He painted both history, and altarpieces for churches, a specimen of which is seen in his Probatica at the Ascension.
There are several altarpieces likewise in oil at San Benedetto, in Mantua, all of which are not equally happy.
There are twoaltarpieces of his hand remaining in Montagnana.
I have seen altarpieces for churches, and pictures for private ornament, in the same taste.
He produced several altarpieces for churches, the most highly admired of which was, perhaps, that placed at Reana, a village near Udine.
Returning thence into his own country he painted several altarpieces and other minor pictures, such as to entitle him to a high place among the followers of Cortona.
It is not, however, within my province to enter into a consideration of their books; but in regard to thealtarpieces of Girolamo, I cannot remain silent.
In his altarpieces and other sacred subjects he produced a pleasing effect from the spirit of devotion, but never for the dignity he displayed in them.
A specimen of his altarpieces at San Paterniano, displays an imitator of Titian, and of the better age.
The earliest pictures assigned to him are altarpieces with the monogram H.
He also traced the same hand and technical execution in the great altarpieces of Annaberg and Heilbronn, and in various panels exhibited in the museums of Mainz, Darmstadt, Aschaffenburg, Vienna and Berlin.
In the Marche there is a series of terracotta altarpieces attributed to Pietro Paolo Agabiti, a local painter of the XVI century.
Here Andrea Delia Robbia left his impress strongly marked, especially in the very beautiful altarpieces at La Verna.
He afterwards painted on a larger scale, and besides some altarpieces in Rome, he left some considerable works in Piedmont, where we shall notice him again.
By the assistance of Solimene, Sanfelice attained a name among historical painters, and painted altarpieces for several churches.
Placido Costanzi is often mentioned with approbation in the collections of Rome for the elegant figures he inserted in the landscapes of Orizzonte; he also painted some altarpieces in a refined style.
In some of his smaller pictures he discovers a good Marattesque style; but in his fresco and altarpieces he is negligent, and adheres much to Sacchi, yet in a manner that discovers traces of Cortona.
His altarpieces were intended as sumptuous additions to rich churches, and were consequently arranged, with many divisions, in the old Muranese manner.
He can only be fully studied in Brescia itself, where literally dozens of altarpiecesand wall-paintings show him in every phase.
Gentile still painted religious altarpieces with the Virgin and Child enthroned with saints, but most of his time was devoted to the production of his great canvases.
But by the time Tintoretto was twenty-six his talent was becoming recognised; he had painted the two altarpieces for SS.
These great pageant-pictures had become identified with the Bellini and their following, while the production of altarpieces was peculiarly the province of the Vivarini.
The splendid series of allegorical subjects which Titian contributed to the Pardo, while he was still supplying sacred pictures and altarpieces to Venice and the neighbouring mainland, are among his most mature and important works.
The great altarpieces which remain strike us less by their research, their preoccupation with new problems of paint or grouping, than by their intense delight in beauty.
He still produced altarpieces, and the Presentation of the Infant Christ in the Temple, which he was called upon to paint for San Giobbe, where one of Bellini's most famous altarpieces stood, challenged him to put forth all his strength.
Upon his return Van Dyck worked for five years in Antwerp, painting during that time many altarpiecesand religious subjects for the churches and chapels of the city.
He was asked to paint altarpieces for the churches, and even at last, when his name became famous, he was invited to work upon the walls of the Ducal Palace, the highest honour which a Venetian painter could hope to win.
It was just when the glory of Venice was at its highest that Art too reached its height, and Giorgione and Titian began to paint the walls of her palaces and the altarpieces of her churches.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "altarpieces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.