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Example sentences for "alumina"

Lexicographically close words:
altum; altura; alum; alumed; alumen; aluminate; alumine; aluminium; aluminous; aluminum
  1. They are somewhat rich in alumina and many contain crystals of pholerite (Al2O3.

  2. A material resembling clayite in physical appearance, but containing free alumina and free silica (p.

  3. The latter combines with the alumina in the shale and when the roasted ore is extracted with water a solution of iron sulphate and aluminium sulphate is obtained.

  4. It may, however, account for the presence of free silica and free alumina in some clays.

  5. The chief constituents of all clays are alumina and silica, the latter being always in excess of the former.

  6. A strong solution of acetate of alumina has irritant properties, and has given rise to accidents.

  7. However true this picture may be when large doses are given subcutaneously, it does not follow that hydrate of alumina in small doses, given by the mouth, mixed with food, produces any symptoms whatever.

  8. Wash the filter with hot water, to which a little KHO may be added, and proceed to precipitate the alumina in the filtrate by adding a few drops of dilute phosphoric acid and excess of pure acetic acid.

  9. This is probably a crude chloride of copper, but a mixture of carbonate of copper and alumina or chalk is now commonly sold under the name in the shops.

  10. Give the goods a mixed mordant of acetate of alumina and acetate of iron, followed by a bath of madder or of madder and fustic.

  11. Acetate of alumina as a mordant brightens it.

  12. Dr Dupre is of opinion that no baker should be fined in whose bread the amount of alumina found corresponds with less than 10 grains of potash alum in the 2-lb.

  13. With alumina it forms the basis of several brown dyes.

  14. The liquid is then boiled and filtered, and the precipitates, consisting of phosphates of alumina and iron, well-washed with boiling water, ignited and weighed.

  15. Citric acid in pure crystals or in lime juice is much used by the calico-printer, being the best known 'resistant' for iron and alumina mordants.

  16. We must remember that this crystal, the cyanite, is a compound of silica and alumina only.

  17. The compact soil, on the contrary, is made up of the finest materials, among which alumina largely predominates.

  18. Clays are compact soils, not only by reason of the fineness of their particles, but because the predominating alumina swells and becomes pasty when it is wet, and thus prevents the passage of water through them.

  19. Relatively small but increasingly important quantities are used in making bauxite brick or high alumina refractories for furnace-linings.

  20. Alumina is the principal constituent of bauxite, the ore of aluminum, and of the natural abrasives, emery and corundum.

  21. The Arkansas bauxite deposits, the most important in the United States, are surface deposits overlying nepheline-syenite, an igneous rock with a high ratio of alumina to iron content.

  22. Representing in terms of weight the mineralogical changes in the katamorphism of serpentine rock to iron ore, on the assumption that alumina has remained constant, eastern Cuba.

  23. That this salt, the supersulphate of alumina and potassa, is used to make paper, as cartridge paper, &c.

  24. It appears that the presence of silex and alumina distinguishes this kind of steel from the English.

  25. In 1987 conditions began to improve for the bauxite and alumina industry because of increases in world metal prices.

  26. In 1985 it suffered a setback with the closure of some facilities in the bauxite and alumina industry, a major source of hard currency earnings.

  27. Strong hot sulphuric acid readily and completely decomposes it, showing it to be a silicate of alumina and ferrous oxide, with some magnesia and alkalies, but with no trace of lime.

  28. Such an alkaline glaze, indeed, will only adhere to a porous base of this kind, with which it becomes united on firing, by a chemical reaction, or at least by the solution in it of some of the silicates of alumina and lime in the clay.

  29. Footnote 2: The alumina here is probably not to be regarded as a base, but rather as taking the place of the silica.

  30. It contains a high percentage of alumina and silica, and has a characteristic brown color with a gravity of 3.

  31. Dillenburg in Nassau, contains copper carbonate; demidoffite and cyanochalcite contain copper phosphate; and pilarite contains alumina (perhaps as allophane).

  32. The analysis of a specimen of Brazilian chrysoberyl gave alumina 78.

  33. Chromium sesquioxide is a basic oxide, although like alumina it acts as an acid-forming oxide towards strong bases, forming salts called chromites.

