A waitress who is disposed to make the most of theseconveniences can save both herself and others great annoyance.
The best serving is often most appreciated where there are not the conveniences necessary for carrying out rules which at first sight seem very simple.
However, I chose a cabin which opened into the steerage, in which was very good conveniences to set our chest and boxes, and a table to eat on.
There can be no profit in raising a poor breed of hogs, that have no fattening qualities; nor even a good breed, withoutconveniences or proper care.
But once provided with all theconveniences for carrying it on, it is not only simple and easy, but becomes even interesting.
Most of us could not have devised, do not understand, and consequently could not reproduce any of the everyday conveniences and luxuries which surround us.
Insufficient time for meals is a universal complaint; and nine times out of ten, the conveniences provided are insufficient for the numbers who must use them, and thus throw off offensive and dangerous effluvia.
This proof Fisher finds in the contention that the V's are fixed by the habits and conveniences of individuals, whence they are not influenced by such a cause as a change in the amount of money.
For small retail transactions, indeed for retail transactions in general, the conveniences of coined over uncoined metal are very great.
Inconveniences to which he is accustomed have always seemed to him preferable to conveniences with which he is unfamiliar.
The conveniencesof life, which have multiplied so fast of late, have never attracted him, even when he has heard of them.
In short, this community is like a city detached from all communication with the neighbouring parts, regulated by its own laws, and furnished with peculiar conveniences for the use of the inhabitants.
In the family circle, too, he is to give his mother and sister precedence in all the conveniences and comforts of home life.
Domestics should be furnished with washing conveniences in their chambers, and be encouraged to keep their persons and rooms neat and in order.
But civilization has increased economies and conveniences far ahead of the knowledge needed by the common people for their healthful use.
A full supply of conveniences will do much toward the remedy of this evil.
Many kitchens are very imperfectly supplied with the requisiteconveniences for cooking.
But in this plan, by the use of the movable screen, two fine large rooms can be secured whenever the family work is over, while the conveniences for work will very much lessen the time required.
Thus, the furnishing a needless variety of food, the conveniences of dwellings, and the adornments of dress, often take a larger portion of time than is given to any other object.
The next aim is, to arrange the conveniences of domestic labor so as to save time, and also to render such work less repulsive than it is made by common methods, so that children can be trained to love house-work.
A full supply of all conveniences in the kitchen and cellar, and a place appointed for each article, very much facilitate domestic labor.
Around the bedroom high and wide shelves and shelf-boxes near the ceiling serve to store large articles; and narrower shelves with pegs under them for clothing, protected by a curtain, furnish other conveniences for storage.
They have disused the complicated facilities and conveniences of the capitalistic epoch, which we are so proud of, and have got back as close as possible to nature.
What we consider modern conveniences they would consider a superfluity of naughtiness for the most part.
He was transferred that evening to a comfortable room, and told he might order any conveniences he desired and could afford.
What the conveniences of the city were Harriet was unable to decide, but to Linda's practical mind electric light, adequate plumbing, and a gas stove were all extremely important.
So that taking into consideration all theconveniences and beauties of the town, it may well be called a desirable place for a home.
And the employment of the best mechanical skill, in addition to the use of the motor power to supersede horse power, proves the rapid and great advance of modern conveniences as contrasted with the old-fashioned, hand-power machines.
It is, indeed, a case of Mohamed and the mountain, and the Post Office, secure in its monopoly, was not going to afford any unnecessary conveniences to its clients.
Rapid decisions are to be made between the various conveniences which have accumulated, for some must be left.
His pockets and his haversack are stored with little conveniences made by the loving hands of mother, sister, and sweetheart, and the sad yet proud hour has arrived.
Firing and cheering they rushed on the surprised men, who scampered away, leaving all their little conveniences behind them, and retreating for about a mile.
If he had had as many conveniences as he lacked, we should have been plenty comfortable enough; even as it was, we made out very well, in his queer old castle, by the help of comforts and luxuries from the ship.
Then she emptied the conveniences out of it and fetched it full of water, and I drank and then stood up, and she poured the rest down inside the armor.
I mean little conveniences; it is the little conveniences that make the real comfort of life.
The Germans are prepared to endure any personal sacrifice in the way of comforts or conveniences to make and maintain profitable commercial relations with the people of the countries among which they elect to trade.
Such a laundry will be light and well ventilated, will have washable floors, walls, and ceilings, running water and hot water supply, sanitary tubs and conveniences in the shape of machinery.
Visit some office furnishing department or shop to see what an array of conveniences has been devised for the dispatch of business.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conveniences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.