My tyrant, in a great rage, brought a musquet out of the cabin, and loaded it before me and the crew, and swore that he would shoot me if I cried any more.
He went away, however, swearing; and threatened that whenever he caught me on shore he would shoot me, and pay for me afterwards.
I said, if they would not take me on to the next camping-place I would shoot them, and I let off my revolver in the air, but still the old native refused to take up the burden, and told the other people not to carry me.
Brou having told them I would shoot if they tried to molest me.
I ran down among some houses where my servants were talking trying to persuade the people to give me some dried grass, and said if they did not give me some I would shoot them.
His lordship at the same time desired that he would not suffer him to be seized, and declared, that if any one should attempt it, he would shoot him.
I leaped into the road; and he followed after, swearing he would shootme if I didn't stop.
The negro made some reply which the master construed into insolence, and in a great rage he swore if he did not come to him immediately he would shoot him.
Indeed, I would shoot him as quick as I would a squirrel if I could see him.
My wife and seven children belong to another man who said he would shoot my brains out if I dared to come on his plantation.
This talk seemed to exasperate him more than ever, and regaining his revolver, he swore that he would shoot the d--d Yankee any way.
The truth is, he had told his girl when he left home, that he would shoot a Yankee before he returned, and was too cowardly to attempt to kill one who was armed.
He insisted that I start on, but I told him plainly that I would not walk a step, that I had just about as leave he would shoot me right there as to take me back into prison.
Except for the sin of it I wish hewould shoot me, for then I should have done with all this pain.
That I had abused his confidence and violated his hospitality; that he would shoot me if I came near his girl.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would shoot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.