Syr John Styll recomandyth hym to your good mastyrsheppe, and seyth pleynly if ye wyll he wyll com up to yow and awayte on yow whersoever ye be, coort or othyr.
Hys answer was to my Lord of Norfolks messenger, that he had promysyd my Lord Scalys to awayte up on hym at the same seson, and in as myche as he had promysyd my Lord Scalys, he wold not false hys promesse for no man on lyve.
If it be so, it wer best for yow to awayte on the Kyng all the wey, and if ye have not men and horse i nowghe I shall send yow.
Also like you to wete that I had sent you a letter be my ladde from London, and he tolde me he myght not speeke with you, ther was made so gret awayte upon hym and upon you boothe.
I may not wryght longe, wherffor I ffery over all thyngs tyll I may awayte on yow my selff.
I sende yow the obligacion here with acordyng to yowr desyr, and a letter to Bedyngfelde, thankyng hym for yow, and more over letyng hym know of myn entent.
He would have come now to 'my Lord' to ask his alms had not the writer letted him.
Other tydyngs, I herd sey ffor serteyn that the Lady Fitzwater is ded, and that Master Fytzwater shall have CCCC.
I sende to yow the bokes of his accompt to th'entent that Spyrlyng may awayte upon yow at his comyng, and declare hym his dewte, wheche, as myn receyvore seyth, hit wole drawe to the summe of xlvli.
Ryth wurshepfull master and sovereyn, I recomaunde me to you, besechyng you to pardon me that I cum not to awayte up on you like as Barkere wrote to me.
Than awayte thou redily in what degree of the zodiak that the mone at that tyme is inne.
Than afterward awayte where is than the degree of the sonne, at that tyme.
Awayte: "awayte me scathe," watch for opportunity of doing hurt to me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "awayte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.