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Example sentences for "anteroom"

Lexicographically close words:
anteriores; anteriorly; anteriormost; anterodorsal; anterolateral; anterooms; anteroposterior; antes; antetype; anthem
  1. They are big–bugs in the military scheme, and should an old gentleman announce in the anteroom that Macedonia is in Texas, or that Florrie Forde is the wife of President Wilson, don’t call him a liar.

  2. For example, when the commanding officer enters the anteroom every officer must promptly rise to attention—as a mark of respect.

  3. For dinner assemble in the anteroom five minutes before the time.

  4. You cannot have forgotten what we said in the anteroom last night.

  5. He could not see her, and went through the rooms till he found her, which was in a small anteroom alone.

  6. It was marvellous acting, if it was acting; yet he thought she could scarcely have so soon forgotten their scene in the anteroom the previous night.

  7. Earlscourt lifted the curtain that parted the anteroom from the other chamber--lifted it to see Beatrice Boville, as the pink domino had prophesied, and not alone!

  8. He had crossed the anteroom softly, fearing to disturb her.

  9. Jews with faces white from exhaustion sat in the anteroom resting and refreshing themselves with a pinch of snuff, or a drop of hartshorn, and a few words of conversation.

  10. But if you want to be in the thick of it all, you must stand in the anteroom by the door, where people are crowding round the plates for collections.

  11. Then everybody connected with the arrangement of the meeting gathered in the anteroom and one after the other made appreciative speeches and bows.

  12. The star speaker meanwhile refreshed himself in the anteroom with tea, tobacco and conversation as before.

  13. When the Governor concluded and returned to the anteroom there was conversation for a few minutes, and then my friend and his Excellency went into the meeting together.

  14. At the third meeting the Governor and the speaker of the day did enter the hall together, but before the Governor had finished his introductory harangue my companion took himself off to the anteroom to refresh himself with a cigar and a chat.

  15. We'll get some of our foremost men to sign the petition at this end of the hall, and then it'll be placed in the anteroom for the rest to sign as they go out.

  16. When the class streamed from the large door on the right, he turned aside to the little anteroom on the left, with an insolent swing of the shoulders.

  17. If he had been swept to the anteroom there and then, he would have been cowed by the suddenness of his own change, from a loud tormentor in the company of others, to a silent culprit in a room alone.

  18. I met him in the anteroom at the President's house.

  19. His quick glance caught sight of the gathering line of carriages; a second glance estimated the plight of those now jammed into the anteroom like so many cattle and evidently in distress.

  20. An instant later the curtained folding doors which separated the anteroom from the dining-saloon were thrown open.

  21. The meagerly furnished anteroom of the Federal prison in Richmond was the discredited adventurer's reception-hall in those days.

  22. And only old Henry, Mr. Jefferson's butler, bowed them in as they passed from the simple entrance hall into the anteroom which lay between the hall and the large dining-saloon.

  23. As he walked about the anteroom before entering the gaming halls, he saw beside a column, a group of French officers, all of whom were convalescents.

  24. In the anteroom he walked toward the groups who were gathered around the bulletin board reading the latest telegrams.

  25. He crosses the vestibule and the anteroom holding his head high, but without seeing any one, gazing straight ahead, with a faraway expression.

  26. Quick hands did her bidding now, altering the anteroom of the King's Palace into a big airy bedroom.

  27. She made Patten bring his own saddle-blanket; it was fixed across the entrance of the anteroom of the King's Palace, darkening it.

  28. When the anteroom is at last reached, the ladies await their turns, being admitted to the audience chamber in groups of four.

  29. When the bearers have brought the body into the anteroom of the tower they strip it entirely of its clothing.

  30. In the little anteroom a lamp was burning which Mary had lighted as it began to grow dark, and the widow paused for a moment, considering whether she should not extinguish it to save the oil.

  31. As he dismounted from his chariot in the newly-paved forecourt and was conducted to the Emperor's anteroom he looked as bright and free from care as if the future lay before him sunny and cloudless.

