For a knight should come to the castle, and so soon as he asked the king Of the woe that so sorely pained him his question should healing bring.
And when he came he was well coloured, and well made of his limbs, that all knights that saw him said it were pity that such a knight should die in prison.
Alas, said Sir Palomides, it is great pity that ever so noble a knight shouldbe so mischieved for the love of a lady; but nevertheless, I will go and seek him, and comfort him an I may.
Alas, said Sir Palamides, it is great pity that ever so noble a knight should be so mischieved for the love of a lady.
And he said to himself: "Alas, that so noble a knight should be brought to such a pass as that!
Quoth the damsel unto Sir Launcelot: "Messire, I take very great wonder that thou hast not some special lady for to serve in all ways as a knight should serve a lady.
Then she felt great pity for Sir Tristram because of that dolorous wound, and she said: "Alas, that so young and so fair and so noble a knight should suffer so sore a wound as this!
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knight should" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.