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Example sentences for "appointments"

Lexicographically close words:
appointees; appointeth; appointing; appointive; appointment; appoints; apporte; apporter; apportion; apportioned
  1. In appointing new priests for the several colleges, he made no appointments without being sworn.

  2. For these several meals he would make different appointments at the houses of his friends on the same day.

  3. The last of his Cabinet appointments made, Jefferson returned to his country seat at Monticello for August and September, for he was determined not to pass those two "bilious months" in Washington.

  4. Scarcely less vexatious was the business of appointments in New York where three factions in the Republican party struggled for the control of the patronage.

  5. The same powers were granted to the General of the Army, who was also empowered to disapprove the appointments or removals made by the district commanders.

  6. All appointments to inmates or pensions are vested in the minister of the Interior, and applicants must be of French nationality, totally blind and not less than forty years of age.

  7. Enjoying a number of court and hospital appointments he built up a good practice for himself in London, and the government constantly consulted him on questions of public hygiene.

  8. These appointments were now placed in the hands of the king.

  9. It was natural, therefore, that the pope, in his endeavor to increase his income, should have tried to bring as many of these appointments as he could into his own hands.

  10. The merchants were ignored as potential officials although they had often enough held official appointments under the former dynasty.

  11. When, later, eunuchs controlled appointments to government posts, long established practices of bureaucratic administration were eliminated and the court, i.

  12. He had appointments with relatives or connections in the town, and on that pretext he departed, hoping for the speedy dawn of the morrow as soon as he had turned his back on the house.

  13. Wealthy patrons employed the artist in metal to produce idols and appointments for the numerous temples they built.

  14. The story of the evolution of the grate and the hearth and its appointments is of extreme interest.

  15. And please remember the appointments are final and unalterable.

  16. The king himself conferred appointments to these positions; in later times, the Roman emperors succeeded to the patronage, the government thereby binding in golden chains intellect that might otherwise have proved troublesome.

  17. Though we may wonder that men failed to see that it was merely a human device, we cannot wonder that the emperors perceived the necessity of taking the appointments into their own hands, and that Gregory VII.

  18. In 1720 Boscawen was created Viscount Falmouth, and he held the appointments of Comptroller of the Household, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, and Warden of the Stanneries, besides others of lesser note.

  19. Sir George Carew held several important military appointments in Ireland, and became Master of the Ordnance and commander of expeditions to Cadiz and other places, and in 1598 he was Ambassador to France.

  20. Censers and candles may be used or not, altar appointments and priestly vestments may be chosen to suit the taste of those concerned.

  21. As regards appointments by deed the Law of Property Amendment Act 1859 enacts that a deed attested by two witnesses shall, so far as execution and attestation go, be a valid exercise of a power to appoint by deed.

  22. In making appointments to office in the southern states, the departments were to give preference to "loyal"[916] persons of the district or state where they were to serve.

  23. Grant suggested that when appointments were made, the men recently voted for be put in.

  24. He made 224 appointments to such offices, besides minor ones.

  25. When, as in Mobile, the Democrats controlled too many minor offices, the legislature remedied the wrong by declaring the offices vacant and giving the governor authority to make appointments to the vacancies.

  26. The chief cotton agents sold for high prices appointments as collecting agents.

  27. Many appointments were made on account of the deaths or resignations of the civil officials.

  28. But it must be said that a desire for a share in political appointments was a cause of much of this "real anxiety.

  29. Many officials were removed and many appointments made by Pope.

  30. Their powers were executive, with the right of veto over legislation, and also over certain appointments by the legislature.

  31. But early in August came news of its passage, and with it a list of appointments for the new Council.

  32. We must have no delay; and when we make appointments in future, they must be better kept.

  33. I believe that for a man who has so much business upon his hands, and the interests of so many to watch and care for, I am as punctual to my appointments as most people.

  34. There are very few appointments open to men of science in this country, and one must take what one can get and be thankful.

  35. The Commission is at present engaged in this work among the Creeks, and has made appointments for taking the census of these people up to and including the 30th of the present month.

  36. All of the amendments had for their main object a more efficient and satisfactory administration of the system of appointments established by the civil-service law.

  37. Punch's shows used to lean against the dead wall in Mews Street, while their proprietors were dining elsewhere; and the dogs of the neighbourhood made appointments to meet in the same locality.

  38. It was a small and humble dwelling, though scarcely so miserable in its aspect and appointments as most of peasant abodes round about.

  39. Certainty was less cruel than everlasting suspicion, and she even took a bitter delight in examining the appointments of the apartment, which to her mind proved how deeply Martial must be infatuated.

  40. These appointments are to continue during the pleasure of the President, not extending beyond the military occupation of the city of New Orleans or the restoration of the civil authority in that city and in the State of Louisiana.

  41. The appointments are most of them completed, except the diplomatic posts, which are still uncertain, and the Governor-Generalship of India.

  42. The Government are certainly going on well, and Tufnell, as strong a Whig as any, told me last night he thought their appointments excellent, and that they were doing very well.

  43. The Duke of Bedford thinks that the sooner Lord de Grey quits the Government of Ireland the better, for he is not popular, and his Church appointments are supposed to be influenced by his wife.

  44. Footnote 136: [Lord Lyndhurst was accused of having made an exchange with Lord Ripon of an Indian judgeship for a living on Lord Ripon's estate; but both appointments were in themselves open to no sort of objection.

  45. We had a great deal of talk about things and people connected with the Court, about the appointments and the exclusions which were producing so much heartburning.

  46. Lefroy, Peel told me, was with him for an hour consuming his precious time, and he had been forced to tell him that he must and would make his judicial appointments according to his own sense of their fitness and propriety.

  47. He gave an example to all below him by refusing to take money for appointments to offices or for any administrative acts.

  48. Practically appointments of all kinds were put up to auction and given to the highest bidder.

  49. Appointments to the highest offices were made at her instance and abuses of all kinds arose.

  50. He gave high appointments to them, raised them to the rank of admirals and commanders-in-chief of his navy, over the heads of the officers of his regular service.

  51. The payments now became arbitrary and universal, and were extended to appointments in the army.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appointments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accessory; appanage; apparatus; appendage; appliance; appointments; appurtenances; armament; belongings; conveniences; duffel; equipage; equipment; facilities; facility; fitting; fixture; furnishings; furniture; gear; impedimenta; installation; machinery; materiel; movables; munitions; outfit; paraphernalia; perquisite; plant; plumbing; possession; rig; rigging; tackle; things; trappings; utensil