Beyond is San Girolamo, a church belonging to a convent of Vallombrosan nuns, with an altarpiece by Vincenzo Tamagni of 1522, with an upper part added by a later hand.
The altarpiece is a good work of the chief Florentine painter of the seventeenth century, Matteo Rosselli.
Simone Martini is not represented in the Gallery; but there is an altarpiece (51) ascribed to Lippo Memmi, and fairly characteristic of the religious art of fourteenth century Siena.
At the back of the high altar is the Pala d'Oro, the greatest treasure the cathedral possesses, and the most celebrated golden altarpiece in existence.
A fine altarpiece by Andrea della Robbia in the north transept shows the saint receiving the stigmata, or wounds of our Lord's Passion.
Domenico Muratori had been the scholar of Pasinelli, and painted the great picture in the church of the Apostles, which is probably the largest altarpiece in Rome, and represents the martyrdom of S.
An account of these, and other works of eminent artists, may be found in modern writers; and particularly in Mariotti, who mentions the altarpiece of the Crucifixion, between S.
This altarpiecepossesses so much harmony, and such a force of colour, that it is esteemed by some persons the best picture in the city.
His greatest work is the altarpiece in the Duomo at Fano, representing all the saints, containing a vast number of figures well grouped and well contrasted, and if not very correctly designed, still possessing Barocci's tone of colour.
The first altarpiece was executed by a scholar of Provenzale, already mentioned, Giambatista Calandra, born in Vercelli.
I shall speak of his merits in the Venetian school, and shall here only add, that he had for a pupil Pietro Alamanni, the chief of the painters of Ascoli, a respectable quattrocentista, who painted an altarpiece at S.
Domenico di Urbino, on thealtarpiece in the Chapel of the Muccioli, their descendants.
Venanzio di Camerino is a large altarpieceon a ground of gold, with Christ on the Cross, surrounded by many Saints, with three small evangelical histories added to it.
Joseph of Copertino, which he painted at twenty-one years of age, as an altarpiece in the church of the Apostles, and we shall perceive the rapid strides which are made by genius.
In other places the largest picture by him which is to be seen, is an altarpiece in the cathedral of Montefiascone.
In an altarpiece at Ober St Veit and in the scattered wings of the Jabach altarpiece severally preserved at Munich, Frankfort and Cologne, the workmanship seems to be exclusively that of journeymen working from his drawings.
This altarpiece was afterwards replaced at Frankfort (all except the portraits of the donors, which remained behind) by a copy, while the original was transported to Munich, where it perished by fire in 1674.
John van Eyck certainly wished to guard against an error which ill-informed posterity showed itself but too prone to foster, the error that he alone had composed and carried out an altarpiece executed jointly by Hubert and himself.
Uffizi there is in the corridor analtarpiece with St. Matthew in the midst that is certainly partially his own.
It is a very different scene you come upon in his altarpiece in S.
His work is beautiful by reason of its delicacy and gentleness, but it is so completely in the old manner that Vasari gives his altarpiece of the Annunciation now here in the Accademia (No.
But of the work of Masaccio his pupil, though his best work remains in the same place, there may be found here in the Accademia an early altarpiece of Madonna and Child with St. Anne (Sala III, No.
He was a man of almost universal genius, but his altarpiece in S.
Paul before Felix," "Moses brought to Pharaoh's Daughter" and the Altarpiece for St Mary Redcliffe at Bristol.
Several smaller panels from the same altarpiece are to be found in the Chalendon Collection in Paris, and one belongs to M.
A younger contemporary of Fouquet was Simon Marmion, who lived at Valenciennes and is chiefly known to us by his fine altarpiece at Saint-Bertin: a composition now divided between Berlin and London.
Coxcie returned in 1539 to Malines, where he matriculated, and painted for the chapel of the gild of St Luke the wings of an altarpiece now in Sanct Veit of Prague.
One of the latest pictures with which the name of Cranach is connected is the altarpiece which Cranach's son completed in 1555, and which is now in the Stadtkirche (city church) at Weimar.
Altarpiece with Predelle: Madonna with St. Peter and Baptist and kneeling Ecclesiastic.
Seven Predelle to Ghirlandajo's altarpiece in church, in which he painted also the "Massacre of the Innocents.
The only painting certainly from Andrea's hand is the altarpiece at S.
The high altarpiece is an Assumption by Rubens, in which the Virgin is pictured in the clouds surrounded by a heavenly choir, with the apostles and other figures below.
We find his tomb in the beautiful church of St. Jacques, rich in carvings and noble paintings, not far from the fine altarpiece painted by his hand.
Of particular merit are the fine tapestries and the altarpieceof Venetian mosaics.
The tryptych altarpiece is modern, also the east window in memory of Dean Lear.
This is supposed by the commentators of Vasari to be the altarpiece painted for Giovanni di Paolo Merciajo, but Biadi traces it through the possession of Antonio, son of Zanobi Bracci, to its present possessors.
