And therefore hauing none other wayes to recompence the least parte of yourecurtesie and gentlenesse, thought it best to gratifie youre worship with such a simple gifte as mine abilitie will suffer me to bestow on such a friend.
Nowe when the combes be thus brused togither, and the yong Bées killed and cast forth, then must you make youre hony in this maner.
But I woulde rather I might yet see youre owne good selfe, and receiue a reciprocall farewell from your owne sweete mouth.
I dare saye you wyll holde your selfe reasonably wel satisfied, if youre Dreames be but as well esteemed of in Englande as Petrarches Visions be in Italy; whiche, I assure you, is the very worst I wish you.
How could I be ennemy to youre Grace's persone, for delyverance quhairof I did more studie, and interpryse farther, then ony of these that now accuise me?
In my last letteris to Mr. Henrye Balnaves, I declared, that youre especiall freindis in England wounder that no gritter expeditioun is maid, the weycht of the mater being considdered.
And thus, with lauchfull and humble commendatioun of oure service, we committ youre Majestie to the protectioun of the Omnipotent.
We referr the ansueir heirof to youre discretionis.
Sir (quoth Teudilli,) I am very glad to heare the Maiestie and Vertue of the Emperoure youre maister, but you shall vnderstande, that my Lorde the Emperoure Melzuma is as greate and as good a Prince as he.
Sir glutton, your paunch is full, and little care you for the glory of God, honor of youre Prince, neyther the neede and necessitie of youre poore neyboures.
And likewise the brightnesse ofyoure weapons dyd blynde vs, and the woundes you made were incurable.
Tlaxcallan in despite of all youre enimies, yea proclayming open warres againste them, and they not dare to annoy vs?
And if this iourney happen euill, then will I followe youre request, and if it please God that it happen well, then wyll I entreate and pray you to follow my counsell.
Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed.
Worthen uppe and werchen, And bryngen forth barnes, That bastardes men calleth; Or the bak or som boon 4670 He breketh in his youthe, And siththe goon faiten with youre fauntes For evere moore after.
Ich have muche merveille of yow, And so hath many another, Whi youre covent coveiteth To confesse and to burye, Rather than to baptize barnes That ben catecumelynges.
And if ye fare so in youre fermerye, Ferly me thynketh, But cheeste be ther charite sholde be.
Quod Reson to the kynge, "But if I rule thus youre reaume, Rende out my guttes, If ye bidden buxomnesse Be of myn assent.
Here lyeth youre lore, Thise lordes gynneth dispute, Of that the clerkes us kenneth Of Crist by the Gospel: Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris, etc.
For youre frendes wol feden yow, And fonde yow to quyte Youre festynge andyoure faire gifte; Ech frend quyteth so oother.
I wole have leaute in lawe, And lete be al youre janglyng; {76} And as moost folk witnesseth wel, Wrong shal be demed.
Marriage is tolerable enough in its way if youre easygoing and dont expect too much from it.
Sir Robert and eke Sir William did come, And eke the good Earl of Southampton March't on his way most gallantly; And then the Queen began to speak, Youre welcome home Sir Francis Drake.
Wherby in myne opynyon, ye shall not only do the thyng whiche may be right meritorious to yowe, but also right honorable for youre said Felisship, and to me right great pleasure.
I hertly desire yowe that for my sake ye wille not only contynue the payment of the said Annuytie to hym for terme of his life according to your said graunte, But also of youre larger Benyvolence and charitie to encreas the same xiii s.
Howe be it nowe upon the deceas of his said maister, as it ys said, that ye entende to withdrawe From hym youre saide Benyuolence and graunte, which shulde be to his great Discomfort and Hyndraunce.
Ryght Reverent and ryght wurchepfull sir, I recomaunde me un to youre good maysterchep.
I write of above, axeth youre advise a[nd counse]l;[143.
And there as any freelte maketh you to falle, be secheth hys mercy soone to calle you to hym agen with repentaunce, satisfaccion, and contricion of youre herte never more in will to offend hym.
