Alternate hot and cold compressesshould be applied to the throat--first the hot cloths (wrung from very hot water) being applied over the throat, which should be covered with a single thickness of dry flannel.
Hot compresses (wrung from boiling water by means of a "potato ricer") may be applied to the caked breast which is protected from the immediate heat by one thickness of a dry blanket flannel.
If discoloration has taken place, the application of hot compresses will often hasten its disappearance.
Ice-water compresses will stop the swelling and even an old-fashioned mud dressing, which was used and appreciated by our great grandmothers, is a thing not to be despised.
Cold compresses over the lower abdomen may sometimes help.
When it is necessary to keep up this enema for an hour or two, the cool water may cramp the bowels, but this may be entirely obviated by applying hot compresses to the abdomen.
The bowels should move freely every day, and water drinking be increased as well as sweating of the skin encouraged by a short, hot bath, followed by the dry blanket pack, while the head is kept cool by compresses wrung from cold water.
For immediate relief, hot witch-hazel compresses may be applied; or, in the case of badly protruding piles, the patient should immerse the body in a warm bath and by the liberal use of vaseline they can usually be replaced.
A sensitive kind of barometer, in which the pressure of the atmosphere, acting upon a liquid, as oil, in the lower portion of the instrument, compressesan elastic gas in the upper part.
One compresses this substance very tightly between the fingers into the shape of a small cone.
This indicator has its cylinder placed horizontally; and its piston compresses two elliptical springs; a slide valve is substituted for a cock, to open or close the communication with the engine.
The same force of gravitation, or the same pressure of the surrounding ether, which compresses the central mass into a fiery globe, will act upon the loose material of the arms and compress it into smaller globes.
In the revolution of the universe are comprehended all the four elements, and this being circular and having a tendency to come together, compresses everything and will not allow any place to be left void.
It all depends on keeping the leg quiet and keeping the cold compresses renewed," were the medical man's parting words.
We'll have to keep the leg pretty quiet, and put cold compresses on frequently.
The compressor exhausts ammonia gas from the coiled pipe in "E" and compresses the gas in "C," where under 150 pounds pressure and the cooling effect of water it condenses to liquid ammonia.
By pressing on the rubber cover the diver may be made to sink, since the air and water transmit the pressure on the cover whichcompresses the air inside the figure admitting some water to it, thus making the diver more dense than water.
The returning piston covers both holes and compresses the charge till the moment of explosion, when the process is repeated.
The valve closes, and the returning piston compresses the mixture.
Cold compresses may be applied to the back of the neck, the spine, the forehead, or wherever they may give comfort.
Rest and quiet, careful eating, cold compresses to the head, a hot water bag to the feet, or a foot bath will usually relieve an ordinary headache.
When cold compresses are applied to the head there should be a hot water bag at the feet.
Cold compresses for inflamed eyes should be of one thickness only, and a little larger than the eye.
The discarded compresses should be collected in a paper bag or wrapped in newspapers and burned.
He also uses the bar to draw off the slags, or to open or close the gates of the sluice, through which the waters flow down on to the wheel which turns the axle that compresses the bellows.
A workman compresses them by treading with his feet, just as persons compress those bellows of the organs which give out varied and sweet sounds in churches.
The lower lever, being depressed by the cams, compresses the bellows, and the compression drives the air through the nozzle.
Illustration 370 (Bellows for blast furnaces): A--Lever which when depressed by means of a camcompresses the bellows.
Above this is the handle or haft, which draws open the round bellows and lets in the air, or compresses it and drives the air out.
The temperature of the body may also be reduced by the use of cool compresses placed over the abdomen, and changed frequently.
The hot fomentations relieve the pain, and the cold compresses check the diseased process.
Although the cool compresses are not usually liked by the patient, they will soon give relief if their use is continued, and they do much towards shortening the course of the disease.
The compresses should be wrung out of cold water, and changed every five to eight minutes, or as often as they become warm.
The motor piston on its in-stroke compresses the mixed charge into the conical space G; and, when compression is complete, the mixture is ignited by the slide valve F.
The stroke of the waves slightly compresses this capillary water, but the faces of the grains are kept apart as sheets of glass may be observed to be restrained from contact when water is between them.
As long as the cave is closed at this inner end, and is not so high but that it may be buried beneath a heavy wave, the inrushing water compresses the air in the rear parts of the opening.
Compresses wet with cold water, or with some antiseptic lotion, may then be applied.
From the foot Hot Water Compresses in Tetanus and Trismus V.
Thus in case the force compresses the skull antero-posteriorly the fracture will pass antero-posteriorly toward the base from the front or the back, whichever received the blow (see Fig.
Arentz, was his family doctor, and treated him in the usual way, with water compresses and opium.
Josephine doctored him with compresses of turpentine, etc.
Meanwhile his eyes were attended to; they were less swollen, but could not bear the light; atropin was used to them and the compresses changed for a light bandage.
If it be ascertained that the tube is longer than the woman's vagina, folded compresses are to be laid on the labia in order that the speculum may be laid on them.
Then arranging other smallcompresses on the canthi at their extremities we direct the assistant, who stands behind, to stretch the eyelid by means of them.
Each gland is surrounded by a capsule, to which are partly attached the fibres of the masseter muscle, which violently compresses it and drives the poison, just as the piston of a syringe would do, into the canaliculi or groove of the fang.
An air-pump on the engine compresses air into the main receiver, from which it flows through a reducing valve into the train pipe.
A small jet of steam sucks the air from the main condenser and compresses it into a small so-called augmentor condenser.
Definite directions in regard to changing compresses and the length of time the applications should be continued are generally given by the physician.
Two compresses at least should be provided, and a large piece of ice in a basin.
Cold compresses for the head are often used for patients with fever or headache; they sometimes quiet a patient who is restless.
Several compresses should be placed on a block of ice while one is applied to the eye, and every few minutes the compress should be changed.
In bed, he could not sleep because of his pain, and hour by hour she worked over him, renewing the hot compresses over his bruises, soothing the lacerations with witch hazel and cold cream and the tenderest of finger tips.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compresses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.