Sorie I am to hear it, yet contente to beare it, as not doubting but yt partly by writing, and more principally by word when we shall come togeather, I shall satisfie any reasonable man.
I shal trewly contente it ageyn; and yeerly as longe as I myght have the officez, or any of hem, I shal geve my maister youre sone v.
I trow I xall be fayn to contente hem or ellys they xall be unpayyd.
I intende not to debarre you of oon peny, so Jhesu helpe me, but in as goodly haste as I can to contente you; be my trouthe, at thys seasun I have not in my pocession x.
I shallcontente you with a good will, beyng inespetially necessarie, intendyng to make of this exercise a perfecte science.
Therfore be contente sir, to folowe your reasonyng, and if we interrupte you with this practise of ours, have us excused.
Contente your self I beseech you, and suffer me to be but once vnhappy, and do not perswade mee to proue a second affliction, worsse than the first.
But to give them contenteherein allso, it was promised them, that if they could doe it in y^e time without it, they would never demand it of them; which gave them good contente.
Then they adde: Our dislikes thus laid downe, that we may goe on in trade w^th better contente & credite, our desires are as followeth.
Winslow & my selfe gave way to his going, to give contente to some hear, and we see no hurt in it, but only his great charge of children.
For we should take it very unkindly that we should intreat him to take such a journey, and that, when it pleaseth God he returnes, he could not give us contente & satisfaction in this perticuler, through defaulte of any of you.
Sorie I am to hear it, yet contente to beare it, as not doubting but y^t partly by writing, and more principally by word when we shall come togeather, I shall satisfie any reasonable man.
And he was not counted a good, but a dangerous man, that would not contente him selfe with 7.
The which goods they gott safly home, and well conditioned, which was much to the comfort & contente of y^e plantation.
I trow, and ze assaye Towneshend or Playter, or sum other good kuntery man of owrys to lend yt zow for me tyl they cum hom, they wyl do so myche for me and I schal contente them a geyn.
Also, I will that all my dettes be wele and truely contente and paide.
Therfore these Ladies thinking to carie awaye some part of the glorie, which one alone hoped to atchieue vpon this gentleman, were contente to assent to the other's liking.
He had a wyfe that was curst and troublesome, whom the delectations of her husband in no wyse did contente and please: wherefore this noble man caused his sister daily to keepe company with his wyfe.
John Oelston to be of counsell with zour seid besecher in the seid matiers, and oder that he hath to do azenst the seid Anneys and oder; and zour said besecher shal contente hem well for their labour.
And his highnes is contente that your grace in the lewe and place therof shall haue his letteres patentes of the Justiceshipp of his Forestes on thisside Trente for terme of your lyfe.
All hys company was pleased and contente with this comfortable exhortation, and those that were faynt harted recouered strength.
I pray the be nat angry: for I am contente that thou shal kys my parte for it.
Than the childe Papyrius stode forth, and enformed the senatours, how his mother wold haue compelled him to vtter the secrete counsayle: and howe he, to contente her mynde, feyned that leasynge.
Than quod the thyrd: then ther is nothyng left for me but the loynys, buttockes and legges; I am contente to haue it for my parte.
The lorde, at the instaunce of the people that stode aboute, so it dydde not concerne his lyfe, was contente to graunte it hym.
Euery man hadde meruayle at the grauite and stout stomacke of the man; and whan Antiochus was contente to do as the Romayns wolde haue hym, than Popilius both saluted and embraced him.
Therfore he ymagened howe he myghte auoyde that confyrmacyon, and mused a whyle; and at the laste sayde to the bysshope thus: if your lordeshype knewe the names of these fesantes ye wold be contente to take them.
To conclude happie is the man and threefold bleste is he, That can be contente to live with his degree.
Otherwise (sir) doe not thinke that so longe as my life doth continue, I am able to do that which can contenteyour desire.
All the rest of my dominions I giue to my sonne Antiochus, vppon whom in marriage, I haue bestowed my wife Stratonica, which thinge ought to contente you, because my will and pleasure is such.
Enumeracion is much lyke vnto thys, when not beynge contente at once to declare the ende of the matter, we rehearse vp all y^t went before it was done.
Iudges and libelles, contenteonely to satisfie nature, without further vexation for knowledge of thinges to come.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contente" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.