Ferthermore We do you to understonde that Roger Tillyngton, Skynnere, our welbeloved servaunt desurth gretly to be freman and enfranchisedamongs you at þis tyme.
But that Metamorphosis is seldome seene amongs humane sort, and therfore I aduise the gentle kind, to matche themselues in equall lotte, and not to trust Sir Custome's curtesie in choyse of feere.
Wherfore incontinently maister Thorello, and the bed, in the presence of Saladine was caried out of sight and Saladine taried stil, deuising and talkyng of hym amongs his Barons.
He susteined perill and payne in like sort as the common Souldier did, liberally deuidinge his spoiles and booties amongs them.
Hang him vpon some vnhappie tree, and scourge him in some place within the Citie, either amongs these our triumphes, where the spoiles of our enemies do remaine, or els without the walles, amonges the graues of the vanquished.
Who saith that Seleucus king of Babylon, a man verie victorious in battaile, wasamongs the successors of Alexander the great, the moste happie and fortunate: He had a sonne called by his father’s name Antiochus.
But after they had opened the graue and stayed it vp, it came in question amongsthem who should go in.
Amongs the Greeces Homer was 5 A Poett mouche renownde, Amongs the Latyns Vyrgilius Was beste of Poets founde.
Sir, I prey God brynge you onys to regne amongs youre cuntre men in love, and to be dred.
And when the said pore peple have be by such injuries overladd and so undoon, nedz most the gentlemen that have they pore lyvelode amongs hem be gretely minisshed and hyndered of their increse and levyng.
And that youre blood may by his grace from kynrede to kynrede multeplye in this erthe to hys servise, in such wyse as after the departyng fro this wreched world here, ye and thei may glorefye hym eternally amongs his aungelys in hevyn.
And thys doon wyth the labours that they may make there in shewyng theyr grevaunces to the Commissioners; and the seid grevaunces shewed also here amongs the Kyng and the Lordz, it ys verrayly to thynk that they shall be purveyd of a remedie.
This being spoken in the audience of severals, and amongs others of a preist, I conceived it would not be my worst to retire, which I did.
Its heldamongs the greatest tounes of England after London.
To the wondrous fertility of the country, much of it laying to the same climat wt Italy, the Inhabitants addes great industry: no vagabonds nor idle persons being suffered amongs them but punished vigorously.
Amongs on another they make not a boast to call him[213] bougre, coquin, frippon, etc.
Amongs the Abencerrages was eminently conspicous the bell esclave on the head of Moray Zel, the father of Sultane Queenes party, for fear of whom the queen suffers no small greife.
To the contribution for the prisoners amongs the Turks, a mark.
For a long tyme amongs the Romans old age was held such a ignominious thing that they could not get the scurviest coalsteeler in Rome that would act the person of a old man, not so much as in Comoedy.
Memorandum: one copy of this bill remaineth amongs the bills of workmanship at the White Freris and Baretts place, and another bill amongs the bills of plate and pledges.
And God knowith I ly in seint warye [sanctuary] at grete costs, and amongs right unresonable askers.
Thys Gentleman amongs all his faithfull Companions did most lament the harde fortune of Dom Diego.
Now lyke as ingratitude is a vice of greatest blame and discommendation amongs men, euen so Gentlenesse and Kindnesse ought to beare the title of a most commendable vertue.
Thou shalt say vnto him, when he speaketh to thee agayne, that I loue him better than he loueth me, but it behooueth me to saue mine honoure, and to keepe my good name and estimation amongs other Women.
In so mutch as then they dispayred so of their Enterprises, as this Prouerbe rose vp amongs them, Gietti Soltan Mustapha, which signifieth an vtter dispayre in thinges which they thought before to goe about.
Alas, I looke not to expect any thyng certayne from thee, sith thou hast thy course amongs the wandring starres.
Who may better sing and daunce amongs vs Ladies all, Than she that doth hir louer's heart possesse in bondage thrall?
Amongs all the comforts which this pore Siena Gentleman found, although but a curssed Traitor, was thys vnfaithfull and pestiferous Camaeleon, who came and offred him al the pleasure and kindnesse he was able to do.
Item paid for ij bushell of pesyn departyd amongs the susters in Lente xvj d.
Item paid for brede and ale and fewell departyd amongs the susters by a yere and a half lij s.
Besids these things, ther fell out a differance amongs those 3.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amongs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.