This tube is called the infundibulum, and, extraordinary to relate, lies just anteriorly to the exits of the third cranial or oculomotor nerves; in other words, it marks the termination of the series of spinal and cranial segmental nerves.
It is very small, and is attached to the carapace near the median lineanteriorly to the central eyes.
Next anteriorly to the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves comes the facial nerve; a nerve which supplies the hyoid segment, or, rather, according to van Wijhe the two hyoid segments, for embryologically there is evidence of two segments.
A, which terminates anteriorlyin the opercular bar.
Anteriorly on each side of Benevolence is a pleasing region antagonistic to Combativeness and Jealousy, and manifesting many pleasing sentiments, which I have grouped under the general title of Harmony.
Cubital cell: the wing area between the cubits and anal vein; in the plural, all the cells bounded anteriorly by the cubits or its branches (Comst.
These two males are noteworthy in that the pattern anteriorly is obscure, but the ground color is dark, not pale as in the two specimens from the vicinity of Seoul.
Both nasal fossae are open anteriorly and posteriorly; but laterally they do not, in the normal state of these parts, communicate.
In others, the stricture is rendered wholly imperforate, and the canal either contracted or nearly obliterated anteriorly through disuse.
The sides of this square are formed anteriorly by the line ranging from the mental symphysis to the top of the sternum, and posteriorly by a line drawn between the occiput and shoulder.
Proteolepas, we shall see that the cement-ducts enter the body at a medio-dorsal point, a little anteriorly to the second thoracic segment, and therefore in the normal position.
The mouth, which in the larva in the first stage differs in different genera, in being more or less advanced forward, here stands some way anteriorly to the natatory legs, as in the pupal condition.
Cold compresses to the neck anteriorly are often soothing, and sponging the entire surface of the body with tepid water, acidulated or alcoholized, will allay the intense heat of the skin.
These compartments are cut out anteriorly to about half their height, to allow the bottoms of the bottles to be seen.
It is surrounded by the hyaloid membrane, already noticed, and anteriorly is concave for the reception of the lens.
Head with a groove, which hardly extends anteriorly to the line of the anterior canthus of the eyes; verrucae behind the eyes, moderate; superior maxilla emarginate; beneath granulated.
Two elliptical incisions were made on the face of the tumour, and prolonged anteriorly and posteriorly about an inch from it.
Note passing anteriorly from the heart along the median line to the eyes a blood-vessel, the ophthalmic artery.
From the kidneys the blood flows through the postcaval vein anteriorly to the heart.
It is composed of a series of chambers or segmental parts, which by a rhythmic contraction and expansion propel the blood anteriorly and into a short, narrow, unsegmented anterior portion of the vessel which may be called the aorta.
Yet another pair running anteriorly from the heart to the stomach and digestive glands are called the hepatic arteries.
Remove the alimentary canal, cutting it free posteriorly at the caeca and anteriorly just above the muscular gizzard.
Leading anteriorly to the mouth-cavity is a long tube, the trachea, composed of a series of cartilaginous parts of rings placed end to end.
Anteriorly the double nerve-cord divides, the two parts passing upward on each side of the oesophagus, where they again meet to form the supra-oesophageal ganglion or brain.
With a pair of scissors cut just beneath the skin anteriorly from the cloacal opening to the angle of the lower jaw.
Now cut anteriorlyfrom the anus along the ventral wall to where the jaws unite, and cut, also anteriorly, along the dorsal wall until the left side of the body can be removed.
On the sides of the neck just below the ears are pink or yellowish bodies, the parotid glands, opening anteriorly in the sides of the mouth-cavity.
At the posterior angle of the lower jaw are glandular bodies, the sub-maxillary glands, which lead by a short duct anteriorly to open on the floor of the mouth.
Most anteriorly make out, as in the toad, the paired olfactory lobes.
The wing when in action may be divided into two portions by a line running diagonally between the tip of the wing anteriorly and the root of the wing posteriorly.
The stricture is not situated anteriorly to the swelling, as has been sometimes supposed, but near its middle—where the tight orifice of the prepuce grasps the penis, and causes a depression in the swelling.
In cases of accidental injury requiring this operation, the lever use of the limb must frequently be wanting; and in such cases, too, the parts may be so injured as not to afford flaps anteriorly and posteriorly.
When a tight stricture exists, the passage anteriorly is never fully distended, and becomes permanently contracted in consequence; whilst more or less dilatation is produced behind the tight part, wherever that may be.
The glans and lining membrane of the prepuce swell anteriorly to the stricture, the integuments of the penis swell behind, and the stricture is depressed and concealed between.
They generally give way anteriorlyto the angles, at the most convex point; but sometimes near the spine or the sternum.
Their colour anteriorly was whitish, with small distinct purple spots; posteriorly, of a deep red, with similar spots.
It was situated principally on the left side, and contained about double the usual quantity of water; but was principally filled by the enlarged heart, to which it adhered anteriorly about two inches, near its base.
Because of these relations with the dorsal vertebrae, it is in contact anteriorly with the last ribs, which consequently emerge from each side of the iliac region of the pelvis.
