditches were enlarged until they were eight feet high and eight feet wide, with a banquette of eighteen inches high from which the soldiers could shoot over the breastwork.

  41. He cheerfully assented, stepped on a banquette to get around me, and was shot in the neck and dropped at my feet.

  42. Lieutenant Reynolds was seated at his desk at department head-quarters about nine o'clock that morning when an orderly in light-battery dress dismounted at the banquette and came up the stairs three at a jump.

  43. I jumped from the banquette into a berth aboard some steamer out at sea.

  44. The places in the banquette are quite cheap.

  45. Why, in getting up and down to and from the banquette you will have a great deal of hard climbing to do.

  46. In the particular case, where it was interfered with to make a passage over the banquette, it is finished by reveting the slope passing by the crest of the banquette of the work.

  47. Harkness's cabinet for objets d'art A banquette of the Louis XV period covered with needlework A Chinese Chippendale sofa covered with chintz The trellis room in the Colony Club Mrs. Ormond G.

  48. Then the clerk called out the names of the people that were to come up to the banquette with me.

  49. Two ladders were placed against the side, one for the passengers on the banquette to get down by, and the other to enable the blouses that stood waiting there to uncover and get down the baggage.

  50. Between three and four o'clock we entered Bastia, having deposited most of our holiday passengers at the entrance to the town; and were not sorry to jump down from our stifling banquette on to the blazing road before the diligence office.

  51. I put on a bold front, however, and not deigning to answer, pushed past him and walked with as much leisure as possible along the banquette in the direction which Nick had taken.

  52. I stepped down on the banquette and seized him by the shoulders.

  53. This screen was set on the extreme edge of the roof which overhung the banquette and shaded the yellow adobe wall of the house.

  54. He halted on the edge of the banquette as a hurrying man runs into a wall.

  55. I did not wonder then, but I have since thought it remarkable that the words spoken low by both of them should have been caught up on the banquette and passed into the street.

  56. He paused for a few low-spoken words with the tawdry constable, who sat down on the banquette after his chief had gone, still clinging to the bridle.

  57. Even as I sat on the bench in the shadow of the willows, watching the sentry who paced before the arched entrance, I caught sight of a man stealing along the banquette on the other side of the road.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "banquette" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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