I am sure he does astonishingly well with my hideously complicated affairs--you know he is my legal man, Louise.
When Heloise had finished with her Louise, inspecting herself in the glass with frank approval, decided that never before had she looked so astonishingly well at that hour of the morning.
In an astonishingly short space of time he was taking as great a pride in them as Golding himself.
It's so astonishingly silent after London," said Trix, gazing at the blue-grey velvet of the sky.
Luck favored her astonishingly in her efforts to escape the rigors of school discipline.
Marian was astonishingly wise; Sylvia felt herself immeasurably younger, and she was appalled by her own ignorance before this child who had touched so many sides of life and who recounted her experiences so calmly and lightly.
The snow is astonishingly soft on the south side of both islands.
There has beenastonishingly little drift with the wind, probably due to the fact that there has been so very little snowfall of late.
It made an astonishingly long swim beneath the water this time, almost as if it had been a hippopotamus, for it passed completely under our canoe and rose between us and the hither bank.
Insects form their chief prey; and the most dangerous and aggressive lower- life creatures make astonishingly little resistance to them.
In the depths of the big leather chair the May Girl didn't look very long to me, but she did look astonishingly frail.
It wasn't just the fact of being in white that made her look so astonishingly festal; she was almost always in white.
At the astonishingly new and relaxed timbre of her voice everybody turned suddenly and stared at her.
Yet with their infantile arithmetic these paradoxical islanders have contrived to develop an astonishingly intricate form of speech characterised by an absolutely bewildering superfluity of pronominal and other elements.
Its phonetic system is astonishingly rich (no less than 24 vowels and 17 consonants, but no sibilants), while the arithmetic stops at two.
In addition to this singularity she was thrifty and neat, intensely self-respecting and independent of spirit, and astonishingly outspoken of mind.
The Paris of Abelard's time was astonishingly old; so old that hardly a stone of it can be now pointed out.
Earth materials, and even fairly hard rocks, may creep under gravity at an astonishinglylow angle.
In spite of the wealth of data available, it is astonishingly difficult to arrive at a conclusion which is exclusive of other possibilities.
It is not possible to give here the details of this instruction, which was astonishingly rapid.
It is at once momentary and astonishingly intimate--to be displayed before the eyes of a foreigner.
In so doing he makes relentless use of the intellect and of verbally precise but actually preposterous logic, striking out astonishingly brilliant but utterly fantastic flashes of wit.
Defoe has put himself with astonishingly complete dramatic sympathy into the place of his hero.
Pepys, who ultimately became Secretary to the Admiralty, and was a hard-working and very able naval official, was also astonishingly naïf and vain.
And there is one particular in which he is, in anticipation, astonishingly Romantic.
His face was deeply lined, burned brown by long exposure to the sun, and he had a pair of small blue eyes which were astonishingly shifty.
I suppose to European eyes it would have seemed astonishingly sordid.
You can only take his own words, the central point of his experience, a very comforting and happy philosophy: The world is not quite infinite--but it is astonishingly full.
When you have done so, you will find that his narrative and interpretation are still astonishingly accurate and just.
He seems to have a boundless curiosity, a range of observation, which, if not infinite, is at least astonishingly full.
It was anastonishingly picturesque scene, the sort of genre picture the Victorians did so well and for which we moderns have so profound a contempt.
And her basket contained a miscellaneous assortment of esoteric comestibles which would later appear in anastonishingly appetizing form at the table.
She was perhaps the wittiest woman (in the strict sense of the adjective) who ever lived[290], and an astonishingly large proportion of the best sayings of the time is traced or attributed to her.
The earlier play, Oedipe, 1718, wasastonishingly successful, and is still astonishingly clever.
The psychological drawing, though one-sided, is astonishingly true, and though sensibilite is still present, it has obviously lost its hold both on the characters represented and their creator.
When she turned to him, he was surprised to see that she looked astonishingly happy, almost as if she had been struggling with joy, instead of pain.
People existed, it astonishingly appeared, who LIKED Happy Fear.