It is in relation, anteriorly and inferiorly, with the posterior ulnar muscle.
The external iliac fossa, which looks upward, is limited anteriorly by this crest, and is, like the latter, slightly hollowed.
Before hatching, the embryo has to a small extent become folded off from the yolk both anteriorly and posteriorly; and has also become to some extent vertically compressed.
It ends anteriorly at the stomodaeum and posteriorly at the point where the solid remnant of the archenteron in the tail was primitively continuous with the branchial sack.
The mesoblast of the trunk is divided anteriorly into splanchnic and somatic layers.
The alimentary canal (al) is completely closed anteriorly and posteriorly, though still widely open to the yolk-sack in the middle part of its course.
Bounding the inner side of the anterior optic chamber is a layer which is called the choroid (Int^1) which is continued anteriorly into the fold of the iris (Ir).
The medullary groove is developed anteriorly before any trace of it is visible behind.
In Elasmobranchii and many Teleostei the restiform tracts are well developed, and are anteriorly continued into the cerebellum, of which they form the peduncles.
Anteriorly the right vein atrophies and the left continues forward the unpaired posterior section.
Anteriorly all communication is thus early shut off between the body cavity and the pericardial cavity, but the two cavities still open freely into each other behind.
This passage is bounded anteriorly by the layer of cells forming the continuation of the hypoblast into the epiblast.
Anteriorly the termination of the notochord cannot be seen, it can only be traced into a mass of mesoblast at the base of the brain, which there separates the epiblast from the hypoblast.
The two halves have coalesced anteriorly (A) but are still widely separated behind (B).
Posterior vertebral veins, similar to those of Reptilia and Birds, are established in connection with the intercostal and lumbar veins, and unite anteriorly with the front part of the posterior cardinal veins (fig.
Soon however each of them sends an anteriorly directed dorsal process (fig.
Michigan, has a large skull, which shows approach to primulina in its narrowness anteriorlyand in some other features.
This large hind foot, obviously long tail (the specimen lacks external measurements), and anteriorly truncate bullae constitute basis for here referring the specimen to spadix.
The white color of the underparts is restricted to a thin line on the abdominal region, but widens out posteriorly in the inguinal region and anteriorly over the pectoral region, throat, chin and lower lips.
Selected outstanding characters of longicauda are its long tail, anteriorly truncate tympanic bullae and large teeth.
Massachusetts, that of the male of primulina, in dorsal view, is seen to be shorter anteriorly to the postorbital processes and to have a more marked postorbital constriction.
The tympanic bullae are less inflated than in other weasels, are pointed anteriorly and posteriorly, and do not have the lateral margins carried outward to the outer margins of the braincase.
The larva is somewhat depressed, but nearly globular; the carapace anteriorly is truncated, with lateral horns; the sternal surface is flat and broad, and formed of thinner membrane than the dorsal.
Anteriorly to the bases of these smaller antennae is seated the heart-shaped eye, (as I believe it to be,) .
The mouth is now seated some way anteriorly to the limbs, is large and probosciformed, and is, I presume, still destitute of trophi.
The right parietal bone, which during birth had been turned towards the promontory of the sacrum, was covered anteriorly and superiorly with effused blood, and on removing the periosteum, was found fractured in five places.
It terminatesanteriorly in a slight enlargement, called the glans clitoridis, which is covered with a thin membrane or a loose fold of skin, viz.
The latter is made up of six pieces, and the manubrium in its breadth anteriorly suggests that of the Vizcachas.
The limbs are united by a parachute extending to the toes, and supported anteriorly by a cartilage attached to the wrists.
Many species of the genus have a gular sac, opening anteriorlybetween the jaws.
There are also membranes anteriorly uniting the fore-limbs to the neck, and posteriorly uniting the hind-limbs to the root of the tail and a trifle beyond.
The palate has anteriorly a ridge on either side, and is thus divided from the sides of the face in a way which is not found[364] in the allies of Coelogenys.
The nasal cavity is very large and open, the end of the nasal bones anteriorly being situated at about the middle of the skull; this would seem to indicate at least a flexible and long nose like that of the Saiga Antelope, if not a trunk.
In the deciduous P4 the anterior cingulum is projected strongly anteriorly forming the apex of the sharpest angle of a triangle, whereas the permanent P4 is trapezoidal in occlusal pattern.
Scutum, mantle split anteriorly and reflected over shell, which has no slit.
The quadratojugal is a small spine-shaped element projecting anteriorlyfrom the ventral base of the quadrate; the quadratojugal does not articulate with the maxillary.
The calcified xiphisternum is roughly bell-shaped having short lateral processes anteriorly and a deep notch posteriorly.
Certain of the moreanteriorly placed of these septa are much thicker than the rest.
Anteriorly the large pharynx is responsible for confusing the arrangement of the septa, which become subdivided and fused or are prolonged a greater way backwards and thus present a less obviously segmental disposition.
Anteriorly there is the mouth which is overhung by the prostomium referred to above.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anteriorly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.