  32. She went into the little anteroom and, with her hand on the swinging door leading to the sitting-room, paused like one waking from a dream.

  33. When Feuerstein came into the anteroom the gimlet-eyed office boy disappeared through one of the doors in the partition and reappeared after a longer absence than usual.

  34. But there was he--and I kicked him out of my private office and would have kicked him out through the anteroom into the outer hall, had he not gathered himself together and run like a jack-rabbit.

  35. Before me rose a sheaf of clamorous telegrams from our out-of-town customers and our agents; and soon my anteroom was crowded with my local following, sore and shorn.

  36. Thomson locked his desk, made his way to the further end of the building and was admitted through a door by which a sentry was standing, to an anteroom in which a dozen people were waiting.

  37. If he had only remained in the anteroom with Professor MacCulloch and the Historical Reintegrator!

  38. With a great feeling of relief, Decker escaped from the rising turmoil of the convention hall into the relative quiet of the anteroom where MacCulloch waited with the Reintegrator.

  39. Soldiers and Jews and patient, unobtrusive women in black wait at police headquarters; generals and ladies of quality crowd the anteroom of the General Staff.

  40. Patient, dull faces that light with momentary expectation on the opening of a door, and relapse into depression and tragic immobility when the aide walks through the anteroom without admitting any one to the inner office.

  41. The anteroom of the General Staff was as Russian as Russian can be.

  42. Outside, the anteroom was crowded with supplicants.

  43. Marcia ran toward the smaller anteroom and dragged the curtains back.

  44. When he was sent for at last, and accompanied in, he found Marcia, Pertinax and Galen seated unattended in the gorgeous, quiet anteroom next to the emperor's bedchamber.

  45. It was reached by a short stairway from an anteroom that opened on the tunnel.

  46. Knowing that he could not escape to confer with the slaves in the corridor, because the door leading to the corridor from the smaller anteroom was locked, she was at no pains to prevent his overhearing anything.

  47. Or, at any rate, within his four walls," replied the servitor, preceding Seitz into the small anteroom from which he had come.

  48. If he could induce Heinz to talk with him here in the anteroom it would be impossible for her to escape.

  49. At last the door of the anteroom opened, and a citoyen with red pantaloons, a red girdle, and red cravat called over the prisoners.

  50. The time passed in this anteroom was not lost.

  51. Beethoven attached absolutely no value to his autographs; after they had once been engraved they generally were piled on the floor in his living room or an anteroom among other pieces of music.

  52. In the anteroom sat four copyists to whom he handed sheet after sheet as soon as it was finished.

  53. In the anteroom he found the chief men of the city and some representative members of the Alexandrian Senate, who were anxious for an audience of their imperial visitor.

  54. For already in the anteroom a peculiar sensation had come over him.

  55. Meanwhile the anteroom was every moment more crowded, and neither chose to give vent to his anger.

  56. He turned his back on the prefect, and, with the air of a general who has just been crowned with laurels, he stalked through the anteroom and past Philip once more.

  57. In the anteroom they were stopped by Andreas.

  58. In the anteroom a young freedman had hurried silently past him--had vanished like a shadow through the dusky rooms.

  59. It so happened that the Lady's only son came at that instant into the anteroom seeking her, and teasing his mamma about something, which withdrew her attention from the hall-table for a space.

  60. It was a suite of anteroom and two parlors.

  61. In going into the anteroom for his hat, he met Nicole who always had something to do there when the duke called.

  62. Yes, I will kill him," and he darted into the anteroom while Andrea fell on the sofa.

  63. Outside in the anteroom Lieutenant Nikky Larisch roused himself, yawned, and looked at his watch.

  64. In the anteroom the King's Master of the Horse, the Chamberlain, and a few other gentlemen stood waiting, talking together in low tones.

  65. At the head of the stairs was a sort of anteroom filled with men smoking.

  66. The chamber, on whose threshold we stood, was far larger than either anteroom or hall of audience.

  67. From the anteroom came shouting, a rush of feet.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anteroom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    greenroom; lounge; vestibule