  34. His analysis of chrysoberyl does not possess the accuracy of the rest: by some inadvertence, he has taken a compound of glucina and alumina for silica.

  35. He showed, too, that glucina is easily dissolved in a solution of carbonate of ammonia, while alumina is not sensibly taken up by that solution.

  36. He shows, also, that alumina and lime are capable of combining together.

  37. He found it to consist chiefly of silica, united to alumina, and to another earthy body, very like alumina in many of its properties, but differing in others.

  38. If the earth in solution was alumina, crystals of alum would form in the course of a short time; but if the earth was glucina, no such crystals would make their appearance, alumina being the basis of alum, and not glucina.

  39. The water holds in solution a great amount of lime, with some soda, alumina and magnesia, which are slowly deposited as the water flows down the sides of the mountain.

  40. They are all silicates of lime and magnesia with sometimes alumina and iron.

  41. It is a silicate of alumina and cæsia.

  42. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime.

  43. The process of manufacture of rubies is carried on with the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, to whose intense heat the powdered alumina with its coloring oxides is subjected.

  44. Thus, with solution of acetate of alumina in different grades of density, and with madder, every shade can be produced from the fullest red to the lightest pink, and with acetate of iron and madder, every shade from black to pale violet.

  45. They add to a concentrated syrup a strong solution of sulphate of alumina (having by a previous examination of the syrup determined the quantity required).

  46. Add washed and recently precipitated alumina to a strong and filtered decoction of Brazil wood.

  47. It is generally prepared by mixing crude sulphate of alumina with about an equal weight of crude pyrolignite of lime, both being in the state of solution.

  48. The crude solution of acetate or sulpho-acetate of alumina employed in calico printing.

  49. In combination with alumina and a large boracic acid, it is said to be capable of producing a glaze for earthenware of extreme beauty and durability, and perfectly innocuous.

  50. By agitating recently precipitated alumina with a solution of the colouring matter, prepared as before, until the liquid is nearly decoloured, or the alumina acquires a sufficiently dark tint.

  51. In the manufacture of the glass for the white phials purer materials (and these as free from iron and alumina as possible) are used.

  52. Pure alumina and tannic acid, of each 20 gr.

  53. Some beds of alum-shale are visible at the foot of these cliffs, containing much sulphate of alumina and masses of baked clay.

  54. Thus, if a solution of alumina in sulphuric acid be taken, it will have, like the acid, an acid reaction, and will therefore colour litmus red.

  55. Its separation will be very evident in this case, as alumina is insoluble in water.

  56. Thus, for instance, if aqueous ammonia is added to a solution of a salt of aluminium, then alumina hydrate is separated out as a colourless gelatinous precipitate.

  57. Graham and others observed the power shown by colloids (see note 18) of forming similar hydrosols or solutions of gelatinous colloids, and, in describing alumina and silica, we shall again have occasion to speak of such solutions.

  58. But alumina does not dissolve under these circumstances.

  59. However much alumina we may dissolve in sulphuric acid, we cannot saturate the acid properties of the sulphuric acid, the resulting solution will always have an acid reaction.

  60. Hydrate of alumina is an instance in question, which is soluble both in caustic potash and in sulphuric acid.

  61. So also, whatever quantity of alumina is dissolved in an alkali, the resulting solution will always present an alkaline reaction.

  62. The hydrates of alumina and silica are examples of such unstable hydrates.

  63. Gaudin's experiments on the fusion of quartz, which show that silex, as it cools, has the property of remaining in a viscous state, whereas alumina never does.

  64. Laterite is a red or brick-like rock composed of silicate of alumina and oxide of iron.

  65. Flint usually contains some admixture of alumina and oxide of iron.

  66. The apocrenates of iron and manganese are slightly soluble; those of lime, magnesia, and alumina are insoluble.

  67. Silica, oxyd of iron and alumina are thus dissolved.

  68. The crenates of lime, magnesia, and protoxide of iron are soluble, crenates of peroxide of iron and of oxide of manganese are but very slightly soluble; crenate of alumina is insoluble.

  69. This inferior variety of the iron-alumina garnet is called the "common" garnet, and has little lustre, being sometimes opaque.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alumina" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.