Andrea was however often employed in more serious work, as the records of the Servite Convent prove, for they contain the note of payment to him, in 1510, for the curtains of the altarpiece which Filippino Lippi had painted.
Vargas of Seville painted for the cathedral in 1555 a picture of the Nativity, which still forms the altarpiece of the little chapel dedicated to that event.
Inside is a barbarous elaborately carved oakaltarpiece of late renaissance and of no merit.
An altarpieceis made up of fragments of old carved oak.
Marco; also an altarpiece in tempera of the Virgin and Child between Saints Peter, Thomas Aquinas, Dominic and Peter Martyr, now much destroyed.
The various parts of the altarpiece were enclosed in a splendid and ornate frame while in the possession of Prince Demidoff in the latter half of the nineteenth century and the whole is a magnificent monument to Crivelli's art.
Fernandez is scarcely known out of Spain, but art students will delight in his work, and everyone should see the beautiful "Madonna and Child" in the Church of Santa Ana in Triana, and the large altarpiece in San Julian.
Memling's altarpiece is in the collection, a much restored painting of "St Christopher and the Infant Jesus.
An altarpieceby Giannicola, one of Perugino's pupils, should be noticed.
This is the altarpiece "The Madonna with Angels and Saints," in the Church of San Zeno.
Another of Borgoña's works will be seen in the Capella de San Eugénio, an altarpiece representing scenes in the life of Christ.
A magnificent altarpiece of gold-workers' design is shown for a fee.
Parts of the altarpiece are elsewhere, in Berlin and Brussels, and the whole was carried away by the French, only a portion being restored.
Signorelli designed an altarpiece for this church.
San Zaccaria has Bellini's altarpiece "The Madonna and Child.
The carved figures in the centre of the altarpiece on the south-east wall are by Veit Stoss, and the wings are of the school of Wolgemut.
On the north-east wall of the chapel is an altarpiecewith wings by Wolgemut--SS.
The oldest Nuremberg picture is said to be an altarpiecein St. Jakobskirche.
The high altarpiece has the distinction of being the earliest specimen of Nuremberg painting.
The second chapel, of the Cibo family, rich in pillars of nero-antico and jasper, has an altarpiece representing the Assumption of the Virgin, by Carlo Maratta.
He painted for the altarpiece his best picture, in which the saint is represented as triumphing over the idols, while the temple in which she has been led to sacrifice, is struck by lightning from heaven, and falls in ruins around her.
If the carved altarpiece were to tell in the subdued light of the Gothic church, the artist had to resort to exaggeration, to sharp contrasts in modeling, to the added emphasis of gold and color, to secure his effect.
The anonymous master of the Bruges altarpiece shows to some extent the influence of Memling; his style, however, is thoroughly personal in its naivete and admirable expression of a good-natured temperament.
The Master of the San Miniato Altar-piece The author of this charming panel-painting derives his name from his principal work, a large altarpiece still preserved in the little Tuscan town of San Miniato dei Tedeschi.
Margherita commissioned the new chaplain to paint an altarpiece for the high altar of the convent church.
Margherita altarpiece and the abduction of Lucrezia was so short, that the picture may have been only just begun and left to be finished by some other inferior painter.
Margherita, has given colour to the theory that this is the very altarpiece which figures so prominently in the chief romance of Filippo Lippi's life.
III The Sant' Ambrogio altarpiece must have added enormously to the reputation which the Carmelite painter enjoyed among his contemporaries.
The Shrine that is his masterpiece once completed, the only other dated work of which we have any knowledge is the polyptych altarpiece which hangs in the Greverade chantry of the Cathedral at Lubeck.
Even so, paintings like the altarpiece in the Royal Museum at Turin and that in the Royal Gallery at Munich must have made heavy calls on his time through a number of years.
Turning to the other works of this period which we have mentioned, the Moreel altarpiece arrests our attention.
The decorated side pillars with Ionic capitals we have seen in the altarpiece of the Annunciation by Andrea della Robbia.
Detail of marble altarpiece in alto relievo in cathedral of Fiesole, being a part of the monument of Bishop Salutati.
The masterpiece of the paintings is an altarpiece by Van Dyck representing the Crucifixion, a notable representation of the gradations of grief in the faces of the Virgin and Mary Magdalen.
In 1443 the artist began what in the judgment of the art critics was his most important work, an altarpiece representing "The Last Judgment" for the chapel of a hospital at Beaune, near Dijon in Burgundy, where it still remains.
His most important work is an altarpiece in the possession of the Merode family at Brussels, while the Frankfort Museum and the Prado at Madrid contain some fine examples of his skill.
In his extremity he applied to the parish priest and offered to paint an altarpiece for the village church on very moderate terms.
The high altarpiece is another famous Rubens, an "Assumption"--a subject which he painted no less than ten times.
The Last Supper," which was the greatest masterpiece of Justus, was painted as an altarpiece for the brotherhood of Corpus Christi at Urbino and still hangs in the church of Sant' Agatha in that Italian town.
The Elevation of the Cross," the earlier and inferior of the two, was intended to be the altarpiece for the church of Ste.