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Example sentences for "small extent"

  • All the islands are low and wooded, and surrounded by a coral reef of small extent.

  • Both the islets are surrounded by coral reefs, of small extent.

  • At daybreak Caffarelli Island bore South-South-East; and shortly afterwards we had the satisfaction of seeing Brue Reef; it appeared to be partly dry but of small extent.

  • The hackberry has been planted to a small extent as a street tree in the southern towns, but it is not as popular as the elms and oaks.

  • The wood is employed to a small extent in furniture making, and the bark for scrubbing brushes.

  • Rustic rockers and benches of the wood, with the bark or without it, figure to a small extent in local trade.

  • The product is employed in packing merchandise for shipment, and to a small extent in upholstery.

  • This island, like the rest, is of small extent, and is surrounded by huge detached rounded blocks of granite, over which it was not easy to pass.

  • It is surrounded by a rocky shoal of small extent.

  • Carbonates of Potash and Soda have only been tried experimentally, and that to a small extent, nor is it likely that they will ever come into use, owing to their high price.

  • High winds increase the carbonic acid to a small extent.

  • It is obvious from these and many other analogous facts that humus cannot be the only or even a considerable source of the carbon of plants, although it is still contended by some chemists that it may be absorbed to a small extent.

  • A small extent of space; a place; any particular place.

  • In America it is reared only to small extent.

  • In or to small extent, quantity, or degree; little; slightly.

  • The external trade of Assam is conducted partly by steamer, partly by native boat, and to a small extent by rail.

  • The other hills are all isolated and of small extent.

  • Were the forms of small extent, or had they but slight distinction upon comparison with other erosional effects, they would be of little concern.

  • Though important enough in some respects the lacustrine deposits are of small extent and of rather local significance.

  • Neither could, by any reasonable person, be accused of that grossièreté which offended the censor so much, and to no small extent so rightly.

  • Numerous villages were to be seen at the foot of the hills, where there is in most parts room for cultivation, to a small extent, both of rice and of other grains.

  • This coarse-grained granite occasionally passed into one of very fine structure, and here and there into gneiss, though the latter was always of small extent.

  • Indeed on this face of the range, with the exception of the Puthars on the Nam-maroan, scarcely more than two open spots exist, and both of these are of small extent.

  • The valley of Hookhoong, or as the Burmese call it, in allusion to its amber mines, Paeendweng, is of small extent.

  • This plant is limited to a small extent, perhaps to 300 yards square, the principal direction being N.

  • This is the first Singfo village I have as yet seen, and is situated on the skirts of a plain of small extent, and covered to all appearance by extensive grass jungles, among which trees are interspersed.

  • The alloy ferrocerium is used to a small extent in iron and steel.

  • Molybdenum metal has been used to a small extent in incandescent lamps and as a substitute for platinum in electric contacts and resistances.

  • The natural forest, unless isolated and of small extent, can be protected from fire only by a vigilance too costly to be systematically practised.

  • The attentive traveller in Egypt and Nubia cannot fail to notice many localities, generally of small extent, where the soil is rendered infertile by an excess of saline matter in its composition.

  • In general, the contraction is of small extent, and unaccompanied with much thickening around.

  • Even where the integuments only are removed, and that to a small extent, and in a proper form, it is vain to think of approximating the parts and procuring union by adhesion; the wound must granulate.

  • Yes; they cure for themselves to a small extent, and increase their means by purchasing from other boats.

  • A few; but I only engage in that trade to a small extent.

  • I purchase fancy hosiery to a small extent,-principally veils and shawls, and things of that kind.

  • You say your understanding is, that goods are to be taken in payment, but that cash is given to a small extent: do you not consider that to be a departure from the understanding?

  • It manifestly circumnutated, though only to a small extent.

  • The petioles, however, sink at night to a small extent, viz.

  • The leaf was occasionally observed for the next four days, but was kept in rather too cool a place; nevertheless, it continued to circumnutate to a small extent, and the lobes remained closed.

  • This plant therefore circumnutates, but at a very slow rate, and to a small extent.

  • In various parts of the country, the manufacture of earthenware is pursued to a small extent.

  • Cigar cases, or covers, are made to a small extent in the neighbourhood of Manilla, and most of the patterns used for them are pretty, gay-looking affairs.

  • Soap is made to a small extent at Quiapo, in Manilla; and is, I understand, shipped to Sooloo and Singapore for sale.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small extent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are unable; farther south; heathen lands; small aperture; small bodies; small branch; small bulb; small capitals; small city; small clump; small collection; small cottage; small cove; small figure; small gold; small group; small holdings; small islands; small patch; small piece; small price; small quantities; small quarto; small tributary; small white; small work