As a youth he had gone to sea and served a six-year apprenticeship before the mast.
Courbet was at the zenith of his unpopularity when Manet terminated his apprenticeship under Couture.
And the apprenticeship demanded of the old Egyptian, Chinese and Greek artists was longer and more tedious than any of our school courses today.
The enemy were a nation apprenticed in arms, we were not even the idle apprentice: we had not deemed apprenticeship worth our while.
In the more homely plan that I set before myself, the apprenticeship is rather that of practical life.
The idea of not only describing, but developing character under the ripening influences of time and circumstance, is not confined to the apprenticeship of Maltravers alone, but pervades the progress of Cesarini, Ferrers, and Alice Darvil.
But, in /Wilhelm Meister/, the apprenticeship is rather that of theoretical art.
So that Borrow must really have wandered into Portugal in that earlier and more melancholy apprenticeship to vagabondage concerning which there is so much surmise and so little knowledge.
We have seen further the most curious apprenticeship by which Lavengro came into existence.
Besides, of course, there is no real necessity for passing through anapprenticeship in order to become an officer.
Any man of his ability who was at the same time anxious to learn would of course make rapid progress, and before he left prison the warder said he was as good a tailor with his three months' apprenticeship as many a man was with twelve.
It was from no prudence or forethought that he had served this apprenticeship to life among the poor.
The best tradesmen I have known spent the first part of their apprenticeship knocking about the workshop, fetching and carrying for others, and unconsciously receiving impressions and gaining knowledge.
It used to be said that the first year of a joiner's apprenticeship was served in sweeping the shavings and in boiling men's "cans"; and there was a good deal of truth in the statement.
By April 26th he had certainly attained his majority, and his apprenticeship had probably expired.
Abbot Samson had no experience in governing; had served no apprenticeship to the trade of governing,--alas, only the hardest apprenticeship to that of obeying.
His life-long harshapprenticeship to governing, namely obeying.
Had not this Samson served, in his way, a right good apprenticeship to governing; namely, the harshest slave-apprenticeship to obeying!
James was a man of strong mind, an original thinker and thoroughly well-trained by his apprenticeship with his father.
Entirely a self-made man, Clement had experience as a locksmith and served an apprenticeship as a tinsmith.
I was twelve years of age, and my mind had not yet acquired sufficient coolness to mature schemes of heroic revenge, which are produced by false feelings of honour; this was only my apprenticeship in such adventures.
In the company of such men did I begin myapprenticeship of the world, learning my lesson from the book of experience.
The apprenticeship he had served in trade at Cadiz enabled Geoffrey to start with confidence in his business.
A couple of years of apprenticeship would be good schooling for them.
It made rapid progress, and consequently was most attractive to the numerous young neophytes who were anxious to finish their apprenticeship and hasten into practice.
The son of a clergyman, he began early the study of medicine and surgery, and during his apprenticeship received from a milkmaid information of the protective power of cow-pox against variola, as established by popular observation.
We must learn to look upon life as an apprenticeship to a progressive renunciation, a perpetual diminution in our pretensions, our hopes, our powers, and our liberty.
In 1848 his Berlin apprenticeship came to an end, and he returned to Geneva.
In another sense it is the apprenticeship to heavenly things, sweet and secret joy, contentment and peace.
No actor more conclusively proves the rightly held theory that the perfection of dramatic art can only be achieved by early apprenticeship and many years devoted to earnest study and incessant hard work than Henry Irving.
At the expiration of his apprenticeship a young man was admitted to the corporation and declared a "Meistersinger.
He is aware that an art which does not demand a severe apprenticeship for the slow mastery of its secrets will fail to call forth his full strength.
Any man can make himself a master of his craft, if he will but serve his apprenticeship loyally.
The stories and tales and verses and dramas of those seven years of apprenticeship were ruthlessly criticized by the author of 'Salammbô,' and then they were destroyed unprinted.
Brunetière's assertion that "just as obedience is the apprenticeship of command, so is imitation the novitiate of originality.
He showed that Stevenson had in him the true dramatic stuff, but that he refused to serve the severe apprenticeship to play-making that he gladly gave to novel-writing.
IV In spite of Ibsen's ten years of apprenticeship in two theaters, in daily contact with the practical business of the stage, it was not with prose-dramas of contemporary life that he first came forward as a dramatist.
Hence we need schools to give training that will shorten and enrich the period of apprenticeship for the journeyman.
Girls come out of school at fourteen and go to work; after a short apprenticeship they are put at the machines, and quickly earn the most they ever will earn.
A nom de guerre of Balzac in his apprenticeship days.
Later we shall come across cases of apprenticeship of slaves to learn a craft.
There was a custom very common in connection with the apprenticeshipsystem at the beginning of the century.