For in as mych as they be yo[ur] tenantes, ze aught to have the reule of them before any other, praying you to do youre part to put hem oute of trouble.
Novembre in youre best aray, with as many clenly people as ye may gete for oure worship at this tyme; for we will be there like oure estate in oure best wise without any delay.
And that youre blood may by his grace from kynrede to kynrede multeplye in this erthe to hys servise, in such wyse as after the departyng fro this wreched world here, ye and thei may glorefye hym eternally amongs his aungelys in hevyn.
Therfore therof I beseche your good Lordship that ye vouchesaf to comon with the seyd k[nyghtes and squyers] as with your feytfull servaunts; and I trost to God to se youre good Lordship at Framyngham as I shall .
Whiche when I remember doe prouoke me to be bolde to declare vnto you mine entent, whiche by youre onely worde you may procure, the fruite whereof being gotten, you shall winne the heart of a king, to be vsed as you liste for euer.
Iames, who hath so often succoured you in youre aduersities.
But if I take what you said just now rightly, youre married.
Youre talking as if I were a rake living with a loose woman.
If youre going, I will see you part of the way," said Marmaduke.
I'll introduce you to her: youre just the sort of chap she would like to know.
Sir Pylate mefe you now no more, But mese youre hart, and mend youre mode.
Can ye saye your pater noster through to an ende & haue youre mynde runnynge vpon nothynge elles in all that whyle?
I can not skyll of youre subtyle reasonynges, ye are to fyne for me.
Then sayde Ioseph: brynge youre catell/ and I will geue yow for youre catell/ yf ye be without money.
And he welcomed th[~e] curteously sainge: is youre father that old man which ye tolde me of/ in good health?
And he answered: God forbyd y^t I shulde do so/ the man with whom the cuppe is founde/ he shalbe my seruaunte: but goo ye in peace vn to youre father.
And god shalbe with you and bringe you agayne vnto the land of youre fathers.
Then Ioseph sayde vnto the folke: beholde I haue boughte you this daye ad youre landes for Pharao.
Let a litle water be fett/ & wash youre fete/ and rest youre selves vnder the tree: And I will fett a morsell of breed/ to comforte youre hartes wythall.
Beholde/ youre eyes do se/ and the eyes also of my brother Ben Iamin/ that I speake to you by mouth.
But the God of youre father spake vnto me yesterdaye saynge take hede tha thou speake not to Iacob oughte saue goode.
Then sayd the serpent vnto the woman: tush ye shall not dye: But God doth knowe/ that whensoever ye shulde eate of it/ youreeyes shuld be opened and ye shulde be as God and knowe both good and evell.
And he sayde: I am Ioseph youre brother whom ye sold in to Egipte.
Whi thenke ye not that the pore peple that deyen for hungir and colde, that for the sixte part of youregay arraye xl persones might be clothed, refresshed, and kepte from the colde?
I woot wel ther is degree above degree, as reson is; and skile it is that men do hir devoir ther-as is due; but certes, extorciouns and despit of youre underlinges is dampnable.
Bye ye hande of my trustie manne, Timothie Jeffreys--Greetynges to you, faire mistresse, and to youre excellent and honourable sire.
Therefore, come away with brave Master Morgan and youre estimable father, ye captaine.
Commende me and my invitation to youre sire; accepte a triflynge gift at my handes; and may God be with you all and give us a joyouse meetynge.
Wythe mie hondes I'll dente the brieres Rounde his hallie corse to gre; Ouphante fairie, lyghte youre fyres; Heere mie boddie stylle schalle bee.
Trustynge and nothynge dowtynge in youre goodnes, that ye wyll so provyd for us, that we shall have syche onest lyvynge that we shall not be drevyn be necessyte nether to begge nor to fall to other unconvenyance.
Item, the said Duc of Somerset is cause of grete hurte, robbery, manslauter and other myscheves daily done and contynued in this youre roialme, in asmoch as he resceyved and had at the delyverey of Anjoy and Mayn iij.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "youre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.